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All instructions will be posted in the attachments.
SPRING 2018 MGMT4308
Brooke Garcia, MBA
Case 22 in the textbook, page 705, “General Electric and the Hudson River Cleanup” The case is available in the project folder too.
Project Tasks
Please write an 8-10 pages’ long essay analyzing and discussing the following topics following the order of Tasks 1 to 6:
1. Task 1 (5 points): Summarize the case. Length suggestion: 1 page.
2. Task 2 (15 points): Identify (list) the ethical issues that have arisen in this case. Please offer some details about each ethical issues (e.g. including what’s occurred, who’s affected, etc.). Please focus on the cleanup of the contamination, rather than the PCB- contamination happened four decades ago. Length suggestion: 1 page.
3. Task 3 (20 points): Identify (list) all of the stakeholders of the company (i.e., GE) in the case, and discuss each of their viewpoints (e.g., needs, desires, concerns, costs, benefits, power, etc.). Length suggestion: 1-2 pages.
4. Task 4 (20 points): Explain in detail which of the stakeholders should be involved and helpful to solve the ethical issues that have arisen in the case, and why, given their viewpoints. Length suggestion: 1-2 pages.
5. Task 5 (20 points): List all of the ethical theories and principles (i.e., ethical principles in Section 8.2 of Chapter 8) that are appropriate for solving the ethical issues in this case. Explain in detail why each principle is appropriate for solving the particular ethical issue. Length suggestion: 2 pages.
6. Task 6 (20 points): Using certain ethical theories and principles in Section 8.2 of Chapter 8, recommend a plan of action for the company (GE). Explain the expected positive and negative consequences of the plan of action you recommend. Length suggestion: 2 pages.
7. You will be given 5 bonus points for sending your draft to UHV writing center to improve your writing quality. UHV writing center tutoring service is free but reservation is needed. URL: center/tutoring/online-tutoring/)
Guideline and Requirement
1. Although we already had a weekly discussion board for all questions and it should be a good resource for your project, keep in mind that you should not copy-and-paste other students’ post.
2. The length of your essay is about 8-10 pages (double-spaced, 12 pt “Times New Roman” font, 1-inch margins, excluding exhibits and references) in MS Word format.
3. Submission deadlines:
a. The deadline for your complete draft is Mar 25th, 2018. Final submission is due Apr 29th, 2018. Your final submission is subject to TurItIn similarity check. TurnItIn is a program for duplication/similarity check by comparing your work to online sources. You may receive a fail grade for your final paper if it has a similarity rate of 20% or higher.
b. Please submit your final paper a few days before the deadline so that you can have time to revise if the similarity rate is high. You can have multiple submissions but only your last attempt will be graded.
4. Before you start, read the instructions and the case twice. You should also read the other files in the project one folder (on Blackboard) too.
5. You should not conduct outside research for the case analysis. In other words, you should pretend that you are facing exactly the same situation and information presented in the case.
6. Your answer should be specific to the six tasks specified above and follow the order to organize your analysis. Please keep in mind that those topics are actually interconnected. You need to integrate your answers into a report with smooth logic and internal consistency. You are suggested to use appropriate sub-titles to make your paper easier to follow.
7. The analysis must be professionally written. Don’t use bullet or lists. Write your answers in complete sentences. Please conduct spelling check, grammar check, and virus-check before submission.
8. Avoid laundry lists. Focus and organize your analysis. Look for frameworks from the readings or the textbook that help you organize and present your analysis.
9. Consider ‘turning the question’ into the beginning of your answer. That is, if the question is, “What are the key issues?” begin your answer with; “The key issues” (include or are). This may seem simplistic, but is a very effective way to help you focus your answer on the question(s) asked and to earn full credit. Don’t repeat the entire question in your answer.
10. You need to highlight the names of the ethical principles in your paper.
11. Please follow APA format for your writing (URL: ). Indicate any references you cited in your report. The references list does NOT count for length requirement purpose.
12. Not following instructions would result in point deduction.
Grading Standards and Rubrics
In grading your written assignments I use the following standards.
1. Rigor of analysis: You should use the appropriate frameworks from the class that are germane to the problem.
2. Logical consistency: Your writing should be logically consistent from the beginning to the end.
3. Depth of analysis and practical implications: Before making your own argument, consider alternative explanations and solutions. Then try to justify your argument or identify the situations under which some solutions are working better than others.
4. Clarity of writing: Papers should be addressed to a managerial audience. This means that you should outline carefully, write clearly and concisely, and use appropriate tables and graphics to support your argument, if necessary.
Please see attached page for the rubrics used in our course assessment.
Academic Honesty
1. The University’s policies related to academic honesty will be strictly enforced.
2. Your work on this assignment must be entirely your own. Your final submission is subject to the similarity check by (with the submission link available in the project folder later). A submission with 20% or higher similarity rate will receive a failing score.
3. Situations in which 2 or more students are alleged to have been involved in a conspiracy to cheat will be referred to the Provost and/or Academic Council as discussed in the Student Handbook.
4. By completing and submitting this assignment, you acknowledge that you have read, and have agreed to, the above rules relating to Academic Honesty.