This assignment contributes 40% of the total marks for this module. The focus of this assignment is to draw upon your knowledge of international business to present proposals concerning the effective management of the proposed action to enter into the overseas market or expand operations in the existing overseas market which you selected in Assessment 1.
The first area of the assignment is to specify an appropriate international business strategy that can provide the basis for exploiting the new or existing overseas business market. The second area of the plan is to define the marketing actions and appropriate organisational structure and control systems for implementing a successful entry or expansion into the overseas market which has been selected. In the report utilise appropriate academic theories about international business to create frameworks to support your proposals..
The main body of the report should not exceed a length of10 A4 pages, typed single space, using Arial point 12 type face. You can also attach appendices to the report to provide coverage of information that, because of the report length constraint, could not be included in the main report. There is no limitation on the length of the appendices.
The source of all materials included in the report should be accurately referenced using the same referencing format (which is known as the Harvard System) as is utilised in your study guide.
Unless otherwise specified by your Module Tutor, this report should be undertaken as an individual assignment.
Unless otherwise specified by your Module Tutor the completed assignment should be submitted in electronic format not later than the stated final submission date for this assignment. It is critical your name is provided on the front page of the final submission. Please note that as well as submitting the report, you are also required to submit a Student Self Reflection Form.
Any individuals facing a problem submitting the assignment by the specified due date should immediately advise their Module Tutor by e-mail about this situation. The assignment mark and feedback will be distributed via Learnline.
Charles Darwin University - International Business - PRBM009
The submitted assignment is required to demonstrate the following:
1. An ability to utilise sources such as the Internet and University library facilities to search, locate and summarise data relevant to the assignment
2. An ability to utilise appropriate theories about international business to create frameworks that can your formulation of an appropriate strategy for the overseas market actions being proposed.
3. Selection of a realistic international business strategy for the chosen organisation.
4. An ability to utilise appropriate theories to create frameworks that can to justify your decisions about the market management actions being proposed
5. Presentation of an appropriate structure and control system for utilisation by the chosen organisation in the selected overseas market.
6. An ability to present a well written, well structured report
7. An ability to critically analyse information, formulate conclusions and exhibit original thought.
The levels of achievement for the assignment are measured by demonstration of:
1. Effective use sources such as the Internet and University library facilities to search, locate and summarise data relevant to the assignment
Ultilisation of appropriate theories about international business to create frameworks that can your formulation of an appropriate overseas market entry strategy for the chosen organisation
Proposing a realistic overseas market strategy for the chosen organisation
Use of appropriate theories to create frameworks that can to justify your decisions about the market management actions to be utilised
2. Presentation of an appropriate structure and control system for utilisation in the chosen organisation
3. Submission of a well written, well structured report
4. Evidence of critically analysis of information, formulation of conclusions and exhibiting original thought.
Charles Darwin University - International Business - PRBM009
85% and above
Very exceptional piece of work with outstanding characteristics demonstrating imagination, originality or flair, based on proficiency in all learning objectives of the unit. Shows excellent understanding of how to utilise academic theories to create frameworks to support the analysis of an overseas market. Presents an very strongly justified analysis of the chosen overseas market. Extremely well written, well structured submission providing very strong evidence of analytical skills and original thought. Very high professional quality of presentation.
75 – 84%
Excellent work with outstanding characteristics. Shows a very good understanding of how to utilise academic theories to create frameworks to support the analysis of an overseas market. Presents an appropriately justified analysis of the chosen overseas market. Well written, well structured submission providing very strong evidence of analytical skills and original thought. Professional quality of presentation
60 – 74%
Good submission. Shows an understanding of how to use academic theories to create frameworks to support the analysis of an overseas market. Covers all the variables that will influence performance in the selected overseas market. The submission is well structured and written providing strong evidence of analytical skills and original thought. Professional quality of presentation
50 -59%
Represents an effective piece of work. Shows an understanding of theories relevant to analysing an overseas market and provides a good assessment of the variables in this market likely to influence of the organisational performance. Adequate quality of presentation.
Less than 50%
Shows weaknesses in many of the key areas covered. Key aspects of the assignment have not been addressed.