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MGT723 Research Project
Semester 2 2018
Assessment Task 1: Research Proposal
Student Name: XXX
Draft Research Question: XXX
Title: XXX
Submission Date: XXX
I certify that I have carefully reviewed the university’s academic misconduct policy. I understand that the source of ideas must be referenced and that quotation marks and a reference are required when directly quoting anyone else’s words.

Literature Review - Summary
A logical set of arguments that builds understanding of the theory and issues, the theoretical constructs and how you plan to operationalise them, and convinces the reader of the prediction expressed in the hypothesis. Put in references wherever possible. If you do not have a reference for an important logical point, include the point but note that references being sought. Dot points can be used, but only if they are built into an argument.
Seminal articles
Overview of key aspects of the theory
Key theoretical constructs
Dependent Variable (Proxy) and its related theoretical construct. Any previous research that has operationalised this theoretical construct in this way, or argument for why you will operationalise it with that measure.
Independent Variable and its related theoretical construct. Any previous research that has operationalised this theoretical construct in this way, or argument for why you will operationalise it with that measure.
The argument for the relationship between the IV and DV.
Mention another variable that you will consider in your model and why (usually based on previous research that has included the measure as a control, moderating, or mediating variable.

Conceptual Model:
Provide a diagram to show the relationships between the key theoretical constructs. Note that this does not have to be complicated – use colours and fonts and shapes carefully to clarify the nature of the variables and the relationships between them rather than to be ‘fancy’. The conceptual model MUST be consistent with the previous discussion and the following hypothesis and proxy variables.

Include draft hypotheses that you can continue to refine and which will be assessed in ACC620. Your hypothesis should predict the relationship between the IV and DV (you don’t have to mention the other variable)
Proxy Measures for Theoretical Constructs
Complete the following table
Theoretical Construct Proxy measure (From CDP survey provided) Dependent (DV) and Independent (IV). Control Variable (CV), Mediating Variable (MeV) or Moderating Variable (MoV). In a sentence explain why it is a DV, IV, CV, MeV or MoV Measurement Scale: Nominal, Ordinal, or Scale (Ratio)

Add rows if necessary
Research Method:
Describe the research method (i.e., Survey). Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the method and implications for the data that you have been provided with and the conclusions that you might draw in Task 3.