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i dont have any group member. i am only the person to submit this assignment.
Qualification: BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management (088558A)
Unit of Competency: BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness
Student Name:
Student ID:
Assessment Due Date:
BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead teams in the workplace and to actively engage with the management of the organisation.
Elements Performance Criteria
1. Establish team performance plan 1.1 Consult team members to establish a common understanding of team purpose, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities in accordance with organisational goals, plans and objectives
1.2 Develop performance plans to establish expected outcomes, outputs, key performance indicators (KPIs) and goals for work team
1.3 Support team members in meeting expected performance outcomes
2. Develop and facilitate team cohesion 2.1 Develop strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of work team
2.2 Develop policies and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for own work and assist others to undertake required roles and responsibilities
2.3 Provide feedback to team members to encourage, value and reward individual and team efforts and contributions
2.4 Develop processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed
3. Facilitate teamwork 3.1 Encourage team members and individuals to participate in and to take responsibility for team activities, including communication processes
3.2 Support the team in identifying and resolving work performance problems
3.3 Ensure own contribution to work team serves as a role model for others and enhances the organisation’s image for all stakeholders
4. Liaise with stakeholders 4.1 Establish and maintain open communication processes with all stakeholders
4.2 Communicate information from line manager/management to the team
4.3 Communicate unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by team members and follow-up with line manager/management and other relevant stakeholders
4.4 Evaluate and take necessary corrective action regarding unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by internal or external stakeholders
Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:
• use leadership techniques and strategies to facilitate team cohesion and work outcomes including:
o encouraging and fostering shared understanding of purpose, roles and responsibilities
o identifying and resolving problems
o providing feedback to encourage, value and reward others
o modelling desired behaviour and practices
• develop policies and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for own work and assist others to undertake required roles and responsibilities
• establish processes to address issues and resolve performance issues
• support team to meet expected performance outcomes including providing formal and informal learning opportunities as needed
• develop performance plans with key performance indicators (KPIs), outputs and goals for individuals or the team which incorporate input from stakeholders
• communicate effectively with a range of stakeholders about team performance plans and team performance
• facilitate two-way flow of information between team and management relevant to team performance
• evaluate and take necessary corrective action regarding unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by internal or external stakeholders.
Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
• explain how group dynamics can support or hinder team performance
• evaluate and take necessary corrective action regarding unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by internal or external stakeholders.
• explain strategies for gaining consensus
• explain issue resolution strategies.
Foundation Skills
Reading • Analyses and interprets textual information from the organisation’s policies, goals and objectives to establish team goals or to determine corrective action
Writing • Prepares written reports and workplace documentation that communicate complex information clearly and effectively
Oral Communication • Engages in discussions or provides information using appropriate vocabulary and non-verbal features
• Uses listening and questioning techniques to confirm understanding and to engage the audience
Navigate the world of work • Understands how own role contributes to broader organisational goals
• Modifies or develops policies and procedures to achieve organisational goals
Interact with others • Selects and uses appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with diverse stakeholders
• Uses interpersonal skills to gain trust and confidence of team and provides feedback to others in forms that they can understand and use
• Adapts personal communication style to build positive working relationships and to show respect for the opinions, values and particular needs of others
• Plays a lead role in situations requiring effective collaboration, demonstrating high level conflict resolution skills and ability to engage and motivate others
Get the work done • Develops, implements and monitors plans and processes to ensure team effectiveness
• Monitors and actively supports processes and development activities to ensure the team is focused on work outcomes
• Plans for unexpected outcomes and implements creative responses to overcome challenges

To be deemed competent for this unit of competency, you are required to satisfactorily complete three (3) assessments:
• Assessment 1: Establish team performance plan
• Assessment 2: Develop team cohesion and facilitate team work
• Assessment 3: Liaise with stakeholders
Assessment Instructions
Your assessment will be required to be typed in Arial font size 12 only. You will provide your completed assessment for all of questions in one document and MUST be uploaded into MOODLE (No other method of submission will be accepted).
You are required to professionally format your document including spell-check and indicating each Task answer [e.g. Task 1 (a.) then the answer, Task 1 (b.) then the answer etc.] according to this Assignment requirement. You may lose marks if you have not spell-checked your document (as this is a professional formatting requirement, a business skill).
This assessment can be completed in one of several ways. Assessment candidates may identify unit requirement within their own work environment or organisation, or with reference to a scenario provided by the trainer/assessor.
Be sure to properly reference your sources of information using the Harvard referencing system. For more information go to:-
• Student Handbook - latest version
• Ask your Trainer/Assessor to provide you with this information
In order to determine if you are addressing this assignment adequately in terms of competency/comprehension (prior to due date) a draft copy of your assessment should be discussed during class time in consultation with your Trainer/Assessor. For this feedback/ support from your Trainer/Assessor, you will need to bring to class your “draft copy” with any evidence of the research you have conducted to produce the assessment.
If, as a student you feel you have special needs that require your Trainer/Assessor to apply a reasonable adjustment – please discuss this with your Trainer/Assessor at the beginning of the subject studies.
Your Assignment must:
a. Be of a professional standard (spelling, grammar, punctuation)
b. Size 12, Arial Font
c. 1.5 Spacing
d. All pages must have a Header/Footer with the following details:
o Name
o Student ID
o The course & unit of competency
o Date
o Page numbering
e. Title page
f. Index page
g. Body of work
h. Referencing
How to upload your answered assessment into MOODLE
To upload your assignment into Moodle, follow these steps.
1. Log-in to Moodle and access the subject that you will be submitting the assignment in.
2. Locate the assessment you will be uploading into by scrolling down to the week that the assessment is due in and then click on the assessment submission link.
3. Click on the name of the assignment.
4. Click the Browse button.
5. Select the file and click Open.
6. Click the Upload this file button.
7. If you have more than one file, repeat the process (steps 4-6) to attach additional files up to the assignments limit.
8. Once happy with your submission click the Send for marking button. The files are locked and the student can no longer delete, or upload more, files.
Note: The date and time of the submission is recorded when the files are sent for marking, not when they are first uploaded.

