• This form is to be completed by the assessor and used a final record of student competency.
• All student submissions including any associated checklists (outlined below) are to be attached to this cover sheet before placing on the students file.
• Student results are not to be entered onto the Student Database unless all relevant paperwork is completed and attached to this form.
Student Name:
Student ID No:
Final Completion Date:
Unit Code: BSBMGT615
Unit Title: Contribute to Organization Development
Please attach the following documentation to this form Result
Assessment 1 Prepare an Organizational Development Plan S / NYS / DNS
Final Assessment Result for this unit C / NYC
Feedback is given to the student on each Assessment task Yes / No
Feedback is given to the student on final outcome of the unit Yes / No
Student Declaration I have been assessed in a fair and flexible manner. I understand that the Institute’s Student Assessment, Reassessment and Repeating Units of Competency Guidelines apply to these assessment tasks. Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
Name: Name:
Date: Date:
Details of Assessment
Term and Year Term 3 2017
Assessment Type Prepare an Organizational Development Plan
Due Date Lecture Hall
Student Name:
Student ID No:
Qualification : BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of Business
Unit Code: BSBMGT615
Unit Title: Contribute to Organization Development
Assessor’s Name
Student Declaration: I declare that this work has been completed by me honestly and with integrity. I understand that the Sydney Metro College’s (SMC) Student Assessment, Reassessment and Repeating Units of Competency Guidelines apply to these assessment tasks. Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
Name: Name:
Date: Date:
Student was absent from the feedback session.
Assessment/evidence gathering conditions
Each assessment component is recorded as either Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS). A student can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under procedures and specifications of the assessment section are Satisfactory. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each assessment. A student who is assessed as NYS (Not Yet Satisfactory) is eligible for re-assessment.
Resources required for this Assessment
• All documents must be created using Microsoft Office suites i.e., MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint
• Upon completion, submit the assessment printed copy to your trainer along with assessment coversheet.
• Refer the notes on SMC eLearning (Moodle) to answer the tasks
• Any additional material will be provided by Trainer
Instructions for Students
Please read the following instructions carefully
• This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor.
• Students are allowed to take this assessment home.
• Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved. You will be provided with feedback on your work within 2 weeks of the assessment due date.
• Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency.
• If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
• Please refer to the College re-assessment and re-enrolment policy for more information.
Procedures and Specifications of the Assessment
Read all materials required for this assessment task: this procedure, the Bounce Fitness Simulated Business and information supplied in this case study. Write summary of the current status of Bounce fitness.
You will be required to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to prepare an organizational development plan and communication plan (use the templates provided) relating to a development in the organization. This assessment consists of 3 parts:
1. Develop organizational development plan
2. Implement organization development activities
3. Maintain organization development program
In developing your plans, ensure they are laid out in the style demonstrated by the appropriate template document available from the Bounce Fitness Simulated Business and that you access all appropriate report writing format from the simulated business to assist in the development of your plans.
You must consult with and gain approval from your assessor prior to preparing your plans and ensure that your final plans are professionally presented and contain no spelling or grammatical errors.
Note: Your assessor will complete the following table as they assess your plans, therefore ensure you meet each requirement in the table and utilize it as a guide in the development of your plans.
Case Study
Bounce Fitness relies on the proven skills of its founder to take advantage of the growing need for fitness training, personal coaching and other related health enhancement services. Margaret House, who brings more than two decades of personal training and life coaching expertise to the business leads the company as it was established, as a high quality fitness provider in three capital cities and one major regional center across Australia.
Bounce Fitness initially focused on attendance generated through advertising, tendering for training and general health enhancement, currently memberships provide the basis of funding and the tenders and casual visits and add-on options of life coaching and health enhancement specialists generate larger profit margins.
Consistently evolving classes and advertising offer an opportunity to work smarter but the increased opportunity comes at the expense of increased complexity. Substantial market research establishes that personal training couple with life coaching and natural health enhancement is one of the fastest growing service industries.
Bounce Fitness is in a position to capture a significant portion of their local markets in each of their localities, currently Cairns, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. Furthermore, Bounce Fitness anticipates a return of a profit of $2.5 million due in large part to the size of the market and the relatively low investment required.
Bounce Fitness continues to differentiate itself from its competitors through lower pricing and the continuing development of unique classes, personal training and expanding on the one-stop-shop for health enhancement. The one-stop-shop approach aims to allow substantial gains in the largest segment of a growing market. This focused approach also makes it easier for Bounce Fitness to establish and retain a position as an industry leader.
