Assignment 2: Unit project - Part A
Due date: Week 7
Group/individual: Group assignment
Word count: Max 5000
Weighting: 20%
Unit Learning Outcomes: [ULO1]
Course Leorning Outcomes: [CLO1], [CLO4], [CLOS]
Leorning outcomes: GA7
Assignment Details:
Assume that your team has been hired by a contractor wishing to prepare and submit a tender for the implementation of the case project. Your team should prepare a project plan that focuses on scope, time and cost management of the case project. In Assignment 1, students will focus on scope planning of the case project. In this assignment, the following topics should be addressed for the case project:
1- Project scope statement including project boundaries, Project boundaries, Objectives, Deliverables, Milestones, Technical requirements, Limits and exclusions, Reviews with customer, Assumptions and constraints
2- Work Breakdown Structure
This assignment will be a base for time and cost planning that should be done in the next assignment.
Marking Criteria: