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not yetcorporation lawcorporation law assignmentcorporation law assignmentCRICOS Provider No. 00103D Programming 1 Assignment 2, 2014 Sem 2 Page 1 of 9ITECH1000 Programming 1, Semester 2 2014Assignment 2 – Development of a Simple Program Involving Multiple ClassesDue Date:...Assessment item 2Assignment 2Value: 40%Due date: 26-Sep-2014Return date: 17-Oct-2014Length: about 1500-2000 words eachSubmission method optionsAlternative submission methodTaskAnalytical essays.ESSAY TOPIC...STATS1900 Business StatisticsMajor AssignmentSemester 2, 2014Date Due: Refer to Unit DescriptionTotal Marks: 40 marks Worth: 20% of final assessmentThis assignment also requires a certain amount of computer...Both Part A and B are to be submitted together as a single Microsoft Word document.Part A [20 Marks]You have recently started working for In The Black Accountants (ITBA) in the small business accounting...500 wordsthis is continuation of the previous AAPL assignmentso read the question and let me know if it makes senseAPL referencesPlease check and get back to me asapThanksHow muchHolmes Institute HI5025 Memo 04 – Semester 02, 2014Mr Tom Crane, the president of Australian Crane Mining Enterprises (ACME), informed you that ACME has an accounting profit before tax (PBT) of $550,000,...FINAL Revised DraftACC566 201460Assignment 2Due dates: September 5 2014.All Submissions must be via EASTS.Value 20%The assignment based on a commercial operation based on the Mid-North Coast of NSW.You...This assessment task consists of four (4) questions. A total of 60 marks are allocated to the questions below, which will then be converted to a mark out of 15%.RationaleThis assessment task is designed...CIS8010_Assignment 3 SPECIFICATIONSDescription Marks out of Wtg(%) Due dateAssignment 3 (MS Project) 100 35% See the study scheduleThis written assignment is to be electronically submitted through the...Assignment 2Description Marksout ofWtg(%) Due dateIndividual case study 1 (write between 2000– 2400 words)approximately 4-5 typed pages singlespaced100 45 19 September 2014(11.59pm AEST).You should write...Need 2000 wordsthank you!Assessment item 3Project ManagementValue: 30%Due date: 26-Sep-2014Return date: 19-Oct-2014Submission method optionsAlternative submission methodTaskThis assessment item consists of two parts. Both parts...ubjectDue date: 28-Sep-2014Return date: 19-Oct-2014Submission method optionsAlternative submission methodTaskThis assessment item consists of two parts. Both parts must be completed in order to complete...Subject:Assignment - 3Value: 20%Due date: 19-Sep-2014Return date: 10-Oct-2014Submission method optionsAlternative submission methodTaskInstructions:This assignment uses the Football Tipping Case Study...

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