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CIS8004-Assignment 1 & 2
Due date: Assignment 1, & 2
Due Dates: Refer to course website
Value: See the course website (Marked out of 100, each item)
Description: Professional Business Document
Email submission will NOT be accepted in any circumstance.
The assignment should be packaged as one single pdf file and then submitted via the link provided on the course page.
All assessment items are individual submissions. You are asked to submit the assignment simply though the link provided.
You are encouraged to discuss the assignment solution path with others to improve your understanding and clarify requirements but you should develop the solution to the assessment items on your own.
All assignment submissions must be completed individually via your study desk. Collusion and cheating is considered to be a very serious issue and all assignments will be closely monitored to ensure that all students are submitting their own work. This ensures that all students are treated fairly and graded on their own knowledge and work. It is acceptable to discuss course content with others to improve your understanding and clarify requirements however you must not discuss the actual assignment solution and the solutions to assignment questions must be done on your own. You must not copy from anyone, including tutors and fellow students, nor provide copies of your work to others. Assignments that do not adhere to this requirement will be deemed as being the result of collusion or cheating. This may lead to severe academic penalties as outlined in the Student Academic Regulation Misconduct policy found at:
misconduct/index.html. It is your own responsibility to ensure the integrity of your work. It is recommended that you use passwords to protect your files and ensure that others are unable to access your work.
All assignments must be submitted in electronic form via the link on the Study Desk by the due date. Ensure that you read the extension guidelines as per the USQ/BELA policies and procedures. Only requests that fall within the specified guidelines of USQ/BELA will be considered. Do not assume that all extension requests will be approved.
Read each assessment item question carefully and refer as required to your course textbook and I/SB materials. I encourage students to post any queries that they have regarding this assignment onto the course Study Desk. I also encourage other students to get involved in theses type of postings. However, you should avoid directly answering any question related to assessment times. As a course examiner, I will keep any eye on the forums and intervene wherever required. Please also read the Study desk item regarding contact with the course team prior to directly contacting the course team.
Marks can be deducted for the following errors:
1 Problems with format and structure of report
2 Lack of referencing (Harvard referencing format is the acceptable standard

3 Spelling, grammar and expression error
4 Indication of plagiarism/collusion
5 Inappropriate use of in-text references
6 Late Submission as per USQ/FBL policies and procedures (This over ride any other information available anywhere in the or course website)
a. See the late submission policy of the BELA/USQ for further details.
b. An Assignment submitted more than ten University Business Days after the deadline will have a Mark of zero recorded for that Assignment. The assignments and their due dates are listed in the study schedule to give you some forewarning so that you may organize your study program.

7 Submission of TURNITIN report NOT required for this assessment item. However, it is student responsibility that the submitted work is plagiarism and collusion free in any circumstances cases related to plagiarism and collision you could be awarded ZERO marks. Students are allowed to use any applications to check their work for plagiarism and collusion (I believe you are able to open a free account at TURNITIN website at your own and can use so many other free Plagiarism/Collusion checking free applications available through the web.
8 Normally, it is hard to put the percentage number correctly on TURNITIN report as it all depends on the actual report contents produced by the TRUNITIN application or any other application. As a general rule, less than 10% is acceptable.
9 Review of any assessment item is only possible if the request is received within 5 days of the release of the marks of the assessment item. After this, no review request will be accepted.
10 Your assignment should adhere to the Harvard referencing style. Refer to Chapter 2: Referencing in the Communication skills handbook 3ed by Summers and Smith for guidance on how you should cite your references following this style. (if you need further information or help in this regards, contact the USQ library).
11 For all assessment item digital file naming convention: When you have an assessment item you need to upload digitally, please use the following naming convention when saving your digital document: (If you do not follow this you will lose marks)
Student last name_Assessment_NameCISXXXX_Student USQ ID
a. For example, the first assignment for CIS8004 submitted by Poul Moller, student # 005890420163. If I (Mr. Poul Moller) were uploading this assessment item, file would be named as follow:
Assignment 1 (20% - Due on 07 April 2016)
Topic: Systems Planning
Length: 1200 words excluding reference list
You have been hired as an Information Systems consultant to examine My Health
Centre, a fictitious State Government Hospital, with about 20 specialists. My State Hospital offers diabetic services to general public in the state. The services include initial screening, ongoing diagnosis and periodical treatment. The costs are recovered through the State Government subsidy provided.
