BSBREL502 – Build international business networks
Assessment Cover
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Student’s declaration
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? ? I have read and understood the details of the assessment.
? ? I have been informed of the conditions of the assessment and the appeals process and understand I may appeal if I believe the assessment is not equitable, fair or just.
? ? I agree to participate in this assessment, and I am ready to be assessed.
? ? I certify that the attached is my own work (or in collaboration with other members of the group as required).
? ? I have acknowledged all sources where appropriate in accordance with ILSC’s
Academic Integrity Policy, and I believe other group members have done the same.
Teachers Name Original Due Date Submission Date(s)
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Assessment (ILSC office use only)
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Comments/Feedback from assessor to student
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Reasonable Adjustments (if any):
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? Congratulations! You have addressed the outcomes of this unit and have been deemed competent.
Not Yet Competent
? Please see your trainer to discuss (Trainer’s name below).
? You will need to address the above feedback and resubmit/provide the required answers before an assessment decision can be made.
Assessor/Trainer Name: Click here to enter text.
Assessor Checklist Initial
Authentic: The assessor is assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s own work. Click here to enter text.
Valid: The assessor is assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes as described in the module or unit of competency and associated assessment requirements. Click here to enter text.
Current: The assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current competency. This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent past. Click here to enter text.
Sufficient: The assessor is assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment evidence enable a judgement to be made of a learner’s competency. Click here to enter text.
Assessor’s name Click here to enter text. Date Click here to enter a date.
Assessor’s signature Click here to enter text.
Observation Checklist for Task 2.3
Student to complete the coloured section. Trainer to complete observation checklist.
Student Name Click here to enter text.
Trainer Name Click here to enter text. Date Click here to enter a date.
Unit code and name BSBREL502 – Build International Business Networks
Tasks to be observed Satisfactory Not satisfactory
Participated in a networking event ? ?
Greeted at least 3 other participants in an appropriate manner ? ?
Exchanged business cards with other participants ? ?
Provided feedback on their impressions of event ? ?
Gave feedback on how attending the event would improve their project ? ?
Were culturally appropriate with other attendees ? ?
Entered into discussions around the unit topic with others ? ?
The candidate’s performance was: Not satisfactory ? Satisfactory ?
Feedback to candidate:
Student Signature Click here to enter text. Assessor Signature Click here to enter text.
Task 1 Theory exam
Assessment Instructions
Answer the questions below. Click in the space provided and type your answer.
Q1. List 5 places or organisations that provide opportunities to build international business networks.
1. Click here to enter text.
2. Click here to enter text.
3. Click here to enter text.
4. Click here to enter text.
5. Click here to enter text.
Q2. List 3 professional development activities or events.
1. Click here to enter text.
2. Click here to enter text.
3. Click here to enter text.
Q3. Why are international business networks useful? What information or industry knowledge can you gain through international business networks? List 3 sources of information.
1. Click here to enter text.
2. Click here to enter text.
3. Click here to enter text.
Q4. In a short paragraph, describe the steps you would follow to research, identify and join an international business network.
Click here to enter text.
Q5. List 3 sources of information on cultural information for specific countries.
1. Click here to enter text. 2. Click here to enter text.
3. Click here to enter text.
Q6. Define cultural awareness.
Click here to enter text.
Q7. Describe the process you would follow to build cultural awareness when building an international business network.
Click here to enter text.
Q8. The Trade Practices Act and World Trade Organization are key organisations and provide legislation that affect business operations, codes of practice and national Standards. Summarise their purposes in Australian trade.
Trade Practices Act Click here to enter text.
World Trade Organisation
Click here to enter text.
Task 2 Report
Assessment Description and Requirements
You recently started a new job in your country at a small import-export business. The company would like you to work half the year in Australia and half the year in your home country. While in Australia, your company would like you to promote its unique products to the Australian market. Additionally, you must research new potential products to export to your home country. To achieve these goals, you must develop a wide business network. However, you are new to Australia and know few people. You need to build a network of businesses and colleagues. This network will expand your overall contacts in Australia and also help you better understand the cultures within the multicultural country.
Your overall assignment is to research and participate in a networking event and then write a detailed report after the event. This report must discuss the points listed below, and you will need to provide documentation of the event and contacts made. The report should be approximately 1500 words.
