Qualification: BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
Unit of Competency: BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
Student Name:
Student ID:
Trainer’s name: Era Nayeem
Assessment Due Date: 30/04/2018
BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to execute tasks associated with the recruitment cycle and apply in-depth knowledge of the work of the organisation, and how recruitment and selection practices fit with other human resources functions. This unit applies to individuals who support recruitment, selection and induction functions under the direction of a human resource manager.
Elements Performance Criteria
1. Plan for recruitment 1.1 Obtain approval to fill position, clarify time lines and requirement for appointment
1.2 Assist in preparing job descriptions that accurately reflect the role requirements, according to organisational policies and procedures, legislation, codes, national standards and work health and safety (WHS) considerations
1.3 Consult with relevant personnel about job descriptions and workforce strategy
1.4 Assist in ensuring that job descriptions comply with legislative requirements and reflect the organisation's requirements for a diverse workforce
1.5 Obtain approvals to advertise position
2. Plan for selection 2.1 Choose appropriate channels and technology to advertise vacancies and/or identify potential talent pool
2.2 Advertise vacancies for staffing requirements according to organisational policies and procedures
2.3 Consult with relevant personnel to convene selection panel and develop interview questions
2.4 Assist in ensuring that interview questions comply with legislative requirements
2.5 Assist in short-listing applicants
2.6 Schedule interviews and advise relevant people of times, dates and venues
3. Support selection process 3.1 Participate in interview process and assess candidates against agreed selection criteria
3.2 Discuss assessment with other selection panel members
3.3 Correct biases and deviations from agreed procedures and negotiate for preferred candidate
3.4 Contact referees for referee reports
3.5 Prepare selection report and make recommendations to senior personnel for appointment
3.6 Advise unsuccessful candidates of outcomes and respond to any queries
3.7 Secure preferred candidate's agreement
3.8 Complete necessary documentation according to organisational procedures, observing confidentiality and privacy requirements
4. Induct successful candidate 4.1 Provide successful candidate with employment contract and other documentation
4.2 Advise manager and work team of new appointment
4.3 Advise managers and staff of candidate's starting date and make necessary administrative arrangements for pay and employee record keeping
4.4 Arrange successful candidate's induction according to organisational policy
Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:
• prepare job descriptions
• use job descriptions to support sourcing, selecting and appointing suitable staff
• use different advertising channels to promote vacancies and/or establish a potential talent pool
• consult with managers to gain approvals
• develop selection criteria and interview questions in consultation with relevant personnel
• schedule interviews and advise relevant people of times, dates and venues
• participate in interviews and other selection techniques including assessing candidates against selection criteria to short list them
• obtain referees' reports
• prepare and distribute a selection report including feedback to give unsuccessful candidates
• advise unsuccessful candidates of the results
• secure preferred candidate’s agreement and provide an employment contract
• advise other staff of the successful candidate and arrange induction.
Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
• Identify documentation required for recruitment, selection and induction
• explain human resources life cycle and the place of recruitment and selection
• identify legislation relevant to recruitment, selection and induction of staff
• describe channels and technology to advertise vacancies
• explain a range of interviewing techniques and other selection processes and their application.
Foundation Skills
Reading • Synthesises ideas, concepts and specific information from workplace and regulatory texts to inform development of workplace documents
• Evaluates information to make judgements
Writing • Produces a range of text types using specific information, workplace conventions and templates
Oral Communication • Asks questions and listens carefully to gather, interpret or evaluate information
• Uses appropriate vocabulary to present ideas or persuasive arguments
Navigate the world of work • Applies workplace protocols, legislation or regulations relevant to own responsibilities
Interact with others • Selects and uses appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with personnel, candidates or referees
• Participates in conversations relevant to role responding, explaining, negotiating and persuading as required
Get the work done • Selects and uses digital technology to access, enter, store and retrieve information in accordance with security requirements
• Takes responsibility for planning and implementing tasks for efficient and effective outcomes
To be deemed competent for this unit of competency, you are required to satisfactorily complete the following assessment tasks:
• Assessment Task 1: Plan for recruitment
• Assessment Task 2: Support the selection of staff
• Assessment Task 3: Support the induction of staff
Assessment Instructions
Your assessment will be required to be typed in Arial font size 12 only. You will provide your completed assessment for all of questions in one document and MUST be uploaded into MOODLE (No other method of submission will be accepted).
You are required to professionally format your document including spell-check and indicating each Task answer [e.g. Task 1 (a.) then the answer, Task 1 (b.) then the answer etc.] according to this Assignment requirement. You may lose marks if you have not spell-checked your document (as this is a professional formatting requirement, a business skill).
This assessment can be completed in one of several ways. Assessment candidates may identify unit requirement within their own work environment or organisation, or with reference to a scenario provided by the trainer/assessor.
Be sure to properly reference your sources of information using the Harvard referencing system. For more information go to:-
• Student Handbook - latest version
• Ask your Trainer/Assessor to provide you with this information
In order to determine if you are addressing this assignment adequately in terms of competency/comprehension (prior to due date) a draft copy of your assessment should be discussed during class time in consultation with your Trainer/Assessor. For this feedback/ support from your Trainer/Assessor, you will need to bring to class your “draft copy” with any evidence of the research you have conducted to produce the assessment.
