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Assessment Information
Assessment Information
Subject Code: MBA503
Operations Management and Decision-Making Models
Assessment 1 - Short Answer Questions
Monday of Week 5 at 23.55 AEST
Subject Name:
Assessment Title:
Total Marks:
Due Date:
Assessment Description
Submission: Turnitin
Length: 500 words per question, +/- 10%
Late submission possible: Published Kaplan penalties apply for late submissions
Assessment brief
Using the two quotations presented on the next page as an initial focus point, comprehensively
answer each of these questions:
1. Amazon began as an on-line book retailer. How has it grown to be known as the -everything
2. What aspects of Amazon's operations management are based on the increased globalisation
of world trade?
3. Amazon’s marketplace focuses on smaller sellers and manufacturers by linking them with a
huge customer base and fulfillment program. Can e-commerce ever truly replace the in-person
shopping experience?
4. What are (or could be) the real long-term implications of the increased presence of Amazon to
the Australian Retail Industry?
You are expected to conduct sufficient research into the topics that will help you construct your
answers, and the research is to be used to support your statements and assertions. As a guide, you
are expected to use a minimum of 5 references per question. The use of contemporary (recent)
publications will be valued in assessing the quality of research. The references must be authoritative
and not sourced from Wikipedia, Slideshare, Businessballs or other non-academic sources.
The Harvard Referencing System must be used for the references and citations. The document must
be submitted through Turnitin. Any evidence of academic misconduct (plagiarism) will attract the
appropriate penalty as published in Kaplan’s policies and guidelines. These penalties include the
possibility of being given a mark of zero for the assessment.
Any student who is not sure of how to meet the requirements of this assessment is encouraged to
discuss the issue with their facilitator at the earliest opportunity.
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Copyright Regulations 1969
This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Kaplan Business School pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (‘Act’). The material
in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection
under the Act. Kaplan Business School is a part of Kaplan Inc., a leading global provider of educational services. Kaplan Business School Pty Ltd ABN 86 098 181 947 is a
registered higher education provider CRICOS Provider Code 02426B.
Assessment Information
How Amazon Is Changing Supply Chain Management
“The rate of Amazon’s innovations in supply chain management has been
mesmerizing. The rate of change has been incredible, making it difficult for lower
volume competitors to keep up. Amazon is forcing its major competitors to invest
more in supply chain automation, lessen the overall product delivery time,
increase the number of warehouses, and even engage in product manufacturing.
Amazon is already out of reach for most online e-commerce competitors. At the
same time, its acquisition of Whole Foods is another bold declaration of its move
into bricks and mortar, further emphasizing the convergence of traditional retail
and e-commerce strategies.
Most importantly, Amazon’s unique supply chain strategies and continuous
technological innovations have already changed the way supply chain
management works. With impending advances in robotics, drones and other
autonomous vehicles, one can only guess what the future holds for Amazon.”
The secrets behind Amazon's success
-Patience, relentless investment and serial innovation have helped Jeff Bezos’s
company 'shred the competition'.
At some point in the near future, 85% of the world’s products will be available on
Amazon. That was the startling view, privately expressed, by the head of
consumer markets at a big global management consultancy to me two years ago.
This was the goal, he said, towards which chief executive officer Jeff Bezos was
marching Amazon. Once reached, this would be a strategic, operational and
financial game changer for the business.-
Criterion % Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Answers the
reports tasks
25 Inadequate coverage of
the stated key
requirements of the
A basic examination of the context
of the report is evidenced
A valid attempt has been made to
exceed the stated minimum
requirements of the report
Extensive investigation of the
chosen topic is evident and all
requirements of the report
have been exceeded
An exhaustive coverage of all
aspects of the topic relevant to
workplace best practice and
operational efficiency
Identification and
Topic Coverage
25 An inadequate
coverage of only the
simplest elements of
the topic
A basic coverage of only the key
aspects of the topic and lacking
much insight into its use in
The report clearly demonstrates that
the student has a sound knowledge
of the topic and applications to
Clear and unambiguous
identification of most elements
considered to be important to
the topic. Direct application to
industry is evident.
Near expert demonstration of a
deep understanding of the
topic and its applications in
Evidence of
Research and
Development of
Opinion or
25 No obvious logic in the
report. No opinions or
arguments are offered
Little or no recognition
of existing research or
even elaboration of
material presented in
lectures and tutorials
There has been a basic attempt to
develop a thread of argument or
opinion to support information
presented Some appropriate
discussion of concepts presented
in lectures and tutorials but the
evidence of investigation into
alternative sources of information
is minimal
The report demonstrates a good
understanding of the need to offer
arguments or opinions in support of
information presented or
recommendations made. There has
been an adequate use of existing
research in the report to supplement
the basic knowledge gained in
lectures and tutorials
The report is strengthened by
the underlying arguments,
opinions or industry examples
provided. Relevant research
has been clearly identified,
analysed and utilized in
formulating report content and
development of
As for Distinction Grade but in
addition primary research
methodologies such as staff
interviews and questionnaires
are also utilized to strengthen
Relevant research is evident
throughout the report and
properly used to gain insights
into current best practice in the
topic discussed
Language and
Grammar Layout
and Referencing
25 Does not provide a
summary of activities
nor provide
relevant to the chosen
Poor use of spelling
and grammar. No
consistency of style.
Lack of any evidence of
No clear structure to
report and poor design
Faulty or no referencing
of sources
Contains a simple summary of the
main activities of the student in
compiling the report but does not
clearly present actionable
recommendations. There are
frequent and obvious spelling and
language mistakes that have not
been identified by the student.
Layout difficult to read and follow
with poorly designed indexing.
The referencing is inconsistent.
Competent summary of key student
activities demonstrating a clear
understanding of the report
requirements. Recommendations are
evident but no definite
implementation strategies are stated
or emphasis placed. There is only
occasional evidence of inappropriate
grammar and spelling but this does
impact on the quality of the report.
There is an obvious structure to the
Report that permits the reader to
follow the information presented.
References are listed and cited
Contains a concise and
sequential summary of the
student’s activities.
Recommendations are clear
and prominent and are
accompanied by
implementation plans
The Report is well- structured
and uses a variety of visual
elements to emphasise
concepts and physical detail.
The language is clear and
The Report is well- structured
and uses a variety of visual
elements to emphasise
concepts and physical detail.
The layout is clear and
sources are appropriately
As for Distinction grade but in
addition the Executive
Summary flows in a way to
immediately capture the
interest of decision-makers
who are reading the Report
The language and grammar is
correct throughout the report
and adds to the “readability” of
the document
The Report captures all of the
important information in a
highly structured, seamless
and attractive format. The
report is professionally
assembled and referencing is
appropriate and concise.