Bounce Fitness business strategy entails the following:
• To open a new fitness center in Perth within two years
• Existing centers will continue to show an above-market return on investment through excellence of facility, staff and operational management
• To hold its current position through follow-up of members who cease to attend (as learned from monthly review of client programs), invest greater time in customer relationship management and through continues provision of excellence in service and equipment in centers, holding the costs to no more than CPI increases.
• Will increase staff training in line with their job roles through holding training with guests experts and accessing external training. It is intended within a year to establish a system where wagered training expenses for university and other job-related tertiary training costs are reimbursed to staff to encourage continued learning and development of staff
• To consider franchising or licensing as an option in the next five years
In addition, Bounce Fitness has also come up with its annual human resources strategic plan (in Table 1) to address on how they would like to manage a more effective human capital in the organization
Table 1 – Bounce Fitness Annual Strategic Human Resources Plan from 2017 to 2022
Focus areas Strategic directions
Planning the workforce • Anticipate and manage changing workforce demographic
• Drive development of workforce capabilities to ensure the delivery of high quality services
• Develop strategies to attract high quality staff with the right capabilities
• Create a workforce that reflects and draws on the diversity of the local communities
• Ensure human resource policies and practices are responsive and flexible to meet workforce needs
Selecting, developing and retaining the best people • Implement business best practice in recruitment and induction
• Drive the development of strategies to build a culture of high performance across the organization
• Develop leadership capabilities for current and aspirant leaders in the organization
• Build the capability of staff through development opportunities
• Continue to improve personal trainer quality
• Support the career progression of staff
Enabling the organization • Continue to build an inclusive workplace culture across the organization
• Drive innovation an culture of continuous improvement
• Support the organization’s ability to initiate and embrace change
• Develop the capability of managers across the organization
• Position Human Resources as a strategic partner to achieve the organization’s priorities
• Ensure effective human resource service delivery
Assessment questions
Part 1 – Develop organization development plan
Task description
In this task you will be required to develop a strategy for the organization to achieve a specific goal. A strategic plan is an internal document that outlines an organization’s overall direction, philosophy, and purpose, examines its current status in terms of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, set long-term objectives, and formulates short-term tactics to reach them.
1. Discuss in consultation with Bounce Fitness’ stakeholders on its readiness for organizational development to support its business objectives.
2. Identify internal and external stakeholders, their role in the process, and any issues or concerns they have to profile the organization’s culture and readiness for organizational development.
3. Provide a set organizational development directions for Bounce Fitness to adopt to achieve the desired workplace outcomes to be implement into the organizational development plan.
4. Develop an education plans for Bounce Fitness to achieve communication objectives to support organizational development needs which includes an approach to problem-solving and developmental activities.
Part 2 - Implement organization development activities
Task description
In this task you will be required to ensure that there is an effective consultative processes from inception to encourage participation and sharing by stakeholders.
5. Discuss and identify the process consultation to maximize participation in the organization development process.
6. Devise a team development and training activities by providing collaborative approaches to problem solving and development.
7. Advise on a conflict management strategy approach to support individuals and/or groups to achieve consensus or agreement.
8. Discuss briefly the various intervention strategies that assist to improve productivity, performance or behaviors through a series of structured individual and team activities and propose four (4) OD Intervention Strategies to Bounce Fitness.
9. Describe how the organization will monitor, evaluate and modify ideas with brainstorming, nominal group technique or other creative idea generating models to ensure the best ideas for problem solving.
i. Select at least two options as intervention strategies to achieve the desired performance outcomes.
ii. Submit your proposal to your trainer (who would represent senior management of the organization) and obtain an approval for it to be implemented.
Part 3 - Maintain organization development program
Task description
In this task you will be required to discuss on how the organization is able to identify any loss of support for organization development program and activities through the use of surveys, regular team meetings, individual feedback and as well as evaluating, modifying and maintaining all activities and intervention plans during the organization development.
10. Discuss and obtain approval from senior management on how the use of survey are able to support the organization in terms of measuring and understanding the impact of a given organizational development programs or activities.
11. . Develop a communications plan for Bounce Fitness to ensure maintenance of regular team meetings and individual feedback on the progress of the organizational development program.
