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Manage Operational Plan

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2
Candidate Details 3
Assessment – BSBMGT517: Manage Operational Plan. 3
Demonstration 4
Summative Assessments 5
Section A: Skills activity 6
Summative assessments: Section A checklist 7
Section B: Knowledge activity (Q & A) 8
Summative assessments: Section B checklist 9
Section C: Performance activity 10
Summative assessments: Section C checklist 12
Workplace Documentation – for learner 13
Workplace documents checklist 13
Supplementary Oral Questions (optional) – for assessor 14
Competency record to be completed by assessor 17

Candidate Details
Assessment – BSBMGT517: Manage Operational Plan.
Please complete the following activities and submit to your trainer for marking via your Moodle Course. This forms part of your assessment for BSBMGT517 Manage Operational Plan.
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________
I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where I have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another person.
Signed: ____________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________________________
If activities have been completed as part of a small group or in pairs, details of the learners involved should be provided below;
This activity workbook has been completed by the following persons and we acknowledge that it was a fair team effort where everyone contributed equally to the work completed. We declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where we have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for us by another person.
Learner 1: ____________________________________________________________
Signed: ____________________________________________________________
Learner 2: ____________________________________________________________
Signed: ____________________________________________________________
Learner 3: ____________________________________________________________
Signed: ____________________________________________________________
Throughout this unit, you will be expected to show your competency of the elements through demonstrations. Your instructor will have a list of demonstrations you must complete or tasks to be observed. The demonstrations will be completed as well as the activities found in this workbook. An explanation of demonstrations:
Demonstration is:
? Performing a skill or task that is asked of you
? Undertaking a simulation exercise
Your instructor will inform you of which one of the above they would like you to do. The demonstration will cover one of the unit’s elements.
The demonstration will take place in the training environment. Your instructor will ensure you are provided with the correct equipment and/or materials to complete the task. They will also inform you of how long you have to complete the task.
You should be able to demonstrate you can:
1. Plan document
2. Draft document
3. Review document
4. Write final document
You should also demonstrate the following skills:
? Reading
? Writing
? Oral Communication
? Navigate the world of work
? Interact with others
? Get the work done

Summative Assessments
The summative assessments are the major activities designed to assess your skills, knowledge and performance, as required to show competency in this unit. These activities should be completed after finishing the Learner Guide. You should complete these as stated below and as instructed by your trainer/assessor.
Skills, knowledge and performance may be termed as:
? Skills – skill requirements, required skills, essential skills, foundation skills
? Knowledge – knowledge requirements, required knowledge, essential knowledge, knowledge evidence
? Performance – evidence requirements, critical aspects of assessment, performance evidence.
Section A: Skills activity
The skills activity is designed to be a series of demonstrative tasks that should be assessed by observation (by the assessor or third party, depending on the circumstances).
It will demonstrate all of the skills required for this unit of competency – your assessor will provide further instructions to you, if necessary.
Section B: Knowledge activity (Q & A)
The knowledge activity is designed to be a verbal questionnaire where the assessor asks you a series of questions to confirm your competency for all of the required knowledge in the unit of competency.
Section C: Performance activity
The performance activity is designed to be a practical activity performed either in the workplace or a simulated environment. You should demonstrate the required practical tasks for the unit of competency and be observed by the assessor and/or third party, as applicable to the situation. If the third party is required to observe you, you will need to make the required arrangements with them.
If necessary for the activities, you should attached completed written answers, portfolios or any evidence of competency to this workbook.

Section A: Skills activity
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required skills for this unit.
This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following skills:
? Reading
? Writing
? Oral Communications
? Numeracy
? Navigate the world of work
? Interact with others
? Get the work done
Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.
1. Using an information source provided by your assessor, identify information that would help to support a resource proposal.
2. Write an email or letter to the management of an organisation highlighting the need for resources in Question 1.
3. Role play a discussion with another learner playing an employee in which you explain an upcoming change in the workplace.
4. Using mathematical information that is appropriate to your workplace, calculate how many of a given resource is required.
5. Role play consulting a health and safety specialist about changes to organisation policy.
6. Role play a telephone call with a colleague in which you give directions for the implementation of an operational plan.
7. Plan a timetable for aspects of the operational plan.

Summative assessments: Section A checklist
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and performance as relevant to the summative assessment. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.
Learner’s name
Assessor’s name
Unit of Competence
(Code and Title)
Date(s) of assessment
Has the activity been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the competency of the learner? Yes No
(Please circle)
Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner for the activity? Yes No
(Please circle)
Provide your comments here:
The learner’s performance was: Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory
If not yet satisfactory, date for reassessment:
Feedback to learner:
Learner’s signature
Assessor’s signature
Section B: Knowledge activity (Q & A)
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required knowledge for this unit.
The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:
? Describe models and methods for operational plans
? Explain the role of an operational plan in achieving the organisation’s objectives
? Explain budgeting processes
? List alternative approaches to developing key performance indicators to meet business objectives
? Outline the legislative and regulatory context relevant to the operational plan of the organisation
? Outline the organisation’s policies, practices and procedures that directly relate to the operational plan.
Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one.
1. Describe how you would create an operational plan.
2. Explain the role of an operational plan in achieving the organisation’s objectives.
3. Explain what you should take into consideration during the budgeting processes?
4. How can you develop key performance indicators to meet business objectives?
5. What legislation or regulation will directly affect the operational plan in your organisation?
6. Give examples of your organisation’s policies, practices and procedures that directly relate to the operational plan.