If, as a student you feel you have special needs that require your Trainer/Assessor to apply a reasonable adjustment – please discuss this with your Trainer/Assessor at the beginning of the subject studies.
Your Assignment must:
a. Be of a professional standard (spelling, grammar, punctuation)
b. Size 12, Arial Font
c. 1.5 Spacing
d. All pages must have a Header/Footer with the following details:
o Name
o Student ID
o The course & unit of competency
o Date
o Page numbering
e. Title page
f. Index page
g. Body of work
h. Referencing
How to upload your answered assessment into MOODLE
To upload your assignment into Moodle, follow these steps.
1. Log-in to Moodle and access the subject that you will be submitting the assignment in.
2. Locate the assessment you will be uploading into by scrolling down to the week that the assessment is due in and then click on the assessment submission link.
3. Click on the name of the assignment.
4. Click the Browse button.
5. Select the file and click Open.
6. Click the Upload this file button.
7. If you have more than one file, repeat the process (steps 4-6) to attach additional files up to the assignment's limit.
8. Once happy with your submission click the Send for marking button. The files are locked and the student can no longer delete, or upload more, files.
Note: The date and time of the submission is recorded when the files are sent for marking, not when they are first uploaded.
Performance objective
In this assessment task, you will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to assist in planning for recruitment and obtaining approval for your plans.
Assessment description
Across three assessment tasks you will support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff. In this Assessment task, you will plan for recruitment and selection.
In response to a simulated business scenario (CoffeeVille), you will:
? develop a schedule for recruitment activities
? write a job description and job advertisement, that reflects role requirements, organisational needs and compliance with legislation
? identify a selection panel and questions for interview to be added to the interview guide template provided.
As a part of the consultation process, you are to obtain approval and develop these in accordance with organisational requirements.
1. Review the CoffeeVille simulated business documentation (which will be provided to you by the assessor).
2. Identify the role requirements for the position of café manager by reading the scenario and consultation notes (provided in Appendix 1).
3. Prepare a recruitment schedule (using the template provided in Appendix 2) for the recruitment of a new café manager.
The schedule should clearly support the organisational goals, be ordered logically to reflect the human resources life cycle and include:
? human resources functions and personnel required to complete recruitment
? a schedule which clearly indicates the different stages of recruitment and steps to be undertaken
? timelines for each of the stages/steps.
4. Develop a job description for the role required (using the template provided in Appendix 3) in line with the CoffeeVille scenario and simulated business documents.
The job description must comply with EEO and anti-discrimination legislation and standards.
5. Write a job advertisement for the position (using the template provided in Appendix 4) in line with CoffeeVille’s policies and procedures and suitable for the types of advertising media identified in the consultation notes.
6. Develop an interview guide (using an editable, electronic version of the template provided in Appendix 5).
The interview guide must identify the selection panel (in accordance with the CoffeeVille scenario) and contain five questions which evaluate the applicable selection criteria identified from the consultation notes. The questions must not breach EEO or anti-discrimination legislation.
The five questions should cover the following categories:
? work history (two questions)
? education and training (one question)
? personality, motivation and character (two questions).
7. Seek approval from Emma Belcastran (your assessor) and make necessary amendments as required by Emma to the:
? recruitment schedule
? position description
? job advertisement
? interview guide.
8. Submit all documentation (original and amended versions) as per specifications below. Keep copies for your records. You will need to retain your completed work for reference in Assessment Tasks 2 and 3.
You must submit a completed:
? recruitment schedule using Appendix 2
? job description using Appendix 3
? job advertisement using Appendix 4
? interview guide using Appendix 5.
? any amendments made following consultation made to the:
? recruitment schedule
? position description
? job advertisement
? interview guide.
Your assessor will be looking for:
? literacy skills to:
? work with job descriptions
? review policies and procedures to ensure legislative requirements are reflected in job descriptions
? to devise suitable questions for interviews
? communication skills to:
? support the recruitment and selection functions required in the simulated business scenario
? technology skills to:
? develop job advertisement/s appropriate to the advertising channel selected
? update the interview guide template in accordance with instructions
? planning and organisational skills in arranging a recruitment schedule
? knowledge of human resources functions, human resources life cycle and the place of recruitment and selection in that life cycle, when arranging a recruitment schedule
? knowledge of principles of equity and diversity and relevant legislation when developing a job description, job advertisement and interview questions.
Appendix 1: Simulated Business Scenario
Background to scenario
CoffeeVille is a family-owned and run café located in Melbourne. CoffeeVille aims to serve quality food and fair trade coffee at a city pace. The café is currently open 7 am–5 pm, Monday to Friday.
CoffeeVille has been experiencing consistent growth in sales and numbers of customers over the last two years. This growth has led to a need for a second floor manager who is able to manage customer complaints, take responsibility for higher level café operations and manage staff performance.
