ENGI20502 Plant Drafting Assignment 4 – Isometric Piping
For pipes 03-18-A15-8” and 03-32-A15-6” from Chapter 15 of the textbook complete the isometric piping drawing using following steps:
1. Draw an isometric representation using the drawings and documentation given in textbook Chapter 15 and appendices. Note: all welds, flow arrow, and text should
be in appropriate isometric planes (50%)
2. As per textbook show all:
a. Dimensions and calculations (Excel) (25%)
b. Offsets (5%)
c. Coordinates (5%)
d. Notes and callouts (5%)
e. Line number (5%)
f. Any additional required information
3. File name (5%)
4. Use the assigned North arrow from textbook
The marking scheme is included in the steps as a percent.
The assignment should be submitted in the AutoCAD and Excel format.
File names: ENGI20502 A4 Lastname(firstname)-class
Folder name: ENGI20502 A4 Lastname(firstname)-class
After creating folder place both files in this folder, zip the folder and then submit it.
Submit the assignment by TBA before the class start in SLATE dropbox
Note: Late submissions will result in a deduction proportional to lateness
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