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Assessment 3
Double tutorials (100 minutes) will be held in week 7 for you to work in a team with 3 other students (4 students per team) from your tutorial group. You will also need to communicate and work together outside of the tutorials times to complete this task.
Your team is required to develop an idea for a health promotion project. Your idea needs to address one or more social determinants of health and be targeted to a specific population group.
This assessment task requires you to complete two pieces of work — a presentation and an individual reflection. These are described in detail below.
Part A: 10 minute presentation (including an outline) 25% Weighting
• Your team will be allocated a time slot during the week 10 tutorial to present your health promotion activity. Double tutorials (100 minutes) will be held in week 10 for this purpose.
• Your team presentation needs to focus on how your health promotion activity addresses social determinants of health.
• Each team will have 10 minutes to present their health promotion activity (7 minutes presentation and 3 minutes questions).
• Your team needs to provide an outline of your presentation using the template provided (prior to the presentation). Submit this 031133 313 MyLO into your team's dropbox by end of week 9 (Friday May 5th). The outline will be used for review of assessment if required.
Part B: Individual reflection (1000 words) 25% Weighting
• Questions to guide your reflection will be provided on MyLO.
• Reflect on your experience developing this health promotion activity in a team.
• Reflect on your contribution to the team process.
• Reflect on the contribution of the team activity to your understanding of health promotion principles and practice.
• Your roflection is to be submitted online via the MyLO site.
As promised, I am following up on a few details about the reflective piece due next week.
I double checked with Marguerite for you all, and can confirm that you should write about the social model of health AND the process of being in the group, but more important to talk about your role in the team (see excerpts from two exemplars to explain how this might be written).
/. -We divided the project template into sections and agreed to conduct separate literature reviews and meet the following week to brainstorm project ideas. Our independent research revealed that we had a different understanding of the topic in terms of approaching it from a health promotion perspective.
2. -This process of pushing through my self-doubt with research and preparedness allowed me to articulate my idea in a team-centred goal-driven manner. The team confided that they were unable to conjure a project theme, and they were relieved I communicated a sound plan. My initiative and forethought saved time, helping us focus acutely on our target group's needs. Initiating the project theme was not my sole contribution, but I felt it my most significant because of insecurities I overcame to push my idea forward.-
Minimum of 5-6 references for this length, and be aware that the more you use the higher the
grade you are likely to achieve
Use of the Drsicoll's Headings
M has recommended the use of headings in your paper: what, so what, Now what.
Hope this helps you all.