Assignment Brief Level 6 Strategic Stakeholder Relationships June 2018
General overview – word count
The recommended word count for this assignment is 4,000 words (-/+ 10% tolerance, i.e. your submission should not be less than 3,600 words and no more than 4,400 words). Please be aware that markers are instructed to stop marking when the maximum word count is reached. NOTE – your Table of Contents, all Appendices and the References list are all excluded from the overall word count.
Choose a local or international organisation with which you are familiar. All of your answers must be based on this organisation. You must be able to easily obtain the required background information to enable you to respond to the Tasks. In answering the Tasks, you should assume the role of an experienced consultant hired by the Board.
You must provide a one-page summary of background information on your chosen organisation (200- 250 words). This must include:
? Name of the organisation
? Size of organisation
? Main markets where it operates (geographical locations)
? Examples of products and services
? Key competitors
? Main customer segments
In addition to the above, you can include any other information which might be useful for the marker to help them understand the context of your answers. Your organisation summary is not included in the overall word count.
NOTE - The organisation summary must be completed and must accompany the submission otherwise the assessment cannot be marked.
6USSR0618 © ABE 2018
Assignment tasks
Task 1 30 marks
1000 words a. Discuss methods for identifying your chosen organisation’s stakeholders. You must make reference to appropriate tools and theory.
(15 marks – 500 words)
b. Critically analyse the organisation’s key stakeholder groups on the basis of their respective power/interest in relation to the change project. You must make reference to appropriate tools and theory. (15 marks – 500 words)
Task 2 40 marks
1500 words a. Prepare a detailed ‘force field analysis’ relating to your change project. Discuss how the ‘restraining forces’ identified in the analysis might be overcome.
(15 marks – 550 words)
b. Prepare a detailed stakeholder engagement plan supporting the change project.
(15 marks – 550 words)
c. It is important that the engagement plan is reviewed after implementation to ensure it is effective. Evaluate different methods that can be used to ensure its
effectiveness. (10 marks – 400 words)
Task 3 30 marks
1000 words a. Evaluate different stakeholder communication methods for dealing with potential resistance to the proposed change project
(15 marks – 500 words)
b. Evaluate the different negotiation techniques that can be used to eliminate this conflict. Use appropriate theory and examples to support your answer.
(15 marks – 500 words)
6USSR0618 © ABE 2018