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Assignment 2
The tasks below build upon the work you have undertaken in Assignment1:
TASK 2.01 Provide an “AS IS” process using Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) or UML (Unified Modelling Language) (10 marks)
TASK 2.02 Develop a “TO BE” process using BPMN or UML (10 Marks)
TASK 2.03 Write a list of the key functionalities of the system (write a brief functional and non-functional specification) (10 Marks)
TASK 2.04 Build a product backlog for the system by decomposing the features into stories (using Agile format “As a .... I want to .... so that..”)
Product backlog should be in a spreadsheet format (10 Marks)
Task 2.05 Compare your As is and to be diagrams to prepare a briefing note for the Organisational change and Training Team regarding the anticipated business impact of the system. You should make recommendations on how these business impacts can be managed (20 Marks)

TASK 2.06 From a business perspective categorise the backlog using the MOSCOW method and identify the stories that makes your minimum viable product
(10 marks)
TASK 2.07 Develop a screen design for two MUST stories created in Task 10 and identify any business rules; justify your design (10 marks)
TASK 2.08 Write all acceptance criteria for these two stories to be done (10 marks)
TASK 2.09 Write a Job Description for a Business Analyst (10 marks)