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HI6028 Taxation, Theory, Practice & Law
Due date: Week 10
Due date: Week 10 (Block Mode)
Maximum marks: 20 (20%)
This assignment is to be submitted by the due date in both soft-copy (Safeassign – Bb). Report hard copy assignment should be submitted at the time of presentation.
The assignment is to be submitted in accordance with assessment policy stated in the Subject Outline and Student Handbook.
It is the responsibility of the student submitting the work to ensure that the work is in fact his/her own work. Ensure that when incorporating the works of others into your submission that it appropriately acknowledged.
Research only one of the following Australian cases involving a Taxation issue:
1. Weeks v. Feder al C omm iss ioner of Tax ati on - (25 J anuar y 2013) (25 J anuar y
2. S anctuar y Lak es P t y Ltd v. Feder al C omm iss ioner of Tax ati on - (24 Ma y 2 013)
(24 Ma y 2013)
3. Az er v. Fede ral C omm iss ioner of Tax ati on - (4 J uly 2016) (1 J ul y 2016 )
4. Walker v. Feder al C omm iss ioner of Tax ati on - (14 March 2017) (14 Mar ch 2017)
5. Kael v. Fed eral C omm iss ioner of Tax ati on - (20 J anuar y 2017) (20 J anuar y 2017)
6. Vo v. Fede ral C omm iss ioner of Tax ati on - (26 Ma y 2015) (26 Ma y 2015)
7. Bond v. Fed eral C omm i ssi oner of Tax ati on - (25 March 2015) (25 Mar ch 2015)
8. R e Ex cell ar Pt y Ltd and Fede ral C omm iss ion of Tax ati on - (30 April
2015) (30
April 2015)
9. B ywate r Investm ents Ltd and Others v. F eder al C omm iss ioner of Tax ati on* - (11
Decemb er 2015) ( 11 De c ember 2015)
10. Aurora D evelopm ents P ty Ltd v. Fed eral C omm iss ioner of Tax ati on -
(18 March
2011) (18 Ma rch 2011 )
Write a report outlining the following:
• Case introduction.
• Outline the Sections breached and explain why those sections were breached.
• Discuss and critically ANALYSE the court/tribunal decision and the reason for the decision in view of the corresponding Act (e.g. GST, FBT, etc)
• Present the report in class. Presentations will be of a maximum of 5 minutes.
• Your lecturer will let you know when you have to present.
Maximum word limit – 2,000 words. Proper referencing in accordance with school regulations. Submit group assignment on-line (must do Safe Assign Check).