ITECH3224 WWW Technology 2
Assignment 2 - Barbell Feedback
-It's like Yelp, but for Barbells-
This is an individual assignment in which you will explore the use of data interchange between web servers and browsers, dynamic construction of page content, and API design, using PHP, JavaScript, and JSON.
Important: This assignment specification is generated just for you. Do not distribute this specification.
Timelines and Expectations
Percentage value of task: 20%
Learning Outcomes Assessed
The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment:
K2. Contrast the capabilities and limitations of client-side and server-side programming.
K3. Detect opportunities for increasing security and privacy of web applications.
S1. Develop client/server programs using client-side and server-side programming languages.
S2. Construct a server-side web interface to a database system that is accessible by web clients.
S3. Design and implement a server-side application programming interface (API) for client-server communication, using technologies such as AJAX, REST, Websockets, XML and JSON.
A1. Design, develop, test, and debug client/server web applications to provided specifications.
Assessment Details
Barbell Feedback is a single-page web app that allows users to review and provide feedback on barbells.
Each barbell has its own page, which displays one (or more!) photos, a name, a list of reviews, and some form of average rating.
Users can submit new reviews of barbells, including their own name, some review text, and a rating.
A simple database with two tables is su?cient to model the database requirements for this assignment, however you may if you wish extend and/or normalize this database.
The database has the following structure:
Barbell ( id, name, description, image_url )
BarbellReview ( id, barbell_id, datetime, reviewer_name, review, rating )
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Barbell PK id
PK id FK barbell_id
description reviewer_name
image_url review
Each record in the Barbell table represents a single barbell, and each record in the BarbellReview table is a review of a single barbell.
The assignment tasks are closely associated with the lab work of topics 7 to 10. Code and examples from lectures and labs should be a useful guide throughout this assignment. The assignment requires a number of files and a report to be produced. The report should respond to written tasks that are included below
Initial task
Create the above database using your existing SQL skills. You will need at least five barbells, each with at least two reviews. One barbell will need five reviews to suitably test average ratings.
You may normalize the database if you wish, to include a dedicated reviewer table.
Invent or discover your own data. Cite data sources appropriately in your report, or alternatively include a source field in your database. In particular, ensure you appropriate reference any images you include unless they are explicitly public domain (or CC0).
Use appropriate data types – the review field should be TEXT to allow long entries. The rating field is an integer value from 1 to 5 inclusive, where 5 indicates that this is an amazing barbell.
Submit your SQL file as part of your assignment.
XML and JSON markup
Mark up the complete data using XML tags and save it as an .xml file. Check that the file is well-formed and report the method used.
Draw a diagram showing the structure of the DOM tree associated with the .xml file, using data from any ONE record. Include the root element, node types, elements and attributes.
Similarly, mark up the complete data using JSON and save it as a .json file. Check that it is valid JSON and report the method used to validate.
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Submit both files as part of your assignment.
Back-end API
Create a RESTful JSON API using PHP, implementing at least the following functionality:
List all barbells (GET)
Should return barbell id, name, description, and image_url
Use an optional querystring/GET parameter to allow sorting by name and average rating
Retrieve all details for a particular barbell (GET)
including reviews
Create a new review (POST)
Delete an existing review (DELETE)
Update an existing review by id (PUT)
Follow HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State) practices. Include a note in your report about how you have followed HATEOAS.
Under Apache, this step will require configuring a .htaccess file to allow using clean URLs (without a .php extension)
Create an HTML/CSS/JS page which uses JavaScript, AJAX, the DOM and your back-end API to:
Display a menu of all barbells. Allow sorting the menu by name and rating
Display the details of an individual barbell when the menu item is selected, including the image and the average rating
Allow the user to submit a new review/ranking, which will be displayed immediately in the review list, and upon which the average rating will be updated from the server
Periodically (every 5 seconds), poll the details for the current barbell and display any new reviews. This should not remove any review text currently being entered
All functionality should be implemented using JavaScript, the DOM and the backend API, without reloading/refreshing the browser page.
Bonus tasks (Completely optional!)
These tasks are 100% optional, and you can receive full marks without attempting or completing them. They are intended to be a challenge if you are interested in such things, and the marks available do not reflect the significant researcha and e?ort required to implement them correctly.
Bonus task one: Better sorting using Bayesian statistics
Derive your averaging and sorting code based on the approach listed here:
Bonus task two: Administration and token-based authentication
Implement an administration interface, also using AJAX techniques, which allows deleting reviews. Use JWT token-based authentication, rather than cookies / PHP sessions. It is acceptable for login and administration to be implemented with two additional PHP pages.
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Further details
Please note that there are no marks for aesthetics, so please spend your time appropriately. It is acceptable to use third-party CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap, Skeleton, Bourbon or similar if you wish, as long as you reference appropriately in your report. Third-party JavaScript is not acceptable, nor is code obtained through online Q&A sites such as StackOverflow.
Include a written report containing:
A statement of completion
XML DOM diagram
Details of specific assistance you received from people other than your lecturer or tutor, and the names of those assisting.
References to any third-party CSS frameworks if applicable
All files should be zipped and uploaded to Moodle by the due date and time. Check with your tutor as to whether a hard copy is required in addition to the electronic submission.
Marking Criteria/Rubric
Refer to the attached marking guide.
Feedback will be supplied through Moodle. Authoritative marks will be published through fdlMarks
Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one's own
without properly acknowledging that person. You must not allow other students to copy your work and must
take care to safeguard against this happening. More information about the plagiarism policy and procedure
for the university can be found at
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Marking Guide: Assignment 2
Feature Criteria Maximum Obtained
SQL file Requirements satisfied 1
Data Interchange XML is accurate, well-structured and well-formed 1
JSON is accurate, well-structured and syntactically
files 1
RESTful (resource-based) design 2
Uses HATEOAS approach 1
List and details (GET) 1
Back-end API New review/rating (POST) 1
Delete review/rating (DELETE) 1
Update review/rating (UPDATE) 1
Sort based on query parameter 1
Menu of items 1
Details page, including image, reviews and average 2
Submit a new review/ranking, including list and 2
average review update
Automatic reload of details page on interval 1
Bonus optional Sort using Bayesian confidence 2
challenge tasks JWT token-based authentication and admin 2
Description of XML and JSON validation approaches 1
XML DOM diagram 1
Description of HATEOAS approach 1
Completion of tasks, Assistance statement (lose 1 (-2)
mark each if not included)
Layout, structure, indentation (-1)
Appropriate and consistent naming scheme (-1)
Quality of code (lose
Appropriate use of comments, including quality and
marks if criteria not
accuracy. Comments do not simply narrate code but (-1)
illuminate intent and design decisions. No
commented-out code.
Valid HTML5 (-1)
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