Recent Question/Assignment
CIS2000 Systems Analysis and Design - Assignment 4 S3 2014
Assignment 4
Marked out of 100: Weighting 20%
Due Date: Refer to StudyDesk
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Please read this Case Study and answer the following questions.
You are required to answer the following questions for the Dazzling Costumes information system.
Mark’s business ‘Dazzling Costumes’ has been handling the hiring of clothing items (for example, dresses, costumes, masks and accessories) manually. The business has seen a recent growth with many more customers hiring clothing for special events and parties. It is becoming increasingly more difficult to maintain information manually. They need an information system to help them to run the business.
The functionality stated here has been deliberately oversimplified and you should not attempt to analyze the stated processes for improvement. You must provide a solution based specifically on these simple requirements. You should ensure that you do not extend the scope beyond that specifically stated below. You will not gain extra marks for including extra functionally. Try to keep it simple; if needed you may make reasonable and appropriate assumptions, however these should be documented. Please post queries on the Discussion Forum for Assignment 4 on the StudyDesk.
Business requirements:
The first time that a customer borrows a clothing item, details such as first name, last name, date of birth, gender, address, and email address are collected about that customer and the new customer is added to the system.
When the customer hires another item at a future date, these details are displayed and confirmed by the customer service staff. When the customer indicates differences, the customer service staff updates the customer’s details.
The business identifies each individual clothing item with a unique code. This is displayed on the item and the code is entered whenever it is hired out or returned. For each clothing item, the system also needs to record details such as clothing item name, brand and general description.
There may be multiple pieces of the same clothing item within the store. For example, the business holds multiple ‘Sparkly fairy wings’, ‘Superman’ and ‘Peter Pan’ costumes.
For each individual item piece, the business needs to record the date of purchase, the cost of purchase, colour, size and a special general notes field so that the business can record relevant notes about this item piece. Each item piece also has a status indicator which can be set to specific values to indicate that the item piece is available for loan, out on loan, overdue, in repair or lost.
It is not necessary to group items together into a particular set of items. For example if a customer hires a superman outfit, they would hire the individual pieces such as suit, cape and pants, rather than the one
‘superman’ set.
All hires are made for a one week period and are due back one week from the date of hire. For each hire, the system needs to record the customer who hired the item piece, the item piece that has been hired, the hireddate, due-date and the returned-date.
When an item piece is returned by a customer, the status indicator for that item piece is reset to available and the item piece is then returned to the floor for display.
Every Monday, the manager receives a report with the details of all customers who have items overdue as well as the details of the overdue items. The manager then uses this list to personally follow up with these customers.
Please note:
There is no requirement to cater for any financial aspects of this business such as the purchasing of stock. Other functionality may be added at a future date such as search facilities, reservations, purchasing and ordering of new items, and inventory control. However these are not to be considered for this phase and therefore should be ignored.
Task 1 (10 marks)
Draw a context diagram data flow diagram for the system described above. The format should be similar to the context diagram in figure 5-13 of your textbook.
Task 2 (20 marks)
Draw the Level 0 DFD (Data Flow Diagram). All processes on this diagram should be functional primitives. The format should be similar to the context diagram in figure 5-16 of your textbook.
Task 3 (20 marks)
Draw an ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) which represents the entities described in the case study, fully normalised to reflect all entities, relationships, cardinality and optionality. Ensure to follow the crow’s feet notation to indicate cardinality. The format should be similar to the figure 9-21 of your textbook.
Task 4 (10 marks)
Create a 3NF design for the system described in the case study. Provide the entity attribute list in 3rd normal form to support the ERD in Task 3. Make sure that all primary and foreign keys are identified properly. It is not necessary to provide the earlier normalisation forms (1NF and 2NF) as these will not be marked
Task 5 (20 marks)
Draw a class diagram for the system described in the case study. The format should be similar to the class diagram in figure 6-30 of your textbook. Make sure to include all relevant attributes and methods for each class.
Task 6 (10 marks)
The Manager of Dazzling Costumes is most interested in your work. She has no knowledge of Systems Analysis and Design and has asked for a brief explanation of what you have done and what these mean to her. Write ½ - 1 page report explaining your work in Tasks 1 – 5.
Task 7 (10 marks)
Briefly describe various system changeover methods. Suggest a changeover method for the system described in the case study and provide specific reasons to support your choice.
Marking Criteria for Task 1 context diagram:
• Appropriate label
• Diagram uses appropriate symbols
• Diagram is neat and structurally correct
• Appropriate process number
• Appropriate process name
• Appropriate dataflow(s) for process reflected (input and/or output)
• Appropriate dataflow name(s) (descriptive noun)
• Appropriate external entities
• Consistent with diagram 0
Marking Criteria for Task 2 Level 0 diagram:
• Appropriate label
• Diagram uses appropriate symbols
• Diagram is neat and structurally correct
• Appropriate process numbers
• Appropriate process names (Action names starting with a verb)
• Processes reflect functionality as described
• Appropriate Data stores shown
• Appropriate data store names (plural noun)
• Appropriate data store numbers
• Appropriate dataflows for each process reflected (input and/or output)
• Appropriate dataflow names (descriptive noun)
• Dataflow structure conforms to course standards
• Diagram is consistent with context diagram (input and output dataflows and external entities).
Marking Criteria for Task 3 ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram):
• Correct format used for the ERD
• Expected entities shown
• Appropriate names given to entities
• Appropriate relationships represented
• No relationship diamond shown
• Crows-feet notation shown for cardinality
• Many to many relationships have been fully normalised in final ERD
Marking Criteria for Task 4 normalisation (3NF):
• 3NF entity attribute list shown
• Entity attribute list is normalised to 3NF
• All primary keys have been clearly identified
• All foreign keys have been included
• Expected attributes shown
• Appropriate attribute names given
• Entity attribute list is consistent with ERD
Marking Criteria for Task 5 class diagram:
• Correct format used for the class (A rectangle with three part- top section having the class name, attributes in the middle section and methods in the bottom section)
• Expected classes shown
• Appropriate names given to classes
• Appropriate relationships represented
• Appropriate UML notation symbol that identifies the relationships shown (Refer to figure 6-29 of your textbook for UML notations)
• Appropriate attributes shown
• Appropriate methods shown
Marking Criteria for Task 6 and Task 7:
• The answer appropriately addresses the requirements of the question.