Topic: BUSN 2030: Training and Development
Assignment 1- Individual Essay 15%
15% of overall mark for the topic
Sunday April 10 at 5pm (penalties for late submission)
1500 words (plus or minus 10%)
This is an individual assignment in which students are asked to discuss one of three training and development issues using relevant theory. Through successful completion of this assignment, students will:
• Develop knowledge of training and development as part of the broader strategic human resource function within organisations (LO1)
• Develop skills in applying theory management practice (LO2, LO5)
• Develop literature search skills
• Develop skills in critical thinking and analysis
• Develop academic essay skills, particularly writing and referencing skills
The assignment will be discussed in class, however...
• A choice of 3 topics is offered, covering issues of strategic training and development, learning theories and instructional system design.
• You are asked to write a 1500 word academic essay. If you are unsure about the academic essay writing style, you can find more information in the Student Learning Centre study guides
• Poor spelling and grammar detracts from your ability to build an argument so check both grammar and spelling thoroughly
• While you should use appropriate theoretical models in your discussion, it is not possible to explore ALL aspects of the topic in 1500 words.
• In your introduction, you should specify the scope of your coverage (what you have chosen to focus on), why you have chosen to direct your focus in that way, and how you intend to address the task set.
• This is an academic essay and in line with FBS policy, appropriate observance of Harvard referencing conventions and protocols is expected. If you are unsure about this referencing style, you can find more information in the Student Learning Centre study guides
• It is important you aim to use scholarly ‘primary sources’ such as refereed journal articles to support your argument.
• You may use less scholarly sources such as textbooks or other publications as well, but you are required to use at least 5 primary refereed academic sources to answer your chosen question.
General Advice:
This states the purpose and structure of the essay and identifies the main theme or proposition(s) that you are trying to prove. It tells the reader what to expect, why and how you will do so.
• In the body of the essay, you are trying to build a logical argument that supports the main theme or proposition in a manner that is consistent with what you have said you are going to do in the introduction.
• You can use headings, but use them sparingly. Headings only add value if they assist the reader in following the logical argument.
• Each paragraph should have a topic sentence, and the points you are making should reflect that topic sentence.
• You need to refer to theory to analyse the topic you are discussing.
• Use theory and examples to explain your argument.
• Remember that you are trying to present a logical, cohesive and clear analysis of the key issues that you have identified, and to use these to support your proposition or theme in a systematic way.
• Do not try to write everything that you know about the topic in the hope that something will be good.
• A conclusion is not just a list of the key points you have made. You need to draw together your key points to demonstrate that you have supported your theme or proven your proposition(s).
• The conclusion needs to address the task set and be consistent with both the introduction (the why) and the body of the essay (the how).
The Task
Write an academic review essay on one (1) of the following three (3) questions. The topics cover issues related to strategic training, training needs assessment or learning theories and program design.
a) An organisation’s business level, human resource management and training strategies should be in alignment. Discuss.
b) Individual training needs assessment is crucial to effective performance. Discuss.
c) It is important to take into account individual differences in learning style when designing a training program. Discuss
BUSN2030 Training and Development
Assignment 1 Individual Essay Information Sheet and Marking Criteria
Length: 1500 words Value: 15% Due: April 10 at 5pm
Student Name:
Student Number:
Criteria Marks
Critical approach to the topic (7 marks)
1. The body of the essay is consistent with the introduction and critically analyses the topic.
2. Analysis shows knowledge of relevant theory.
3. There is a balance between descriptive and analytical content, with a strong emphasis of critical analysis.
4. The topic is discussed using relevant theoretical frames, and these are supported by the use of at least five primary sources (e.g. refereed journal articles or research book chapters) that are directly relevant to the topic chosen.
Line of argument (4 marks)
1. The introduction outlines the main proposition of the essay and body develops a clear line of argument. The argument is incisive and includes a concise, relevant treatment of the issues.
2. The conclusion draws together the main points of the essay and demonstrates a plausible, insightful, and rationally persuasive point at which to end the argument.
Use of academic literature/overall presentation (4 marks)
1. Judicious and appropriate use of at least five academic journal articles or research book chapters.
2. Makes limited use of textbook (or other text books), relying on primary sources to support their argument.
3. Sources are referenced consistently and comprehensively using the Harvard referencing system. #
4. Use of language appropriate to an academic essay; Presentation is professional (e.g. spell and grammar checked, judicious use of headings, etc).##
TOTAL (15 Marks)
#Failure to adequately reference is plagiarism. Plagiarism will be dealt with in line with university policy.