1. Develop and maintain appropriate international business networks
a. Select a network: Choose a country, industry or business field within which you would like to build an international relationship. Explain your choice in your report.
b. Research networking opportunities: For the network you selected above, research opportunities to build international business networks in Australia (a minimum of 5). In your report, summarise the networking opportunities you found in a table, including the event name, date, cost and a brief summary of its purpose and objectives. Networking opportunities may include:
• Austrade events
• workshops, functions and events
• conferences
• industry or business association functions and events
• key events such as (overseas and Australian) national celebrations
• product launches
• professional development activities
• receptions by overseas government bodies in Australia and overseas (e.g. overseas trade delegations, embassies, consulates, trade attaches)
• trade fairs
There are many sources of information on networking events, including but not limited to the following:
1. Trade Shows in Brisbane -
2. Austrade events -
3. Consulate-General of Japan in Brisbane –
4. Australia Japan Society - Qld Inc - 5. Linked In –
In your report, submit to your trainer the following:
? Info on country , industry or business field of choice
? Summary table of networking events for this country, industry or business field (a minimum of 5), including info on event name, date, cost and a brief summary of its purpose and objectives
2. Reflect social and cultural awareness in developing and maintaining international business networks
a. Research sources of cross-cultural information: List a minimum of 5 sources of social and cultural information for cultural groups with the country, industry or business field you identified in step 1.
• Profile cross-cultural communication styles for a specific country: Select a cultural group within your chosen network. Research and summarise appropriate communication styles that will allow you to interact effectively with people from that country. Appropriate intercultural communication styles should include, but is not limited to:
• Appropriate greetings and closings, both written and in person
• Proper forms of address
• Process for making an appointment
• Language in which meetings will usually be conducted (and if a translator is recommended)
• Eye contact and tone of voice
• Formal introductions
• Direct or indirect communication style
In your report, submit to your trainer the following:
? List of at least 5 sources of cultural information for groups within your selected network
? Summary of culturally appropriate communication styles for your international network.
3. Review own participation in international business networks
• Participate in a networking event: Participate in a networking event, which your trainer will facilitate and observe. Your trainer will need to observe your interaction at this event and will complete the observation checklist (located at the front of this assessment). At the event, you must:
a. Gain information from attendees to build your knowledge of the market
b. Establish face-to-face connections and communication channels (exchange business cards or contact info) with a minimum of 3 contacts
c. Use culturally appropriate communication styles when communicating with individuals within the networking event.
d. Seek and/or provide feedback, information or ideas with the 3 contacts after the networking event. This may be through emails or follow-up meetings.
• Report on the networking event: For the event, describe and report on the event and your analysis of the event. Include:
a. event description, including the type of network, purpose and objective
b. printed material for the event, such as a meeting notice
c. contact details or business cards of contact made at the event
d. copies of emails or letters sent to contacts seeking and/or providing feedback, information or ideas
a. Calculate costs of the event: Document all the costs of participation in the international business network. Even if the event was free, costs could include transportation, materials, food and/or drinks, photocopies, etc.
b. Analyse event: After the event, reflect on the success of attending the event. Analyse and summarise the following:
• The effectiveness of the event for building networks. Summarise what you achieved by attending the event.
• The effectiveness of your communication style and ability to communicate with other cultures appropriately. Explain whether you experienced any personal challenges by attending the event. Outline a strategy for developing and maintaining relationships from the event.
• The value of outcomes derived from participation in international business networks in comparison to costs of participation. Evaluate the effectiveness of your networking experience in terms of meeting business goals. Consider the things you might do differently next time. Explain if you would increase, maintain or decrease participation in networking activity?
In your report, submit to your trainer the following:
? Summary of networking event attended and printed materials for the event
? List of a minimum of 3 contact details of contacts made at the event
? Emails or letters or meeting reports establishing communication channels with the new contacts
? Event description including printed materials for the event
? Detailed description of all costs related to attending the event
? Post-event analysis including (1) effectiveness of event for building networks, (2) effectiveness of cross-cultural communication style and strategy for maintaining relationship, (3) value vs cost of attending event and (4) future strategy for participation in networking events.
Important: The report must be approximately 1500 words in length. Please reference any sources used.
Please note: ILSC can use third party software to detect plagiarism
You can paste your assessment below this line or upload a separate file to Moodle. Please see your trainer for final instructions on this.
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