Assessment Instruction:
You need to choose a business/organisation context to undertake this assessment. You will build a work team, help assign responsibilities for a team project, develop a performance plan, and support team members to carry out assigned responsibilities. You will develop and propose strategies to ensure each team member participates in the project planning and develops policies and procedures for carrying out teamwork.
Assessment Requirements:
1. Briefly introduce your chosen organisation information including organisation’s overview, history, company’s vision, organisation’s main products and/or services.
2. Form a team with your 5 classmates then discuss team objectives and develop performance plan for each team member.
3. Prepare to work with your team and complete the following:
a. Consider several strategies to ensure each team member has input into the planning process.
b. Consider several ideas for policies to ensure team members take responsibility for own work.
c. Consider team goals and how team can achieve goals.
d. Consider strategies for gaining consensus among your team.
e. Consider group behaviour and how best to present your ideas and work effectively within the group.
f. Review the third-party report in Appendix 2 to ensure that you are familiar with the team performance expectations.
g. Prepare to take notes to provide evidence of team meeting.
4. In team meeting, consult to establish ground rules for teamwork:
a. propose and agree on strategies for ensuring participation of team members
b. develop policy and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for own work; these should contain ground rules for group work to ensure fairness and high performance.
5. Discuss and determine team goals and how goals can be achieved.
6. Assign and agree on responsibilities to achieve team goals:
a. Determine outcomes, outputs and KPIs for each team member – for example, determine agreed responsibilities, quality standards and how performance quality or achievement of tasks will be measured, i.e. number of pages of research, number of network contacts, number of credible sources, hours spent on research, number of coaching sessions conducted to improve performance of other team members, number of inputs into team meetings.
b. Ensure work is fairly distributed among team members.
7. Determine and agree on specific duties to support team members with assigned responsibilities.
8. Using the template provided in Appendix 1, develop an individual performance plan in consultation with your team to help achieve team goals:
a. Include your support duties in your individual performance plan.
b. Your performance plan should be at least three pages long.
Note: Together, all individual performance plans must achieve all team goals.
9. Ensure each team member completes the third-party report, included in Appendix 3, to provide evidence on your team performance.
10. Meet with your assessor to discuss your participation in team activities.
11. Submit all documents to your assessor as per the specifications below:
I. detailed performance plan (three pages)
II. team policy and procedures
III. notes from team meeting/s
IV. third-party reports from each team member.
Appendix 1: Performance plan
Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
Review dates
Measurement: KPI; Outcome
Appendix 2: Third-party report
Assessment 1 – Third-party report for candidate:
Did the candidate propose and agree on strategies for ensuring participation of team members? Y / N
Describe how:
Did the candidate help develop policy and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for own work? Y / N
Describe how:
Did the candidate work with group to determine common understanding of organisational requirements and team goals? Y / N
Describe how:
Did the candidate work with group to determine and agree on specific duties to support team members with assigned responsibilities? Y / N
List the candidate’s support duties:
Did the candidate demonstrate knowledge of group behaviour and how to gain consensus and work within groups to enhance team effectiveness? Y / N
Describe how the candidate demonstrated this knowledge in their interactions with the team:
Team member/observer’s name: Signature and date:
Candidate’s name: Signature and date:

Student Name:
Student Number:
Unit of Competency: BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness
Assessor Name:
Assessment Date
Assessment Instruction:
You are required to participate in the team meeting and demonstrate the requirements as described in the assessment task 1 & 2.
During the observation, did the candidate satisfactorily demonstrate the ability to: Yes No
1. Ensure all issues on agenda are covered in meeting and that each team member has an opportunity to lead or take a prominent role in an issue resolution process.
2. Provide feedback to team members to encourage, value and reward individual and team efforts and contribution?
3. Deploy some processes to resolve issue such as:
• Brainstorming
• Mind mapping
• Consulting
4. Encourage team member to participate in and to take responsibility for team activities, including communication processes?
5. Support team in identifying and resolving work performance problem?
6. Ensure own contribution to work team as role model for others?
Feedback to student:
Overall Student’s Performance: 0 Satisfactory
0 Not Satisfactory
Assessor’s Signature:
Student’s Signature:
Appendix 3: Third-party report
Assessment 3 – Third-party report for candidate:
Did the candidate provide you with information from manager? Y / N
What was the information?
Did the candidate help you to achieve goals by overcoming issues with achieving activities on performance plan? Y / N
Describe how:
Team member/observer’s name: Signature and date:
Candidate’s name: Signature and date:

Student Name:
Student Number:
Unit of Competency: BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness
Assessor Name:
Assessment Date
Assessment 1:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Assessment 1 Outcome: 0 Satisfactory
0 Not Satisfactory
Assessor Feedback: