Recent Question/Assignment
CLW1000 Commercial LawAssignment (40%)Due: Friday 20th September, 2013 (5pm)Length: 2000 - 2500 words QUESTION 1(40 marks)Ellen is a graduate of The College of Alternative Medicine and is looking to start...JOURNALS 1 AND 2 SPECIFICATION_CIS8011 General Information about journal 1 & 2 You are required to choose an organization (Australian Government Departments) of your choice. Your task is to produce...Case Study You are the CIO of a successful accounting firm with offices in cities across the nation. You recently attended a technology seminar on BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). It occurred to you that...Step 1: Choose topicFirst,select a topic of interest from the list below: This semester (201360), the topics given to you are: • Smartphones and Teenagers• Facebook and Privacy Issues•...Assignment 2Value: Satisfactory/UnsatisfactoryLength: 200 - 500 wordsSubmission method optionsAlternative submission methodTaskStudents need to post at least one Blog entry related to any of the following...Assignment 1Description Marks out of Wtg (%) Due dateAssignment 1 (1000 words) 20 20 12 August 2013Choose an organisation that you have some basic familiarity with. It could be the organisation you are...JOURNALS 1 AND 2 SPECIFICATION_CIS8011General Information about journal 1 & 2You arerequiredtochooseanorganization(Australian Government Departments) ofyour choice.Your task istoproduce twojournalstohighlight...4 attachments4 attachments2 attachments in the post reply2 attachments in the post reply1 attachmentText book:Software Engineering A Practitioner’s ApproachAuthor: Roger S. Pressman Due:August, 2013Questions:1. Process models vary in their effectiveness in different types of scenarios.Choose a...Assignment 2 DescriptionMarks out ofWtg(%)Due dateAssignment 2 (MIS Project)10035%9 September 2013Activity A is to be electronically submitted through the EASE system in the CIS8000 StudyDesk. Email submission... You should write the case study in such a way that you start your answers from line 1. That is, there is no need for large introductions that we see in essays. You should apply theprinciples you have...rite an essa y– using 250 words only – to answer the following question:AssessmentQuestion:Criticallyanalyse andjustifytheassertionthat‘abalancedapproachtosecurity,ethics,andtrustisthe...NRSG366 Partnerships in ChronicityAssessment Task One ScenarioJoe Thomas is a 47 year old Indigenous Australian, who was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease two years ago. Joe currently lives alone since...APPENDICES Case Study Question 1 Congestive Cardiac Failure Mr Ward is a 71 year old male who reports feeling a non-radiating, -heavy- discomfort in the lower retrosternal and epigastric region particularly...Marketing Proposal (5%) (Group assessment) (Approximately 500 words) Due Date: Session 4You and your team partners are required to submit a marketing proposal that will form the basis of the marketing...Assessment Item 3: Assignment (30% - non supervised)you are to undertake an economic analysis of a firm, its market andthe industry and economic environment in which it operates.Assignment Task:Select...