Summative assessments: Section B checklist
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and performance as relevant to the summative assessment. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.
Learner’s name
Assessor’s name
Unit of Competence
(Code and Title)
Date(s) of assessment
Has the activity been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the competency of the learner? Yes No
(Please circle)
Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner for the activity? Yes No
(Please circle)
Provide your comments here:
The learner’s performance was: Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory
If not yet satisfactory, date for reassessment:
Feedback to learner:
Learner’s signature
Assessor’s signature
Section C: Performance activity
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required performance elements for this unit.
This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following performance evidence:
? Develop and implement an operational plan using a variety of information sources and consultation (including using specialist advice if required) which includes:
o resource requirements
o key performance indicators
o monitoring processes
o contingency plans
? Communicate effectively with relevant stakeholders to explain the plan and supporting information, seek approvals, negotiate variations and engage work teams
? Develop and implement strategies to achieve the operational plan within the organisation’s policies, practices and procedures including:
o recruiting, inducting and developing personnel
o acquiring physical resources and services
o protecting intellectual property
o making variations to the plan
o monitoring and documenting performance.
Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.
1. Develop and implement an operational plan using a variety of information sources.
Ensure that you:
? Plan adequate resource allocation
? Choose relevant key performance indicators
? Put in place performance monitoring processes
? Develop relevant contingency plans.
2. Communicate effectively with relevant stakeholders during the development and implementation of the plan.
Ensure that you:
? Provide supporting information (e.g. specialist information, data)
? Seek approvals for plan where necessary
? Identify variations and negotiate for them
? Engage work teams.
3. Develop and implement strategies to achieve the operational plan within the organisation’s policies, practices and procedures.
Ensure that you consider:
? Recruiting, inducting and developing personnel
? Acquiring physical resources and services
? Protecting intellectual property
? Making variations to the plan
? Monitoring and documenting performance.

Summative assessments: Section C checklist
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and performance as relevant to the summative assessment. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.
Learner’s name
Assessor’s name
Unit of Competence
(Code and Title)
Date(s) of assessment
Has the activity been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the competency of the learner? Yes No
(Please circle)
Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner for the activity? Yes No
(Please circle)
Provide your comments here:
The learner’s performance was: Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory
If not yet satisfactory, date for reassessment:
Feedback to learner:
Learner’s signature
Assessor’s signature
Workplace Documentation – for learner
Workplace documents checklist
To demonstrate and support workplace knowledge, workplace documents can be submitted to the assessor or third party. Indicate in the table below the documents that have been provided. Please refer to your trainer/assessor if clarification is required or if you have any further questions on what you are able to provide or use.
Document name/description Document attached
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
Yes No (Please circle)
For RTO use only
Have originals or digital copies been supplied for the workplace documents? Yes No (Please circle)
If not originals, have the originals been validated or checked? Yes No (Please circle)
Learner’s signature
Assessor’s signature
Supplementary Oral Questions (optional) – for assessor
The below table is for you to document any supplementary verbal questions you have asked the learner to determine their competency. For example, if you are unsure of their answer to a question in the Learner Workbook, you may choose to ask them a supplementary question to clarify their understanding of the relevant criteria.
Learner’s name
Assessor’s name
Unit of Competence
(Code and Title)
Date of assessment
Learner answer:
Assessor judgement: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Learner answer:
Assessor judgement: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Learner answer:
Assessor judgement: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Learner answer:
Assessor judgement: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Learner answer:
Assessor judgement: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Feedback for the learner
I have read, understood, and am satisfied with the feedback provided by the assessor.
Learner’s name
Learner’s signature
Assessor’s name
Assessor’s signature

Competency record to be completed by assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and performance as relevant to the overall unit. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed competent or not yet competent for the unit or if reassessment is required.
Learner’s name
Assessor’s name
Unit of Competence
(Code and Title)
Date(s) of assessment
Has the learner completed all required assessments to a satisfactory standard? Yes No
(Please circle)
Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner to prove their competency across the entire unit? Yes No
(Please circle)
The learner has been assessed as competent in the elements and performance criteria and the evidence has been presented as:
Authentic Yes No
(Please circle)
Valid Yes No
(Please circle)
Reliable Yes No
(Please circle)
Current Yes No
(Please circle)
Sufficient Yes No
(Please circle)

Learner is deemed: Not yet competent Competent
If not yet competent, date for re-assessment:
Comments from trainer/assessor:
Learner’s signature
Assessor’s signature