12. Structure an activities and interventions strategy guide for the organization development plan that the organization can use, maintain, evaluate and modify them as required.
13. Provide a progress report to ensure senior management reinforces organization development program by ongoing messages of support and appropriate resource allocation.
Assessment Answers
Part 1 – Develop organization development plan
1. Discuss in consultation with Bounce Fitness’ stakeholders on its readiness for organizational development to support its business objectives.
Bounce Fitness Management Meeting
1.1 Meeting activity Organizational development plan
Attendance CEO Margaret House
General Managers Marketing Kath Jones
Finance Steve Brinkley
Human Resources Laura Irish
Centre Managers Cairns Paul Thomas
Brisbane Ellie Tolle
Sydney Jacinta Scotts
Melbourne John Hyatt
Assistant Centre Managers Cairns Sally Stowe
Brisbane Hans Jane
Sydney Martin Saunders
Melbourne Colin McRae
Management Consultant Student’s Name
Accounts Meredith Watkin
Administration Marion Stevens
Executive Assistant Thomas Harwood
Absence with apologies N/A
1.2 Message agenda
(what is the purpose of this meeting)
1.3 Analyze information/ data based on Fitness Australia has published a report that may have a probable business alignment impact on Bounce Fitness and relate the discussions that include both qualitative and quantitative aspects
1.3.1 Key Observation # 1
(based from Fitness Industry Report 2016)
1.3.2 Key Observation # 2
(based from Fitness Industry Report 2016)
1.3.3 Key Observation # 3
(based from Fitness Industry Report 2016)
1.3.4 Key Observation # 4
(based from Fitness Industry Report 2016)
1.3.5 Key Observation # 5
(based from Fitness Industry Report 2016)
1.4 The ADKAR model of change is a pragmatic method to aid organizations for effective change management. Discuss how Bounce Fitness would be able to use this model as building blocks for successful organizational development.
1.4.1 Awareness of the need to change
1.4.2 Desire to support and participate in the change
1.4.3 Knowledge of how to change
1.4.4 Ability to implement the change
1.4.5 Reinforcement to sustain change
1.5 What are Bounce Fitness’ objectives that need to be addressed to determine organization development needs and objectives
Bounce Fitness’ Strategic Plans
(based from case materials) OD priorities Analysis
(what are the key importance and how would you prioritize its situational analysis) Critical success factors
(what are the initiatives that can provide support the company’s HR efforts, i.e. costs and time)
Problems/ issues or the need for realignment
(what are the current concerns faced by Bounce Fitness) Organizational performance requirements
(the rationale for this strategic objective) Choice of Human Resource Strategic direction
(choose the appropriate HR strategic direction from Table 1 on page5)
1.5.1 Staff development
(People) Immediate scope for change
1.5.2 Improving facilities & operations
(People, Structure, Processes) Immediate scope for change
Customer Relationship Management
(People, Technology) Immediate scope for change
1.5.4 Expanding to Perth
(Structure) Eventual scope for change
1.5.5 Franchising/ licensing
(Structure) Eventual scope for change
2.0 Identify internal and external stakeholders, their role in the process, and any issues or concerns they have to profile the organization’s culture and readiness for organizational development.
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Key message to communicate
Stakeholder name Key interests or stake in the change and degree of impact
(H, M or L) Level of engagement over the organizational development
(inform, involve, consult, collaborate) Present attitude to the change
(in favor, neutral or opposed?) Expectations and concerns
(briefly describe what they expect and are concern with) Engagement strategies
(what needs to be done to support staff) Follow-up
(who) Date
(when will this be completed?)
2.1 Senior Management Margaret House
2.2 Kath Jones
2.3 Steve Brinkley
2.4 Laura Irish
(Human Resources)
2.5 Centre Managers Paul Thomas
2.6 Ellie Tolle
2.7 Jacinta Scotts
2.8 John Hyatt
2.9 Assistant Managers Sally Stowe
2.10 Hans Jane
2.11 Martin Saunders
2.12 Colin McRae
Support staff Meredith Watkin
2.14 Marion Stevens
2.15 Thomas Harwood
2.16 Management consultant
3.0 Provide a set organizational development directions for Bounce Fitness to adopt to achieve the desired workplace outcomes to be implement into the organizational development plan.
