Research sssay – requirements and assessment criteria
Your research essay must address one of the essay questions provided on L@G.
A research essay must include:
• A clear introduction, setting out what the essay will argue and how it will make the argument (i.e. a statement of how the essay is structured and how this structure provides an effective way of answering the question);
• A main body, divided into paragraphs that address different aspects of the question, the argument you wish to make, and why possible counterarguments are not as valid as your argument;
• A conclusion, briefly re-stating your argument and why you think it is valid.
• Full references for all texts and other sources that you quote, or from which you have derived relevant arguments, key facts, other empirical evidence; and any other material that you rely upon to develop and support your argument;
• A full bibliography of all sources referred to in your essay. Please do not include any sources to which you do not refer in your essay.
Please note: there is no set number of sources that you should consult or reference in your essay. You should consult as many as you need to make and support a persuasive argument that answers the question you have chosen.
You may use footnotes or endnotes or in-text references, but please do so consistently, with only one system in operation in your essay.
Criteria for assessment:
Your essay will be assessed on the basis of:
• The clarity and authority of your argument;
• The strength of the evidence you provide to support your argument;
• The understanding that you demonstrate of relevant theories and approaches to the topic;
• The quality of written expression, correct grammar, spelling and punctuation;
• The accuracy of referencing and demonstrated knowledge of academic conventions for referencing, citation, and use of materials.
Please be aware that there are serious penalties for academic misconduct, including plagiarism, paraphrasing, the use of the work of others, with or without their consent, multiple submission of work, etc.