Title: Assessment Task 1: Critical essay on lenses on child development
Due date: 10th April, 2016
Assessment task link to unit learning outcomes: This assessment task links to unit outcomes 1 & 2
Details of task: Child development is a complex field of study and no single theory can provide exhaustive account of how children learn and develop. The goal of this task is to offer a taste of some of the exciting concepts of developmental and learning theories of child development by drawing out their similarities and contradictions. Your tasks are to:
• Select two theories from those discussed in this unit and identify at least THREE key enduring concepts in each;
• Compare and contrast if any, the similarities and contradictions emerging from the key concepts from the Two theories you have identified in terms of child development and learning (that is, what views are expressed by each theory’s concepts?)
• As a professional teacher in preparation, select ONE area of learning activity, for example science, numeracy or literacy etc. and show how you would use the key enduring concepts you have identified in the two theories you have selected in planning teaching activities for young children to meet their specific developmental and learning needs.
Note: the assignment must be presented as an essay using subheadings as appropriate. The essay must have an introduction, main content area, conclusion and references in an APA format. Assignments should not exceed word limit by more than 50 words.
Make sure to include your name, student ID and unit Code and title on your assignment.
Word count/equivalent: 2000 words
Weighting/Value: 50%
Presentation requirements: Assessment formats: Essay with introduction, content and conclusion. Subheadings can be used as appropriate.
Individual assessment in group tasks: N/A
Criteria for marking: EDF 5021 – Lenses on child development
Component Pass Credit Distinction High distinction
1. Overall quality
of reflection
/analysis Descriptive
rather than
analytical Good basis for the assignment.
Brief analysis Appropriate level of detail,
Statements supported with
evidence Shows a deep understanding
of complexity of relevant
issues; high level of analysis
2. Demonstrated
understanding of different learning
and child development theories in
relation to
leadership Relevant
brief outline of
theories Adequate outline of
Approaches and theories related to
childhood experiences
and pedagogy Discussion shows evidence of careful analysis (eg evaluation and interpretation of theories in relation to pedagogy) Strong and focused argument
made for selected approaches
and application of theory.
Links between theory and
pedagogy argued and demonstrated
3. Quality of
good use of concepts from
theories Relevant
included Descriptive,
thoughtful Shows good understanding
of the readings and theoretical
underpinnings Demonstrates critical thinking
and careful analysis of readings and theories
4. Analysis and
application of
readings and
theories Relevant
included Descriptive,
thoughtful Shows good understanding
of the readings and theoretical
underpinnings in relation to
the analysis Demonstrates critical thinking
and careful analysis of readings and theories in relation to the analysis of curriculum
6. Overall quality
of writing and
of relevant
literature basic
understanding and
of the issues
Poor spelling
and grammar
in places
oversights Logical development
of argument
based on a sound
understanding of concepts
Good use of spelling and grammar
referenced Cohesive and of a high
quality: good linking between parts of the assignment
Excellent use of grammar
and spelling
Fully referenced Scholarly work: significant
breadth and depth of
analysis throughout
Outstanding use of grammar
and spelling
Fully referenced
Let say you select Cultural historical theory (Vygotsky) and Cognitive development theory (Piaget), you then introduce your essay as:
In this essay, I will focus on Vygotsky's cultural historical theory and Piaget's cognitive development theory to analyse comparatively how key concepts in these theories provide similar or contradictory perspectives to child development. For the cultural historical theory, I have identified three concepts (ZPD, Social situation, Mediation) and for Piaget, my focus is on the concepts of assimilation, adaptation and predictable stages of development).
So as you can see the assignment require you to identify three concepts in each of the two theories
After the introduction, you move to the main argument area where you explain the concepts by comparing and contrasting them to show how different or similar they look at child development
Then the final part is to use the same theories you discuss as to how they will help you implement a particular learning program for children.