Strategic Directions for Bounce Fitness Organizational Development
OD Purpose To provide a working brief for the Company’s strategic objectives on staff development
Immediate Scope Areas From (current practice) To (improvement and efficiency) OD intervention strategy (type of training support)
3.1 People development
3.2 Improving facilities & operations
(People, Structure, Processes)
3.3 Customer Relationship Management
(People, Technology)
Eventual Scope Areas Expected performance (required achievement) Resources needed (supporting initiatives needed) OD intervention strategy (type of training support)
Expanding to Perth
Franchising/ licensing
4.0 Develop an education plans for Bounce Fitness to achieve communication objectives to support organizational development needs which includes an approach to problem-solving and developmental activities
Education Plan for Bounce Fitness’ Organizational Development Plan
What Who How When
OD Action
(types of programs) KPIs
(expected results) Progress/ plans
Costs Intended for which group of employees Monitor/ Inform/
Manage Date Review
4.1 People Development Leadership
4.2 Teamwork
4.3 Improving facilities and operations Operational excellence
4,4 Maintenance
4.5 Customer relationship management CRM system
4.6 Building customer relations and experience
Part 2 - Implement organization development activities
5.0 Discuss and identify the process consultation to maximize participation in the organization development process.
Demonstration/ observation checklist
5.1 Candidate’s name
Assessor’s name
Work activity Process Consultation for Bounce Fitness’ organizational development plan
5.1 Brief summary of significant changes to current practice 5.1.1
5.2 Scope of organizational change and development 5.2.1 Incremental Change and Development
(To improve effectiveness, efficiency and continuous improvement aligned to current critical success factors and strategic focus by staying on the course, increase performance to achieve business results) Select one
5.2.2 Transitional Change and Development of Organizational alignment
(To enhance adaptability and alignment of the organization to changing environments, strategic directions and business goals) ?
5.2.3 Transformational Change and Development
(Cultural transformation within an adaptive, emergent paradigm – designed to evolve and embed the values, attitudes and beliefs (VABs) of your organization within your structures, systems, processes, decisions and behaviors to support your long term business strategies). ?
Process Checklist Yes Pending No Comments Activities Date
5.3 Initial contact & dialogue Understanding our partner and client ? ? ?
Building a trusting relationship ? ? ?
Listening to the issues presented by the partner ? ? ?
Helping to identify and clarify the need for change ? ? ?
Examining our own role and leverage ? ? ?
5.4 Identifying needs & formulating an agreement Identifying desired outcomes ? ? ?
Determining who should do what ? ? ?
Developing a joint strategy including a timeframe ? ? ?
Assessing organizational development issues ? ? ?
Finalizing the contract ? ? ?
Process Checklist (cont.) Yes Pending No Comments Activities Date
5.5 Implementing consultation & adapting the consultation strategy Holding consultation management meetings with our partners to assess progress and targets ? ? ?
Guiding feedback back into the consultancy ? ? ?
Revising and adapting action ? ? ?
Taking successful action ? ? ?
5.6 Evaluation of the impact and learning for the future Listening to our partner’s feedback ? ? ?
Reflecting on our joint work ? ? ?
Identifying and integrating lessons learned and best practices for the future. ? ? ?
Process Checklist (cont.) Yes Pending No Comments Activities Date
5.7 Engagement closure & follow-up Designing continuity supports ? ? ?
Promoting and handing over to local ownership ? ? ?
Follow-up activities (where appropriate) ? ? ?
Providing ad hoc advice ? ? ?
Prepared by
5.8 Consultant (Student) Name :
Consultant (Student) Signature: Date:
Management Approval
Status Approved
Not approved
5.9 CEO (Trainer) Name :
CEO (Trainer) Signature: Date:
6.0 Devise a team development and training activities by providing collaborative approaches to problem solving and development.
Team Development Plan for Bounce Fitness
Areas What is it about Training program
(propose type of training program to be implemented) Performance Deliverables Training activities
Resolving issues faced Expected KPIs
6.1 Have a common purpose and goal • Create and/or review the team's charter.
• Discuss why the team exists.
• Allow each team member to express commitment.
• Create mottoes, symbols, awards, or posters that portray the team as one unit.
• Use the common purpose to prioritize team actions.
6.2 Trust each other • Be honest.
• Work to eliminate conflicts of interests.
• Avoid talking behind each other's back.
• Trust teammates (you must trust them before they will trust you).
• Give team members the benefit of the doubt.
Clarify roles • Review team members' roles frequently.