The Hospital is modern and comes with the state-of-the-art technology infrastructure, including limited wireless systems. The registrar, who is responsible for all patient safety and service quality affairs wanted to revise the IT infrastructure, especially interested in the access to all hospital services available from their existing HIS through mobile devices and tablets inside and beyond the Hospital.
Your task is to develop a Business Systems Planning document with full justification as to how these are applicable for the organisation. Your planning document must determine how best to accommodate smart handheld devices to access various services provided by the Hospital through its HIS. Your task is to come with a planning document as to how a smart handheld devices system can be implemented as an effective interface to the HIS in order to improve the business processes. You can include any logical assumptions made with critical analysis however these must be clearly stated. You MUST also address the following:
• Any potential customer of My State Hospital can securely access all relevant information pertaining to services offered using a variety of smart handheld devices.
• The planning should involve provision for security, privacy and other end user concerns with using smart handheld devices, along with appropriate justification.
• Your planning document should discuss various technical options available for the new interface (data, integration, application, security, collaboration, network and systems management), along with appropriate justification.
• The planning document should involve consideration for various interfaces (native or SDK) for mobile applications (e.g. Apple App Store, Android Google Store or HTML5 web format).
• The planning document should also include a high level business benefits and budget outlining a provisional list of expense items, along with appropriate justification.
• The planning document should enlist a number of key recommendations for the implementation of the mobile interface to the HIS.
• You don’t have to provide a costing plan now, as this will be done in the
second assignment.
• Include a recommendation on how change will be managed and the adoption of the new capabilities will be promoted and monitored
You will prepare a planning document with an executive summary on how the above aspects can be accommodated. The planning document is a simple report but covering all aspects stated above in a succinct manner. You have been a given a word limit of 1200 words (excluding references, tables and diagrams). You can use any style for business report writing as long as the report is professional and presentable.
Assignment 2 (30% - Due on 12 May 2016)
Topic: Systems Implementation
Length: 1500 words (maximum – excluding appendices)
This is a follow up from Assignment 1. My State Hospital has approved your planning document and they have now asked you to implement your recommendations from the planning document. Initially, you will develop a Systems Implementation document detailing the following:
• ICT infrastructure required to implement your plan, along with appropriate justification.
• An Enterprise Systems that is required to implement your plan, along with appropriate justification.
• Recommend an implementation methodology to ensure the successful implementation of the infrastructure and enterprise system.
• A comprehensive costing analysis, along with appropriate justification.
• A roadmap to highlight the sequence of project/ milestones to support your plans transition from the current state to future state. Include key critical success factors for each step in the plan.
• Include a risk analysis for the plan with mitigating plans for any high risks items
Your documentation should highlight how you plan to assure privacy and security aspects as customer details need to be secured. Otherwise, the Hospital will be subjected to legal prosecution. Therefore, you need to verify your design concept carefully, accommodate appropriate testing protocols, and a comprehensive schedule for quality assurance.
My State Hospital, at this stage, is not interested in actual development. They want only an implementation plan schedule and how this implementation can be accomplished successfully.
You have the freedom to use any business report-writing format of your choice, as long as the report is professional and presentable.
Other related information for Assignment 1 & Assignment 2
• You are encouraged to see other countries’ HIS system websites to get an idea as to how the smart handheld devices are being used;
• The word count allows for a variation of 5%. The markers will stop reading beyond this, and any information provided beyond the word limit is ignored.
• You assume the responsibility to assure the report you are producing is of high quality, including plagiarism and collusion checks. You NEED NOT have to produce plagiarism report with the assignment. However, the markers will undertake these checks (using any tools that you have access to), and if any integrity issues are found, you will be awarded a score of zero, and the work will be referred as ‘Academic Misconduct’.
• Please package the report as a PDF version only.
• The assignment submission website will be closed after three working days so that they can be distributed to markers.
• Any queries regarding these assignments will be closed two working days before the submission date.
• Email submission will NOT be accepted in any circumstance.
• The entire report including appendices will be packaged as one single pdf file and then submitted.
Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 are an individual submission. You are asked to submit the assignment simply though the link provided through the course website.
You are encouraged to discuss the assignment solution path with others to improve your understanding and clarify requirements but you should develop the solution to the assignments on your own.
Marking criteria –
• Marking criteria for Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 Will be provided through the course website.