The current manager, Joe Belfone, works four days a week. Joe is a good manager, but when he’s not there on Fridays, the café does not run as smoothly. The owners of the café have also decided to start opening on Saturdays, and would like to have at least one manager working from Monday to Saturday.
Owners Emma and Rufus Belcastran have provided you with the task of recruiting a full-time or part-time café manager (working Tuesday–Saturday or Wednesday–Saturday). Recruitment, selection, and induction processes must be undertaken in accordance with relevant external standards, such as legislation and codes of practice, and internal standards, such as organisational policies and procedures.
You will need to review organisational documentation and undertake preliminary research into hiring a café manager.
You will need to recommend the tasks and timelines required for recruitment and selection, provide a job description and advertisement for the role and, finally, provide an interview guide template to the owners for approval.
The new staff member needs to be appointed within six months.
Consultation notes
The following are recorded notes from consultations that you’ve undertaken with management.
Rufus Belcastran – Owner
Rufus has expressed that he would like to:
? interview ASAP and is happy to negotiate a suitable time for interviews
? attract an applicant through referral from staff or patrons.
Rufus would like a café manager who is available for an immediate start, who lives locally and who has at least five years’ experience in:
? managing staff
? barista training
? motivating staff
? induction and in-house training
? performance appraisals.
Rufus would also like to hire an individual with a qualification that is relevant to operating/managing a small business.
Rufus is available any time for interviews.
Emma Belcastran – Owner
Emma wants to spend the minimum on advertising the position and generally prefers to try advertising on the shop window or through word of mouth. She really wants the manager to start some time in the next six months.
In terms of the salary, Emma explains that ideally they want to hire someone who’s available for a full-time work week (38 hours) at $24.50 an hour.
Emma is available to conduct interviews on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, but she requires at least 48 hours’ notice.
Emma also mentions that it’s really important to ensure that anyone of any age, gender, cultural background feels welcome to apply. Emma says: ‘We’ve tended to write ads in the past with extremely formal English and sophisticated wording and I feel like it has limited our applicant pool to people with university degrees. I want to move away from that kind of advertising to attract someone with the right skills, not someone with a PhD.’
When you write the advertisement, put my name and email as the contact details for submitting the applications.
Emma would be looking for the following in the new café manager:
? an understanding of fair trade principles
? a qualification that is relevant to operating/managing a small business
? exceptional communication skills
? staff management experience including:
? performance management
? training
? strong understanding of coffee products
? sales and customer service skills
? sustainability and community building experience
? ability to develop and implement café policies and procedures
? ability to manage vendors and maintain inventory
? ability to run staff meetings.
Joe Belfone – Current Café Manager
Joe would prefer to promote an existing staff member who understands the needs of the café and requires limited training. Plus, an internal staff member would be able to start immediately which would be a big help to Joe. Joe would like to utilise CoffeeVille’s Facebook page to advertise the position.
Joe is available after 3pm, when he finishes work, for interviews, or Tuesdays around 11am when café is quiet.
Joe would be looking for the following in the new café manager:
? CoffeeVille product knowledge
? at least three years’ experience in:
? managing staff, including training
? performance appraisals
? must be highly motivated
? excellent communication and interpersonal skills
? excellent management and leadership skills
? good organisational skills
? an understanding of food and beverage operations
? must be available to work four weekdays and Saturday each week
? social media savvy especially with Facebook and Twitter
? bilingual skills desirable (particularly Italian, Greek or Chinese)
The new manager would need to be able to perform the following duties:
? coordinating the café schedule, covering different shifts if necessary
? serving as the lead customer service contact at the café, including answering questions, welcoming customers, and other communications
? responsibility for keeping café area clean, neat and orderly
? ordering any supplies needed for the café.
Appendix 2: Recruitment schedule
Name: Date:
Recruitment activities – Recruitment Schedule
Summary (including information in support of new position)
Milestone: Action and/or objective Time required Person responsible Budget and/or resources
(where applicable)
Appendix 3: CoffeeVille job description template
Job title: Insert job title
Salary: Insert salary per hour/annum or total package including base salary, superannuation, commissions or benefits
Hours: Insert average number of hours per week or type of employment such as casual, part-time, full-time
Location: Insert location of the position and any travel required
Reporting relationships: Insert supervisor’s title and details about the supervision given and received, and the relationships involved both internally and externally (such as customer relations)
About CoffeeVille: Insert a short description of CoffeeVille’s operations, values and culture
Purpose of position: Insert short paragraph which describes the overall purpose of this position and how it contributes to the goals or function of the business, include the authority level (e.g. manager or support staff) .
Responsibilities and Duties
For each responsibility: insert responsibility or duty of the position including frequency or duration of work, effort and skill required, complexity of tasks and equipment required. Insert what aspect of the responsibility will be reviewed to determine if the job is being done correctly, such as time frame, number of completed tasks per week
e.g. To manage the daily operations of the office including organising mail, couriers, catering and travel. Staff need to be able to use MS EXCEL confidently, to arrange global travel and to work on their own. At the end of each working week, all catering events for the following week must be finalised.