• Relate team member expectations to the team's overall purpose.
• Clarify responsibilities when action planning.
• Learn what others do on the team.
• Figure out ways to help each other.
6.4 Communicate openly and effectively • Err on the side of over communicating.
• Seek to understand all angles.
• Take responsibility for being heard and understood.
• Work to clear up misunderstandings quickly and accurately.
• Reinforce and recognize team member efforts.
6.5 Appreciate diversity • Remember that reasonable people can and do differ with each other.
• Try to learn as much as you can from others.
• Evaluate a new idea based on its merits.
• Avoid remarks that draw negative attention to a person's unique characteristics.
• Don't ignore the differences among team members.
6.6 Balance the team’s focus • Regularly review and evaluate the effectiveness of team meetings.
• Hold team celebrations for achieving results.
• Praise individual effort.
• Design individual performance goals that emphasize both results and teamwork.
• Assign certain team members to monitor task needs and others to monitor relationship needs.
7.0 Advise on a conflict management strategy approach to support individuals and/or groups to achieve consensus or agreement
Demonstration/ observation checklist
7.1 Candidate’s name
Assessor’s name
Work activity Process Consultation for Bounce Fitness’ organizational development plan
Conflict Management Strategy Plan for Bounce Fitness
Organizational Development Objectives Concerns/ Issues
(current problems) Conflict Management Strategy Options (select one appropriate strategy ) Resolution
(type of activity to resolve issue) Follow-up
(Who will be responsible)
Accommodating Avoiding Collaborating Competing Compromising
(Cooperates to a high degree which may work against goals, objectives and desired outcomes) (Attempts to resolve conflict by avoiding issue and does not provide reaching the intended goal) (Creating partnerships to achieve goals and to seek a win-win situation) (This is a win-lose approach by seeking assertiveness to achieve goals without seeking cooperation of others) (This is a lose-lose scenario where neither party really achieves the intended goal)
People development
(People) Different styles of work behavior between managers and assistant managers ? ? ? ? ?
7.2 People development
Cont. Lack of group cohesion due to poor communication between departments ? ? ? ? ?
Lack of mutual agreement due to resistance to change, hence, difficulty to resolve problems of trainers not willing to receive training support ? ? ? ? ?
7.3 Improving facilities & operations
(People, Structure, Processes) No established set of rules in policies and procedures resulting issues on standardization and each center is run one their own way ? ? ? ? ?
Scarce resources in terms of equipment needed causing trainers to have misunderstanding with one another ? ? ? ? ?
No one wants to be held accountable for helping up in up keeping the center as they feel management should be the one ? ? ? ? ?
7.4 Customer Relationship Management
(People, Technology) Skills deficits in terms of doing the task competently but is not open to adopt a new method to handle customer database ? ? ? ? ?
7.4 Customer Relationship Management
(People, Technology)
Cont. Understaffed due to delayed decision-making by manager who claims she is overworked ? ? ? ? ?
Lack of information or misunderstanding between team members ? ? ? ? ?
Prepared by
7.5 Consultant (Student) Name :
Consultant (Student) Signature: Date:
Management Approval
Status Approved
Not approved
7.6 CEO (Trainer) Name :
CEO (Trainer) Signature: Date:
8.0 Discuss briefly the various intervention strategies that assist to improve productivity, performance or behaviors through a series of structured individual and team activities and propose four (4) OD Intervention Strategies to Bounce Fitness
Type of intervention strategy
Purpose of intervention strategy Tick 4 only
8.1 Interpersonal interventions Coaching and counseling ?
Sensitivity training ?
Process consultation ?
8.2 Group interventions Group diagnostic meetings ?
Team building ?
Role analysis/ role clarification ?
8.3 Intergroup interventions Brainstorming ?
Quality circles ?
Re-engineering ?
9.0 Describe how the organization will monitor, evaluate and modify ideas with brainstorming, nominal group technique or other creative idea generating models to ensure the best ideas for problem solving.
iii. Select at least two options as intervention strategies to achieve the desired performance outcomes.
iv. Submit your proposal to your trainer (who would represent senior management of the organization) and obtain an approval for it to be implemented.
Demonstration/observation checklist
9.1 Candidate’s name
Assessor’s name
Work activity Organization Development (OD) Intervention Strategies
In Part 2, Question 5 of your assessment, you were asked to elaborate on four (4) Intervention strategies. Please select two (2) strategies you believe are best suited for you to proceed with for Bounce Fitness. Complete the form below and discuss with your manager (trainer) to seek approval.
