Due date: Thursday Week 11 (2PM AEST)
Part: Written Assessment
Weighting: 30% of total assessment.
Submission: Electronic (see course website for details)
It will be necessary to use literature/online resources to complete this assignment, please ensure you cite and reference any such materials using the Harvard format.
DO NOT copy content directly from either the text or Internet resources: this assignment is to be in your own words. You will lose marks if you do not use your own words!
Please complete your assignment using this submission template file, inserting your responses where indicated.
DO NOT delete the marking criteria page – changes are permitted to the formatting of other pages including the headers and footers.
Please fill in the following details:
Student Name
Student Number
There are ten (10) tasks, one for each week: the tasks are detailed below. There is a table to complete for each task. Please fill in the information required.
Note: Each resource summary should be around 200-300 words.
Week 1
The text discusses the elements of modern computing architecture however is largely silent on the individuals who played a role in its development. Find and summarise a resource that describes ONE such individual. The individual should have had a significant influence on the development of computers and/or components of modern computing architecture.
Title and Reference:
Provide the Title of the resource and full Harvard reference here. This should include the URL of the resource
Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task here
Week 2
The text discusses the components and activities of operating systems however is largely silent on the individuals who played a role in their development. Find and summarise a resource that describes ONE such individual. The individual should have had a significant influence on the writing or development of operating systems.
Title and Reference:
Provide the Title of the resource and full Harvard reference here. This should include the URL of the resource
Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task here
Week 3
The Internet didn’t just appear – it was an evolution from earlier networks. Find and summarise a resource that describes ONE of the networks that led to the development of the modern Internet.
Title and Reference:
Provide the Title of the resource and full Harvard reference here. This should include the URL of the resource
Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task here
Week 4
Ethernet is an example of a Layer Two (L2) data link protocol that is discussed in the text. Find and summarise a resource that describes the features and uses of ONE other L2 protocol that is not discussed in the text (i.e. NOT Ethernet).
Title and Reference:
Provide the Title of the resource and full Harvard reference here. This should include the URL of the resource
Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task here
Week 5
The text mentions the role of hackers in attacks on networked infrastructure. Find and summarise a resource that describes ONE famous or well-known hacker.
Title and Reference:
Provide the Title of the resource and full Harvard reference here. This should include the URL of the resource
Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task here
Week 6
Society is increasingly reliant on networks and network technologies but they are evolving at a rapid pace. Find and summarise a resource that describes ONE example of a future networking technology or trend that will impact society.
Title and Reference:
Provide the Title of the resource and full Harvard reference here. This should include the URL of the resource
Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task here
Week 7
The text mentions social business and the impact of the use of social networking platforms. Find and summarise a resource that describes the history of the development of ONE such social media platform.
Title and Reference:
Provide the Title of the resource and full Harvard reference here. This should include the URL of the resource
Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task here
Week 8
With the advent of mass data collection and storage has come data mining. Find and summarise a resource that describes ONE example where data mining has been used successfully by a business. You should not use any examples covered in the textbook.
Title and Reference:
Provide the Title of the resource and full Harvard reference here. This should include the URL of the resource
Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task here
Week 9
One of the greatest success stories in application development in recent times has been the popularity of mobile apps. Find and summarise a resource that describes the story of ONE successful mobile app developer.
Title and Reference:
Provide the Title of the resource and full Harvard reference here. This should include the URL of the resource
Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task here
Week 10
While information systems and technology deliver many benefits to society, they can also result in (sometimes inadvertent) negative effects and outcomes. Find and summarise a resource that describes ONE example of where the use of an information system or technology has led to negative consequences for humans.
Title and Reference:
Provide the Title of the resource and full Harvard reference here. This should include the URL of the resource
Provide a summary of around 200-300 words discussing what the resource is about and why it is relevant to the task here
Criteria 0 No Response
=1 Poor resource selection; resource is too broad or lacks relevance to the task; summary fails to explain what the resource was about; the relevance and/or usefulness of the resource has not been explained.
=2 Good resource selection; resource is relevant to the task; summary is adequate but may require either more detail or is too long; the relevance and/or usefulness of the resource has been explained to some extent, but needs additional information.
=3 Excellent resource selection; resource is highly relevant to the task (the resource is probably highly specialised); summary is detailed yet concise; the relevance and usefulness of the resource selection has been clearly explained.
Deductions -3
-1 Reference/URL provided does not link to resource (and resource cannot be located or determined from details provided) OR
Reference/URL provided does not relate to the summary (i.e. summary is not of resource content / contains content not contained in the resource)
Resource is generic AND/OR covers multiple technologies/examples rather than focuses on a single technology/example
Resource not referenced correctly/not in Harvard format
Week Marks Awarded