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Assessment task 3: Group Project – Case Study
Word limit- 1500
Due Date Week 11
A manager has to make and implement decisions as part of his role. Discuss the decision mak-ing process from a manager’s point of view using a real world example. What is the role of in-tuition in decision making? Why do managers make wrong decisions?
Assessment Criteria
Literature Review and Analysis
Analysis of academic literature on topic 10%
Identified the relevant business model/framework and critically discuss them 40%
Correctly analysed a real world example and applied the rele-vant theory 40%
Presentation and referencing 10%
Rubric for Assignment 3
Criteria High Distinction
80 % + Distinction
70%+ Credit
60%+ Pass
50% + Fail
Analysis of academic litera-ture on topic. Correctly identified and reviewed the most up-to-date literature. Correctly identified and reviewed relevant literature Correctly identified and reviewed some relevant literature Identified and made at-tempts to review some liter-ature on topic. Have not reviewed relevant literature on topic or has not shown any understand-ing.
Identified the relevant business models and criti-cally discussed them Superior level of critical thinking and research skills Very good level of critical thinking and research skills Skilfully evaluates infor-mation gathered from re-search, observation, experi-ence, reflection, or reason-ing Adequately demonstrates reasonable relationships among ideas Insufficient reasoning and lacks complexity of thought
Correctly analysed a real world example and applied the relevant theory Critically analysed applica-tion of theory in the exam-ple used and correctly iden-tified strengths and weak-nesses in the decision mak-ing process Analysed application of theory in the example used and correctly identified some strengths and weak-nesses in the decision mak-ing process Analysed application of theory in the example used and identified some strengths and weaknesses in the decision making process Analysed application of theory in the example used and made some attempt to identify strengths and weaknesses in the decision making process Did not use the theory framework in discussing the process.
Presentation and referenc-ing All levels of content is cov-ered in depth. Wide range of contemporary refer-ences and sources are well cited when specific state-ments are made High level of content is covered in depth. Wide range of good references and sources are well cited when specific statements are made Appropriate content is cov-ered in reasonable depth. Sources are generally well cited when specific state-ments are made Most major sections of the relevant content included, but not covered in as much depth, or as explicit, as ex-pected
References were basic and some errors of citation Major sections of relevant content have been omitted or missed Inadequate refer-ences and poor citation