Intervention 1
(select two (2) from Q8) Description
(purpose of intervention strategy) Cost
(opportunity costs) Benefits
(opportunity gains) Justifications
(Why do you feel this is the best option to proceed with?)
Intervention 2 Description Why do you feel this is the best option to proceed with?
Prepared by
9.4 Consultant (Student) Name :
Consultant (Student) Signature: Date:
Management Approval
Not approved
9.5 CEO (Trainer) Name :
CEO (Trainer) Signature: Date:
Part 3 - Maintain organization development program
10.0 Discuss and obtain approval from senior management on how the use of survey are able to support the organization in terms of measuring and understanding the impact of a given organizational development programs or activities
Types of surveys to measure employee engagement Purpose of the survey
(objective of this type of survey) Area of evaluation
(what aspects of measurement) Rationale
(Justify choice)
10.1 Employee Satisfaction Survey
10.2 Organization Culture Survey
10.3 Employee Engagement Survey
10.4 Implementing the employee survey at Bounce Fitness Process Tasks
Step 1 Conduct the survey
Step 2 Measure and identify areas of improvements
Step 3 Focus on key components that drive Bounce Fitness’s employee engagement
Step 4 Ensure managers are playing their role 4 in engaging their employees
11. Develop a communications plan for Bounce Fitness to ensure maintenance of regular team meetings and individual feedback on the progress of the organizational development program
Communications Plan for Bounce Fitness
Prepared by: Position: Signature: Date:
Target audience:
(Who do we want to inform?) Key messages:
(What do we want to tell them?) Communication methods:
(How are we going to tell them?) Who is responsible for doing it? Deadline:
(By when does this need to happen?) Date completed Review Update/s required
11.1 Senior management
11.2 Cairns fitness center
11.3 Brisbane fitness center
11.4 Sydney fitness center
11.5 Melbourne fitness center
Approval ? Yes ? Pending ? No
Name: Position: Signature: Date:
12.0 Structure an activities and interventions strategy guide for the organization development plan that the organization can use, maintain, evaluate and modify them as required
Bounce Fitness Activities and Intervention Strategy Guide
Team Development Areas
(based on the discussion from Q6) OD Intervention Strategies Used
(based on what you have discussed in Part 2, Q5) Evaluation Follow-up Date
Outcome achieved
(Y/N) Changes required
Modification/s required
(recommendation/s to improve)
12.1 Have a common purpose and goal
12.2 Trust each other
12.3 Clarify roles
12.4 Communicate openly and effectively
12.5 Appreciate diversity
12.6 Balance the team’s focus
Approval ? Yes ? Pending ? No
Name: Position: Signature: Date:
13.0 Provide a progress report to ensure senior management reinforces organization development program by ongoing messages of support and appropriate resource allocation
Demonstration/observation checklist
13.1 Candidate’s name
Assessor’s name
Work activity Organization Development (OD) Intervention Strategies
Progress Report on Bounce Fitness’ Organization Development
13.2 OD program
13.3 OD report date
13.4 Summary
Progress of centers OD Activities Date Implemented No of employees Funding approval Outcomes achieved Additional comments Follow-up action plan
From To Yes No
13.5 Cairns
? ?
13.6 Brisbane
? ?
13.7 Sydney
7 ? ?
13.8 Melbourne 7 ? ?
13.9 Head Office 6 ? ?
Prepared by
13.10 Consultant (Student) Name :
Consultant (Student) Signature: Date:
Management Approval
Status Approved
Not approved
13.11 CEO (Trainer) Name :
CEO (Trainer) Signature: Date:
