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Assignment 2: Topics for
Professional Practice
Objectives: Assignment two: 1
Overview 2
Topics: 2
Assignment Process: 2
Process 3
Guidelines 4
Objectives: Assignment two:
After successfully completing this assignment students will:
1. Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of a topic pertinent to the practice of a new graduate Registered Nurses in Australia
2. Develop a mock journal article with an appropriate/effective theme and supporting evidence/theory on an assigned topic from the provided list.
3. Apply published theory and evidence-based-practice to the development of the article.
4. Synthesise published material with the student’s own analysis to demonstrate appropriate discussion/conclusions.
5. Demonstrate professional communication at an exit level (final semesters of third year) in the accepted form of an Academic Assignment.
6. Develop collegial practice and life-long learning by the student and their colleagues by presenting their scholarship to their community on study desk.
The student is to write a journal article (for mock publication) about a topic of relevance to Registered Nurses, particularly those beginning their practice. The topic is to be selected from the list below. The article is expected to have a theme (i.e. a ‘point’, a statement or an argument) and then be supported from appropriate and current literature.
The purpose of the article is to accomplish the learning objectives. To give it a context it is to be considered as an article for a mock Australian journal which is to be published for New Graduates (Beginning Practitioners, new Registered Nurses) as they enter into professional practice as an RN.
The topics each must have an Australian and ‘new graduate’ focus. Choose one of the following:
1. The experience of transition of an RN into the organisation – achieving ‘cultural fit’ in the clinical setting.
2. Socialization for transitioning Registered Nurses into the clinical area of practice
3. The transitioning registered nurse’s scope of practice in working in specialty teams of the Emergency Department, Intensive Care or Perioperative setting.
4. Delegating duties to other personnel including non-licensed workers as a transitioning Registered Nurse
Assignment Process:
1. Essay conventions are expected.
2. The article is to contain:
a. An abstract (250 words) – what is the article about; the key findings; the conclusions; how does this impact practice?
b. Introduction (200 words) – description of what it is you will be exploring – the theme and the topic
c. Significance of the issue (200 words) - why the theme and topic is important to an RN as they transition into practice
d. Discussion – what do the key findings in the literature say about your theme and topic? (600 words)
e. Evaluation – what significant strategies arise from the discussions that could be actioned in practice (550 words)
f. Conclusion (200 words) – a summary of the main points
g. References are not included in the word count but MUST be included at the end of the journal article.
3. The aim is to write current and pertinent information targeted for novice Registered Nurses in the Australian Environment.
4. Although writing ‘to’ this audience – the article should be in third person and not second (i.e. ‘the nurse’ rather than ‘you’)
5. A high level of scholarship (researching the literature, using the literature and writing the paper) is expected. Each section of the mock journal article must be supported through the use of best practice literature.
6. A minimum of 12 pertinent and current resources is expected. Current means in this course 10 years ‘young’ unless a seminal (classic) work.
7. The topics above are ‘topics’ not themes. It is expected students will design a theme from one of these topics and clearly demonstrate that argument through the paper.
8. The article is to be published as an assignment – there are NO marks for spending time ‘publishing’ and formatting it for a journal (with attractive columns, pictures, fonts etc.) This is not a good use of student time as it is the content, writing and referencing skills which are being assessed.
1. Due Dates: Written Piece: June 4 2018 at 2355
2. Word limit is 2000 – 2250 words
3. Assignment represents 50% of the work in the course – Marking guide is out of 25 marks.
4. This piece of assessment is an individual submission; it is not group work – it must be the student’s own and it will be electronically tracked against other submissions and submissions from previous semesters.
5. Submitted via study desk link (only) - no emailed copies or hard copy accepted
6. Please note referencing is APA6 as per USQ library guidelines.
7. Negative marking will occur for: a) word count beyond or below parameters; b) late submissions; c) the omission of a marking guide
8. Request for extensions are for extenuating circumstances and must be negotiated with the examiner. The examiner will request a ‘work in progress’ at the point of request. Relevant documentation must be provided eg. Medical certificate with the request for an extension.
9. Clinical practice or being internet-challenged (i.e. away from resources) is NOT an acceptable reason for an extension. Nearly ALL students in this course have clinical practice and students need to plan accordingly. In addition many students are graduating this semester and the timeframe is tight to have marking/moderation and grade moderation done for grades release.
1. Use strong themes and support these well – write clearly to the audience (the reader).
2. Students must use APA6 (consistently).
3. Achieving correct referencing formatting is just one aspect of referencing. More important is how to a) use someone else’s published material, b) correctly synthesise it into the student’s own work – and c) correctly acknowledge that it is either a published author’s work – or ascribed to someone else within their work (a secondary citation).
4. The use of ENDNOTE is encouraged and some allowance for MINOR punctuation anomalies will be allowed if the student uses ENDNOTE (i.e. capitalisation in the title).
5. Academic staff assistance is provided to answer questions, look at themes or student outlines or assist with resources. We are not in a position to review whole drafts – but we will help with specific questions or help with clarifying either the assignment instructions or the individual student’s plans for their writing. We are able to review student outlines or discuss these with you.
6. Students affirm when they turn assignments into study desk that it is their own work.
7. Turnitin is used when assignments are submitted to electronically track the essay against other submissions and against published work. Students are able to identify concerns on submission and correct these up until the point of final submission. This is a good learning tool to use.
Turning in work that someone else has done for you and stating that it is your own is considered fraud. It does not reflect well on a student who is soon to be a Registered Nurse in Australia. It does not reflect well on the profession.
Any breach of this is a breach of professional ethics (which is what is studied in this course) and this will be referred to the academic integrity processes as per USQ requirements.
8. The version that the student submits to study desk by the due date (or an approved extension) is the ONLY VERSION which will be marked. This is the student’s responsibility to ensure it is correct. Stating later that it was ‘just a draft’ or an assignment for another course will be treated the same as a late assignment with penalties. The reference list is expected at the time of submission and will incur late penalties if submitted after the due date.