Responsibility 1 –
Responsibility 3 –
Responsibility 4 –
Responsibility 5 –
Responsibility 6 –
Academic and Trade Qualifications
e.g. Certificate in Office Administration Desirable
e.g. Advanced Excel course
Insert list of essential qualifications Insert list of desirable (but not essential) qualifications
Work Experience and Skills
e.g. Minimum two years general administration/ reception experience Desirable
e.g. Experience working within a manufacturing environment
Insert list of essential experience Insert list of desirable (but not essential) experience
Personal Qualities and Behavioural Traits
e.g. Written and verbal communication skills Desirable
e.g. Attention to detail
Insert list of essential qualities or behaviours Insert list of desirable (but not essential) qualities or behaviours
Employee name:
Signature: Date:
Manager name:
Signature: Date:
Performance review period: Insert review period e.g. every three months
Next review date: Insert next review date
Appendix 4: Job Advertisement template
Selected advertising channel/s
Tick selected channel/s for advertising position
newspaper classifieds
classifieds online Facebook
café window café noticeboard
industry newsletter
Reasons for selected advertising channels:
Provide rationale for the advertising channel/s you have selected
Job ad – Café Manager
? Job title
? Location
? Salary
? Application closing date
? Catch phrase for role
Short description of role and organisation and the reporting relationship of the role
Body of advertisement – Include required and preferred qualifications, experience, skills and personal traits
Appendix 5: Interview guide template
Job title: Café Manager
Date and time of interview: Complete in Assessment Task 1
Amend in Assessment Task 2
Selection panel: Complete in Assessment Task 1
Amend in Assessment Task 2
Applicant: Complete in Assessment Task 2
? Each member of the panel should make notes (on a separate sheet) and score each applicant. Scores should then be added up and used when making a decision.
? The panel should also decide which questions will be asked by each member of the panel.
Scoring – applicant’s answers should be scored as follows:
0 No answer given or answer completely irrelevant. No examples given. 2 Some points covered, not all relevant. Some examples given. 4 Good answer. Relevant information. All or most points covered. Good examples.
1 A few good points but main issues missing. No examples/irrelevant examples given 3 Some points covered. Relevant information given. Some examples given. 5 Perfect answer. All points addressed. All points relevant. Good examples.
Weighting – questions can be weighted 1 (low importance) or 2 (high importance) to reflect their overall importance to the position.
Questions and weighting
Question categories Questions
Complete in Assessment Task 1
Amend in Assessment Task 2 Applicant’s responses
Complete in Assessment Task 2 Weight
(1-2) Score
(0-5) Total
Complete in Assessment Task 2
Work history 1.
Education and training 3.
Personality, motivation and character 4.
Total score (skills and knowledge)
Follow up questions Applicant answer
complete in Assessment Task 2 Weight
(1-2) Score
(0-5) Total
complete in Assessment Task 2
How much notice do they have to give?
When can they start?
Additional questions
Total score (additional)
Referee contact details:
Complete in Assessment Task 2
Now give the applicant an opportunity to ask any questions that they might have and answer them.
Make notes of questions asked here in Assessment Task 2
Ending the interview:
? Thank the applicant for attending the interview.
? Let them know what happens next i.e. when you will be making your decision and how you will be letting them know the results (applicants who have attended the interview should be made aware of your decision either way).
In Assessment Task 1, insert the steps that will be taken to make the decision and inform applicants
Performance objective
In this task you will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to work with an interview panel to complete an interview and select a successful applicant for the role.
Assessment description
Across three assessment tasks you will support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff. In this Assessment task, you will participate in interviewing applicants and making a selection.
You will use résumé documents provided to select two appropriate applicants to interview for the role of Café Manager at CoffeeVille. You will then update the interview guide you developed in Assessment Task 1, and interview two applicants for the role. You will need to work as a group to complete these tasks.
The final part of this task involves conducting reference checks and writing a selection report to recommend an applicant for the role. This part of the task is to be completed individually.
Part A
1. Review the CoffeeVille simulated business documentation provided to you in Assessment Task 1.
2. Form a group of learners to act as a selection panel as per your assessor’s instructions. Your assessor may need to provide direction on identifying suitable learners to convene a selection panel with if you are separated from selection panel members by distance or time. Seek approval for the composition of the selection panel from your assessor before continuing.
3. With your selection panel, read and review the résumés (provided in Appendix 1) to determine who you would consider to be the strongest two applicants for the role. You will then interview these two applicants in Part B of this Assessment Task. During this stage, you will need to:
a. short-list applicants based on the requirements of the job role and the needs of CoffeeVille (as documented in the scenario in Assessment Task 1 and in the CoffeeVille policies and procedures)
b. adhere to principles of EEO and anti-discrimination legislation
c. negotiate for your preferred two applicants
d. take notes to document how the selection panel determined the most appropriate applicants to be interviewed; you will need to refer to these notes to write a selection report in Part C of this task.