14.0 Attendance sign-off for the Organizational Development Management Meeting
Margaret House CEO
Name Position Signature Date
Kath Jones GM - Marketing
Name Position Signature Date
Steve Brinkley GM - Finance
Name Position Signature Date
Laura Irish GM – Human Resources
Name Position Signature Date
Paul Thomas Cairns Center Manager
Name Position Signature Date
Ellie Tolle Brisbane Center Manager
Name Position Signature Date
Jacinta Scotts Sydney Center Manager
Name Position Signature Date
John Hyatt Melbourne Center Manager
Name Position Signature Date
Sally Stowe Cairns Center Assistant Manager
Name Position Signature Date
Hans Jane Sydney Center Assistant Manager
Name Position Signature Date
Colin McRae Melbourne Center Assistant Manager
Name Position Signature Date
Student’s Name Management Consultant
Name Position Signature Date
Meredith Watkin Accounts
Name Position Signature Date
Marion Stevens Administration
Name Position Signature Date
Thomas Harwood Executive Assistant
Name Position Signature Date
Assessment Submission Checklist to be completed by the Trainer/Assessor
Did the student complete and provide evidence for the following: Yes No
1. Provide a discussion and analysis of the case study? ? ?
2. Provide an organizational development plan? ? ?
3. Submit within agreed timeframe? ? ?
Trainer/ Assessor’s signature: Date:
Assessment Feedback Evaluation
Student’s name:
Trainer/ Assessor’s name: Date:
Unit name: BSBMGT615 Contribute to Organization Development
Has the learner proven they can: Yes No
1.1. Analyse strategic plans to determine organisation development needs and objectives ? ?
1.2. Consult with relevant groups and individuals to profile the organisation's culture and readiness for organisational development ? ?
1.3. Determine who will take key roles in the organisational development process and confirm their commitment ? ?
1.4. Collect and analyse data on areas of the business experiencing problems or that need realignment ? ?
1.5. Determine and agree on objectives and strategies for organisational development ? ?
1.6. Consider change management techniques required to achieve the workplace culture outcomes and build them into the organisation development plan ? ?
1.7. Develop communication/education plans to achieve communication objectives in relation to the desired work environment and desired approach to problem-solving and developmental activities ? ?
2.1. Identify and implement consultative processes to maximise participation in the organisation development process ? ?
2.2. Undertake team development and training activities to develop collaborative approaches to problem-solving and development ? ?
2.3. Facilitate groups to articulate problems and to propose means for resolving the problems ? ?
2.4. Manage conflict between individuals and/or groups to achieve consensus or agreement ? ?
2.5. Undertake interventions in accordance with the organisation development plan ? ?
2.6. Brainstorm alternative proposals, and negotiate and agree on outcomes ? ?
3.1. Undertake surveys to identify any loss of support for organisation development program and activities ? ?
3.2. Maintain regular team meetings and individual feedback in accordance with communication plan ? ?
3.3. Set out activities and interventions in the organisation development plan and maintain, evaluate and modify them as required ? ?
3.4. Ensure senior management reinforces organisation development program by ongoing messages of support and appropriate resource allocation ? ?
3.5. Evaluate organisation development plans in terms of costs and benefits, including opportunity costs ? ?
Assessment outcome ? Satisfactory ? Not Yet Satisfactory ? Re-assessment required
Student Signature The result of my performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me.
____________________________ Date: ______________
Student signature
Trainer/ Assessor’s Signature Trainer/ Assessor’s declaration:
I hereby certify that the above student has been assessed by myself and all assessments are carried out as required by the Principles of Assessments (Clause 1.8 of the Standards for RTO 2015).
____________________________ Date: ______________
Assessor signature
Appeal Process
I would like to appeal the outcome of this assessment as per the appeals procedure in the Student Handbook
Student’s signature: _______________________ Date: __________________
Assessment Receipt
Student’s Name:
Unit: BSBMGT615
Assessment: One
Term: 3 2017
Assessors Name:
Assessors Signature:
Submission Date:
Resubmission Date:
Assessor’s Signature on Resubmission:
Important Notes: This is your evidence that you have handed in your assessment to your trainer. It is your responsibility to keep this document by the end of the term. This Assessment Receipt is not to be considered that the assessment has a positive outcome.
Student Declaration
Your trainer and assessor is required to discuss the following matters with you.
? Purpose and outcomes of the assessment process
? Relevant unit/s of competency
? Recognition of Prior Learning
? Appeals process
? Confidentiality and security of information
? Special need/ Additional information
? Signing of Student Declaration
In signing this form the Student acknowledges that the assessment process has been fully explained by this unit’s Trainer and Assessor Sydney Metro College. This declaration verifies that copies of the Assessment Plan and Unit of Competency have been provided and that the candidate understands and agrees to the assessment process as described. The candidate also confirms that she/he agrees that Sydney metro College has removed the weighting and marking as part of its assessment evaluation. This competency based training (CBT) assessment is part of Sydney metro College continuous improvement policy and compliance upgrade.