Year 7 RE Important People in Salvation History
One way of reading the Bible is to look at it as a record of the important stories that form the history of God reaching out to mankind. This is called the history of salvation.
In the list below are people who play a special part in salvation history. Some of these people are mythical, some are truly historical – but all of them can tell us something true about God.
Choose two people from the following list. (You will need to check with your teacher, as if two people have already chosen your person you will need to choose another.)
For each person, complete the following tasks:
? Read the Bible entry given for each person/event.
? Prepare an A4 sized poster for each person.
On your poster, include the following:
? Create a symbol representing that person/event
? Describe the person. In your description include the following information:
o Where in the Bible (Old/New Testament) do we read about this person?
o The human authors of the Bible were inspired by God to record these stories. What lessons can we learn from the story of this person?
o Offer advice for how learning from this person can help improve our relationship with God.
o What can we learn from this person about how we should treat other people/God/people who don’t like us/the environment? (Choose whichever one is appropriate.)
1. Adam & Eve
Gen 1-2:25
2. The fall – Cain & Abel
Gen 4:1-16
3. Noah
Gen 6-9
4. Abraham
Gen 12:1-9;
5. Sarah
Gen17; 21:1-7
6. Isaac
Gen 22:1-19
7. Jacob
Gen 28:10-22 8. Joseph
Gen 37, 39-47:1-12
9. Moses
Ex 2-12
10. Miriam
Ex 2:3-10, 15:20-21
11. Rahab
Josh 2:1-13; 6:17
12. Ruth
Ruth 1:1-16
13. Samuel
1 Sam 3:1-20
14. David
1 Sam17 15. Elijah
1 Kings 18
16. Daniel
Dan 6
17. Jonah
Jon 1-2
18. Solomon
1 Kings 3
19. Judith
Jud 8-13
20. Tobias
Tob 10-12
21. Raphael
Tob 10-12 22. Zachariah
Lk 1:5-25, 57-80
23. Elizabeth
Lk 1:5-25, 39-65
24. John the Baptist
Lk 3:1-22
25. Gabriel
Lk 1:3-38
26. Mary
Lk 1:26-56; 2:1-19
27. Joseph
Matt 1:18-25; 2:1-16
28. The Magi
Matt 2:1-12
Year 7 Religious Education
Salvation History Poster Profiles
Assessment Rubric
Domain Criteria Below standard At standard Above standard
1 2 3 4
Knowledge and Understanding Knowledge The poster demonstrates very little knowledge of the subject investigated. The poster demonstrates some knowledge of the subject investigated. The poster demonstrates good knowledge of the subject investigated The poster demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the subject investigated
Symbol Symbol is poorly chosen and ineffective at representing the person. Symbol is partly effective at representing the person. Symbol acceptably represents the person. Symbol is very effective at representing the person.
Style &
Organization Display is uninteresting, not tidy. Materials are incomplete and not organized. Presentation has no sequence or plan evident. Some parts of the display are interesting. Some materials are organized. Presentation has some sequence and plan evident. Display is interesting and attractive. Materials are complete and well organized. Presentation has sequence and plan evident. Display is interesting and attractive. Materials are complete and organized to present the ideas well.
Creativity &
Appearance Little attempt to add colour or originality. Project has sloppy appearance. Some attempt made to add colour and originality. Project is neat. Good creative effort. Project is neat and shows evidence of time spent on it. Project is excellently presented reflecting creativity and a lot of thought.
Reasoning and Responding Depth of response Few key concepts, questions, issues, and definitions are identified, clarified, and focused Some key concepts, questions, issues, and definitions are identified, clarified, and focused Most key concepts, questions, issues, and definitions are identified, clarified, and focused All key concepts, questions, issues, and definitions are identified, clarified, and focused
Depth of reasoning Student’s response lacks sequencing and/or reasoning. Student’s response is reasonable but sequencing of ideas is underdeveloped. Student’s response is rational and logically sequenced. Student’s response is developed, rational and logically sequenced.
Personal and Communal Engagement Personal response in context Student’s response demonstrates little connection with the subject. Student’s response demonstrates some connection with the subject. Student’s response demonstrates a developing connection with the subject. Student’s response demonstrates a developed connection with the subject.
Communal response in context Student’s work is not suitable for use among others. Student’s work is suitable for use among others. Student’s work is suitable for use among others and may prompt discussion. Student’s work is suitable for use among others and easily generates discussion.
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