4. With your selection panel, determine which interview questions (of the questions you individually developed for Assessment Task 1 and documented in the interview guide) you will choose to ask applicants during the interview. During this stage you will need to:
a. assign a weighting (from 0 to 5; 5 being most important) for each question
b. ensure that the group’s questions comply with legislative requirements, e.g. are not directly or indirectly discriminatory
c. edit your interview guide and replace your original questions with the final questions that are agreed on as a group
d. take notes to document how the selection panel determined the most appropriate questions to ask the applicant during the interview. You will need to refer to these notes to write a selection report in Part C of this task.
5. Once the group has selected applicants to be interviewed and agreed on interview questions, the group needs to schedule the interview role-plays with your assessor (who will act in the roles of the part of your chosen applicants).
6. You will need to make two copies of the interview guide and update the correct time, date and selection panel for each interview.
Part B
1. At the times scheduled for the interview, conduct the two interviews with your assessor (playing the role of your chosen applicant) using your amended interview guide. You will need one copy of the interview guide for each applicant (to be completed electronically or in hard copy). Each interview should take 10–20 minutes. During interviews, ensure that you:
a. participate in asking questions
b. take notes of the applicants’ responses
c. give each response a score (from 0 to 5; 5 being the best response)
d. ask each applicant for referee contact details and record them in the interview guide (your assessor)
e. advise applicants of the next steps as the interview comes to a close.
2. Discuss your scores with the panel (the learner group) and come to an agreement on the best applicant for the role.
Part C
In this part, you will work individually to contact referees and prepare a selection report
1. Conduct a reference check by emailing a questionnaire to the applicant’s referee (your assessor who will act the part of the applicant’s referee). Ensure that you specify in your email who it is that you are seeking a reference for and ensure that your questionnaire seeks to determine:
a. the applicant’s employment period with the previous employer
b. the applicant’s reason for leaving the company
c. the applicant’s job responsibilities
d. issues impacting job performance
e. if the applicant supervised other employees
f. if the applicant showed an ability to handle conflict
g. what the applicant’s strengths and weakness are, based on their performance in their previous role.
2. Write a selection report that recommends an applicant for selection. In your report, include:
a. the names of the members of your selection panel
b. a summary of the process taken in Part A to identify the two strongest applicants for the role
c. a summary of how you negotiated with the selection panel to agree on the two applicants to be interviewed
d. a summary of the process taken in Part A to decide on the questions to be used in the interviews, including how the selection panel ensured that interview questions comply with relevant legislation
e. a description of your role in assisting to ensure that interview questions comply with legislative requirements
f. a description of your role in interviewing the applicant
g. a summary of how the panel came to a consensus regarding your selected applicant
h. why you recommended your selected applicant; identifying why they are suitable for the role.
3. Submit all documentation as per specifications below. Keep copies for your records.
You must:
? participate in two interviews
? submit your amended interview guide with completed applicant responses and scores
? submit the questionnaire you used to contact the applicant’s referee
? submit a selection report.
Your assessor may request that you submit:
? the notes you took to document how the selection panel determined the most appropriate applicants to be interviewed
? the notes you took to document how the selection panel determined the most appropriate questions to ask the applicants during the interviews.
Your assessor will be looking for evidence of:
? organising and scheduling skills to arrange interviews and venues
? knowledge of principles of equity and diversity in selecting interview questions and conducting interviews
? knowledge of a range of interviewing techniques and other selection processes and their application
? communication skills to:
? actively listen to what is being said in interviews
? advise on the outcomes of the selection process
? support managers in recruitment and selection functions
? literacy skills to:
? work with job descriptions to select suitable questions for interviews
? make job offers and prepare letters for unsuccessful applicants
? organising and scheduling skills to arrange interviews and venues
? technology skills to:
? maintain multiple versions of the interview guide
? communicate with applicants via email.
? via videoconferencing during the assessment of applicants, or ensure that the assessment of applicants is included in the video recording.
? A follow-up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor)
? Documentation can be submitted electronically or posted in the mail.
Appendix 1: Résumés
Résumé 1: Kenneth Baldwin
2252 N. Main Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000,
A dynamic, results-oriented Cafe Manager offering focused leadership to drive sales and profitability in highly competitive markets.
Consistently achieves performance goals through enthusiasm, tenacity and initiative, which complement knowledge/expertise in :
o team building/staff training
o purchasing/inventory management
o quality assurance/control
o rostering
o facilities/safety management
o customer service/guest relations
o cost containment/control
o policies and procedures development
o continuous performance improvement
o Noted for outstanding communications skills, both with customers and staff; resolve problems quickly and equitably to ensure happy customers and happy employees.
o Staff performance management including annual performance appraisals
o Intermediate Japanese conversation skills
o Volunteer with Mission Australia – Refugee work migration program
Computer skills:
o MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint
o POS systems including the Maitre’D POS system
THE FARM, INC., Broadmeadows, July, 2007 – Present
[Family dining/Complete meal concept/$11 average order; seating for 450; 60 staff]
Employ an efficient, high-energy and professional approach to store operations management in order to:
o balance service with costs to ensure profitability
o promote guest satisfaction to steady repeat business
o coach/schedule servers to maximum levels of performance
o monitor for consistent sanitation, food quality and presentation
o purchase/control inventory with attention to budget guidelines
o Contribute to store's recognition as most profitable in 41-store chain, maintaining gross profit at 48%.
