CHCCSL502A Assessment 4 V2.0
Assessment 4: Critical Reflection 2
Student Instructions
This assessment is designed to allow you to demonstrate your ability to identify the impact of using communication techniques in a counselling capacity.
You will be assessed on your ability to:
• demonstrate your knowledge to identify communication techniques and strategies
• apply critical thinking skills to determine the impact and effectiveness of these techniques to achieve the desired outcome for the client
• demonstrate literacy skills to communicate complex ideas
• demonstrate knowledge of micro-skills within counselling to facilitate the counsellorclient relationship
Below is link to a YouTube clip of a counselling session. Cut and paste this link into your web browser and view the session.
In a separate document:
1) You are to give the session a rating out of 10. 1 = extremely poor, 10 = extremely good. Give a concise explanation for your rating.
2) Write a 500–700 word essay from the perspective of you being the counsellor. Give a verbatim example of what you may have said differently to the client.
Your examples will need to demonstrate your ability to use:
a) Confrontation skills – explaining the impact you were aiming for and how it will develop and grow the client
b) Focusing skills – explaining the impact you were aiming for and how it will develop and grow the client
c) Influencing skills – explaining the impact you were aiming for and how it will develop and grow the client
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CHCCSL502A Assessment 4 V2.0
d) Understanding of the client’s style of assimilating information and cultural or other differences that work against development of your client
Submission Instructions
Please proofread your work and include CHCCSL502A - A4 - Your Name in the document header. Make a copy of your assessment. Submit your completed assessment to your tutor for marking via my.evocca using the following file name: CHCCSL502A-A4 Your Name
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