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Assignment 2
Unit Title Nutritional Status & Health Issues Unit Code
Learning outcomes to be assessed through this work 2. Evaluate the nutritional status throughout the life-cycle and their impact on health.
3. Test nutritional status and interpret nutritional status data.
4. Identify ethical issues related to the study and their impact upon research work.
Submission date

Submission Location
Please submit all assignments electronically via Moodle submission area. Submit in Word (not pdf) format using Arial 12 point font and 1.5 line spacing.
Instruction to students:
Each student will hand in a research portfolio of the data they collected in the practical data collection sessions. The portfolio must be well organised into each of the following sessions:
1. Introduction (rationale)
2. Methodology including ethical issues
3. Results –
A, Dietary analysis (individual)
B. Blood –based measures
C. Anthropometric measures
4. Discussion
5. Reflective summary
6. References
Assessment Objective/Rationale:
The aim of this coursework is for students to experience a range of practical measurements and data collection. And for students to also learn:
• how to collect these measures and interpret these results
• the importance of robust data collection
• to critically evaluate various methods in which nutritional status can be analysed
• to organise a variety of individual and group data and present illustratively to support wider discussions
• Consider any ethical issues related to the collection, analysis and interpretation of this data
Assessment Task:
Develop a portfolio, based on a research hypothesis and collect the data/information in the unit practical sessions.
Assessment Criteria:
• The ability to develop an idea and apply a suitable methodology to test the idea/hypothesis
• The ability to understand scientific concepts to a deep level and evaluate these
• The ability to use appropriate techniques/procedures and be aware of ethical implications
• To show competence in research, planning and carrying out proposed research ideas (including the communication – and hence layout)
• To demonstrate evidence of independent learning
Coursework 2 Marking Scheme:
Total Word count: 3000

Focus on a specific area of the data collected (e.g. blood glucose and carbohydrate intake) and then structure this section as follows:
• Introduction (rationale)
• Hypothesis
Include how the data was collected in this section. Detail your methods clearly so they are repeatable by other researchers
Results and analysis
Inclusion of dietary, blood-based and anthropometric measures collected. Comparison of data against guidelines and reference ranges. Presentation of data in simple graphical and tabular from where appropriate.
A discussion and interpretation of the results, linking back to the hypothesis and evaluation and contextualise with other research and in terms of health issues.
Reflective summary (300 words)
Reflect on the practical process and your learning in this assessment. Concentrate on what you think has gone well and what you need to work on in the future. Consider the whole process, from data collection to analysis and interpretation.
Structure, academic writing style and references
Is the work well structured, planned and within the word limit, with good academic writing throughout?
Was work supported and cited appropriately using the MMU Harvard style of referencing?

Unit Title: ……………………………… Assessment No/Type: ……………………………… Name of Student/ID: ………………………………
Grade band Descriptor 1
Apply skills of critical analysis to real world situations within a defined range of contexts Descriptor 2
Demonstrate a high degree of professionalism* eg initiative, creativity, motivation, professional practice and self management. Descriptor 3
Express ideas effectively and communicate information appropriately and accurately using a range of media including ICT Descriptor 5
Manage their professional development reflecting on progress and taking appropriate action Descriptor 6
Find, evaluate, synthesise and use information from a variety of sources
86%-100% Novel and complex problems are evaluated thoroughly with reference to theory and practice, generating original solutions, expressed with clarity There is evidence of the ability to work autonomously and creatively with reference to professional standards and values, reflecting critically on their own practice. The outcomes of their work are presented creatively and persuasively to multiple audiences using a wide range of appropriately selected strategies and media A creative and credible vision of themselves and their professional futures is meticulously presented. A complex and innovative project is designed, planned and carried out meticulously to gather and synthesise useful information from a wide range of appropriate primary and secondary sources to produce original outcomes of publishable standards
70%-85% Novel and complex problems are evaluated with reference to theory and practice, generating original solution There is evidence of the ability to work autonomously and imaginatively with reference to professional standards and values, reflecting critically on their own practice. The outcomes of their work are presented convincingly and fluently to a defined audience using an interesting range of appropriately selected strategies and media A novel and feasible vision of themselves and their professional futures is presented A complex project is designed, planned and carried out thoroughly to gather useful information from a wide range of appropriate primary and secondary sources and synthesise the results to produce workable outcomes
60%-69% Novel and complex problems are solved confidently with reference to theory and practice There is evidence of the ability to work autonomously with reference to professional standards and values, reflecting critically on their own practice. The outcomes of their work are presented confidently and coherently to a defined audience using a range of appropriately selected strategies and media Demonstrate a fully worked vision of themselves and their professional futures A project is carefully planned and carried out to gather useful information from appropriate primary and secondary sources and synthesise the results