Involved in special projects:
o Initiated three-month in-house customer service contest for buyers, servers and hosts to effect continuous improvements in service scores.
o Introduced a wine seminar for servers, strengthening knowledge of offerings, which dramatically increased wine sales.
CHILI'S GRILLE, Forest Grove, QLD, August 2004 – July 2007.
[Casual dining bistro; seating for 60; 22 staff
Assistant Manager
Directed general restaurant operations, monitoring food quality and staffing requirements to ensure a positive dining experience for every guest.
Victoria University
Bachelor Hospitality and Business Management; minor: Business Administration
Course work included:
o Food Science and Nutrition
o Cooking and Dining Room Service
o Café operations and management
o Small business management
o Staff management.
Résumé 2: Jenny Dubb
Jenny Dubb
435 Gite St, Nuwamba, Northern Territory
0403 549 5454
I’m an enthusiastic manager with ambition, determination and a proven track record in running restaurants efficiently and profitably. I have extensive knowledge of the provision of fine dining, working practices, recruitment, training of hospitality staff to meet customer service standards, pay, conditions of employment and diversity issues.
Now looking for a new and challenging managerial position, one which will make best use of my existing skills and experience.
Hotel Hilton
RESTAURANT MANAGER April 2009 – Present
Managing a high volume fine dining restaurant & improving all controllable costs thereby maximising financial performance. Also responsible for effectively managing and leading the restaurant team to provide excellent service.
Duties: Ensuring the highest standards of food and beverage service. Ensuring Health & Safety including workplace hygiene procedures & standards are maintained. Responsible for recruiting, training & developing restaurant staff. Dealing with and resolving customer complaints. Liaising with the Head Chef to discuss and develop new seasonal menus. Overseeing client bookings & reservations. Organising the daily and weekly rosters for staff. Purchasing stock, supplies and negotiating best prices with trade suppliers.
Strong motivational and influential people skills. Extensive and relevant knowledge of good food and wine. An eye for detail. Experience of managing people and driving business performance. Experience
Résumé 3: Jane Fonda
Jane Fonda
75 Tisah Ave, Cambridge Gardens, VIC 3049
0454 454 444
Looking for a position of Coffee Shop Manager utilising my natural ability to lead personnel and skills in managing in retail.
• Over six years of experience working as a retail Store Manager for Morocco Ware
• Highly skilled in providing supervision and support to staff
• In-depth knowledge of ensuring a professional level of customer services
• Hands-on experience in stock control
• Ability to manage multiple priorities
• Strong leadership and motivational skills
• Self-directed
• Excellent customer services skills
• Extensive experience in staff and sales training
• Collaborated efforts with all branches of Morocco Ware to ensure uniformity of services provided
• Increased customer satisfaction by 33% by introducing new deals of lines and providing training support to staff
August 2006 – October 2012
Morocco Ware – New Castle
• Ensure delivery of budgeted sales and sustained growth
• Champion customer service standards
• Optimise stock availability
• Assign staff shifts
Available evenings.
High School Diploma – 2005
Résumé 4: Raj Mukherjee
Raj Mukherjee
2533 Horizon Circle, Tacoma, VIC 3856
Carer Objective
To further enhance my skills and develop a sales-orientated, high achieving team within a well-established organisation.
Over 8 years of experience in café work in a high volume food environment.
Sound knowledge of food costing and menu planning and food and beverage equipment and operations.
Demonstrated ability to identify and resolve all conflicts within a team.
Volunteer sustainability and fair trade consultant to Neknasi Coffee Growers Association.
Understanding of different coffee grades.
Available to work flexible hours including weekends and holidays.
Excellent customer service and presentation skills.
Demonstrated skills and knowledge in planning and running of effective café procedures.
Proficient with POS systems and MS Office Suite.
Awarded manager of the year three times in a row for outstanding team achievements.
Proven track record in meeting and exceeding KPIs.
Professional Experience
Cafe Manager – Compass Group, Brunswick, Vic
October 2008 – Present
Oversees supervisors and servers in café to ensure efficiency and productivity.
Trains new employees in managing café work and conducts improvement programs for employees.
Reviews performance and provided counselling to personnel if required.
Maintains stock and ensured optimal quality of food and beverage ordered and sold in café.
Monitors all customer complaints and initiated steps to resolve it efficiently.
Prepares departmental schedules and payrolls for employees on a weekly basis.
Develops and maintained cash control procedures.
Ensures cleanliness in café area.
Café budgeting.
Assistant Cafe Manager – Starbucks, Melbourne, VIC
August 2003 – September 2008
Coordinated with employees and customers and managed all complaints effectively.
Developed strategies to achieve weekly and monthly targets.
Developed customer loyalty program.
Ensured optimal level of customer services in process.
Monitored efficient resource use
Maintained resources inventory
Prepared records of monthly transactions and managed all finances for café.
Cafe Supervisor – Tullamarine Airport Bar and Bistro, Tullamarine, VIC
May 1998 – July 2003
Administered day-to-day activity of cafe and supervised efficient working of staff.
Monitored café on regular basis and ensured compliance to all sanitation and safety standards for guests.
Ensured optimal level of food quality at all times and determined food standards to be served to guests.
Maintained an inventory of food products and ensured no shortage in raw materials.
Participated in various meetings, analysed problems and recommended resolution.
Performed regular checks on staff uniform and ensured compliance to manuals.
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (NMIT, 2011)
Diploma of Hospitality Management ( NMIT, 2010)
Bachelor's Degree in Addiction Counselling (La Trobe, 2002)
Résumé 5: Leila Hussain
Leila Hussain
415 Stratford Park, Parkville, VIC 3001
0435 354 343
In search for an opportunity maximise sales, improve business operations and develop an effective team.
Strong knowledge of seasonal foods, fruits and beverages.
Strong analytical skills.
Active member Oxfam Fairtrade Coffee Campaign.
Cultural and Education officer for the Victorian Somali Community Inc.
Knowledge of industry and current market trends.
Excellent management experience within the food and retail environment.
Demonstrated capability to meet and exceed targets.
Won best small business award for McJoe’s Café five years in a row, previous two years came runner’s up.
Sound experience in training, mentoring and coaching staff.
Developed induction and sales program for McJoe’s Café.
Cafe Manager, January 2004 – Present
McJoe’s Cafe, Bar and Restaurant, Melbourne, VIC
Manage the daily operations and budgets for the cafe.
Ensure all operations are consistent and precise in accordance with the cafe culture, policies and procedures.
Provide world-class food quality and customer service.
Recruit and trained chefs and waiters for the cafe.
Performance management and skills-gap training.
Devise and develop programs to generate sales and clients’ loyalty including induction program.
Devise and implement coaching program.
Stock control.
Cafe Assistant Manager, May 2002 – December 2004
Barnes Cafe, San Diego, CA
Managed apprenticeship program (6 apprentices).
Provided high level of customer service at all points of contact.
Trained staff on quality of customer service, proper portioning, cashier skills, and sanitation.
Entered daily/ weekly sales reports into the system.
Was awarded best local team by city council.
Diploma in Business Management 2012
Certificate IV in Small Business Operations, 2010
Master’s Degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management, 2004
Bachelor of Hospitality, 2001.
Performance objective
You will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to advise applicants of interview outcomes and induct a successful applicant.
Assessment description
Across three assessment tasks you will support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff. In this Assessment task, you will notify applicants and write an induction plan.
For this assessment task you are required to:
? develop a letter of offer and an employment contract for the job applicant identified as being the preferred candidate in Assessment Task 2
? advise unsuccessful interviewee (from Assessment Task 2) of outcomes
? notify CoffeeVille staff of the new appointment
? develop an induction plan.
1. Using information from previous Assessment Tasks and your job description (completed in Assessment Task 1), complete the required fields in the employment contract template (Appendix 1).
2. Using the scenario information in Appendix 2, and CoffeeVille documentation, email a letter of offer and additional documentation required (refer to CoffeeVille documentation as a guide to assist you in deciding what to include) to Emma Belcastran (your assessor).
3. Write a letter to the unsuccessful interviewee (the applicant you interviewed and did not select in Assessment Task 2), using the CoffeeVille’s policies and procedures as a guide.
4. Write an email addressed to CoffeeVille employees advising of the new appointment, using the CoffeeVille’s policies and procedures as a guide.
5. Arrange for the successful applicant’s induction by completing the induction plan template (provided in Appendix 3) based on the list of tasks required in the induction checklist and using the CoffeeVille’s policies and procedures as a guide.
6. Submit all documentation as per specifications below. Keep copies for your records.
You must submit:
? a letter/email of offer with contract of employment and additional documentation (as specified in CoffeeVille’s recruitment policy) attached
? a letter/email to unsuccessful candidates
? a letter/email CoffeeVille staff informing them of the new appointment
? an induction plan, (using the template provided in Appendix 3).
Your assessor will assess your ability to follow organisational policies and your:
? communication skills to:
? advise on the outcomes of the selection process
? support managers in recruitment and selection functions
? literacy skills to make job offers and prepare letters for unsuccessful applicants
? technology skills to communicate with applicants and new appointments.
Appendix 1: Employment contract template
This document outlines the terms of contract of employment proposed by CoffeeVille.
Name: Insert applicant name
Position: Insert position title
Commencement date: Insert commencement date as specified in your recruitment schedule
You will be employed at:
State the company name and address
Hours of Work
State core hours
You will be provided with one of: a 30 minute meal break; or, two 15 minute meal breaks per day.
Insert the responsibilities you developed for the job description you completed in Assessment Task 1
Insert reporting relationships as specified in the job description you completed in Assessment Task 1
State gross annual salary or hourly rate of pay
In addition, the minimum superannuation required by current legislation will be paid to the superannuation fund of your choice.
Wages are paid in arrears on the last Friday of each month into your nominated bank account.
CoffeeVille opens on several public holidays. You may be required to work on public holidays and will be compensated by payment at the rate of an additional 150%.
? Annual leave – As a Enter the type of employment: part-time, full-time or casual employee, you will be entitle to pro rata annual leave based on four weeks’ annual leave per annum.
? Sick leave – As a Enter the type of employment: part-time, full-time or casual employee, you will be entitled to 10 days paid personal leave per year (pro rata) in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009.
? Other leave – You are entitle to unpaid parental leave and compassionate leave entitlements in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009.
Notice period
The period of notice required from you to terminate employment with CoffeeVille is the same as the period of notice required of CoffeeVille to terminate your employment and is set out in the following table.
Period of continuous service Notice period
Not more than 1 year 1 week
More than 1 year, but not more than 3 years 2 weeks
More than 3 years, but not more than 5 years 3 weeks
More than 5 years 4 weeks
You shall not, except in the proper course of your duties during the continuance of your employment or after its termination, disclose to any other person or company, or make use for your own benefit, any secret or confidential information relating to CoffeeVille or the customers of CoffeeVille.
Upon termination of your employment, you will promptly deliver up to CoffeeVille or its authorised representative all property, for example, documents, record, papers, credit cards, lists, computer discs or tapes, which may be in your possession or under your control and which relate in any way to the business or affairs of CoffeeVille.
If you have any queries please contact one of the owners, Rufus or Emma Belcastran. To complete the arrangements, would you please sign and return the attached copy of this letter within 14 days.
Signed by Emma Belcastran (CoffeeVille owner)
Signature: Date:
Signed by Employee
I accept the offer of employment and agree to the terms and conditions as stated in this contract.
Signature: Date:
Appendix 2: Scenario
After considering your selection report, I have decided to hire Leila Hussein. Can you please write a letter of offer for her and email it to me for approval?
We need to make sure that it’s obvious that she’s our chosen applicant and let her know about the terms and conditions of the job, when we’ll need her to start, what type of employment it is (full-time, part-time, or casual) and how much we’re paying her, and some other information that is specified in the Recruitment policy. Can you also mention in the email which documents we’re attaching and what she needs to do with them?
It’s important that we attach an employment contract. Also can you source and attach the documents that we need to send her that are required by Fair Work legislation as well as information about privacy? I’m pretty sure they’re specified in the recruitment policy in our handbook.
So in summary, I need you to email me with the letter of offer and attach to your email the employment contract and the other required documentation.
Appendix 3: Induction plan template
On your first day you will
Date Item Relevant Personnel Resources required Notes Completed?
In the first week you will
Date Item Relevant Personnel Resources required Notes Completed?
Within the first month you will
Date Item Relevant Personnel Resources required Notes Completed?
Policies and Procedures
Please ensure you have read and understood the following CoffeeVille Policies/Procedures Read (Date) Signature
I, …………………………………………………………………………………………………., have read and fully understand the policies and procedures of CoffeeVille.
I agree to follow them and ensure others follow them. I shall report any concerns regarding said policies and procedures to the Manager of CoffeeVille.
Signature: Date:
Student Name:
Student Number:
Unit of Competency: BSBHRM405 - Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
Assessor Name:
Assessment Date
Assessment 1:
Did the student: Satisfactory
Yes No
Develop a recruitment schedule that includes the main tasks of a recruitment process, ordered to correspond with the steps in the human resources life cycle?
Use consultation notes to prepare a job description that accurately reflects the role requirements?
Ensure that the job description complies with EEO and anti-discrimination legislation and standards?
Choose appropriate channels and technology to advertise vacancies?
Write a job advertisement in accordance with organisational policies and procedures?
Use consultation notes and scenario information to prepare the interview guide in accordance with organisational requirements?
Prepare interview questions that comply with legislative requirements?
Obtain approval to fill position, clarify timelines?
Obtain approval to advertise position?
Assessment 2:
Did the student: Satisfactory
Yes No
Consult with learners and/or assessor to convene a selection panel?
Note: Candidates have had an opportunity to demonstrate competence for PC 2.3 in Assessment Task 1.
As a member of the selection panel, schedule interview/s?
Participate in the interview process and assess applicants against selection criteria?
Discuss assessment with other selection panel members?
Correct biases and deviations from agreed procedures and negotiate for preferred applicant?
Contact referees for referee reports?
In selection report, summarise the process taken to identify the two strongest applicants, including the candidate’s involvement in assisting with the short-listing process?
In selection report, summarise the process to decide on the questions to be used in the interviews, including how the selection panel ensured that interview questions comply with relevant legislation?
In selection report, make recommendations for appointment?
Assessment 3:
Did the student: Satisfactory
Yes No
Create a letter of offer in accordance with the recruitment policy and scenario (Appendix 2 of the Assessment Task)? The letter should clearly indicate:
Attach documentation as required by the recruitment policy?
Complete the employment contract? See example attached.
Inform unsuccessful applicants of outcomes in accordance with CoffeeVille policy (recruitment policy)?
Inform CoffeeVille staff of the new appointment in accordance with CoffeeVille policy (recruitment policy)?
Complete an induction plan in accordance with organisational policy and procedure?
Assessor Feedback:
Overall Assessment Outcome: 0 Competent
0 Not Yet Competent