Recent Question/Assignment
Criteria High Distinction (7) (85%) Distinction (6) (75-84%) Credit (5) (65-74%) Pass (4) (50-64%) Fail (less than 4) (0-49%) Weight
KS (1.1) Demonstrate and apply integrated and advanced discipline and professional practice knowledge, including knowledge of relevant research principles and methods.
Understanding the negotiation process
The negotiation plan reflects a high level of understanding of the issues of the planned negotiation and the outcomes of the internal negotiation, the commercial and cultural interests and positions of both teams to be represented in the negotiation. The bargaining mix and BATNAS for both teams are clearly stated. The issues, interests, positions, bargaining mix and BATNAS are all justified through a sophisticated integration of contemporary peer-reviewed literature, recommended literature provided in QUT Readings and lectures, theories and concepts covered in the unit.
The negotiation plan identifies issues of the planned negotiation and the outcomes of the internal negotiation, the commercial and cultural interests and positions of both teams to be represented in the negotiation, and the bargaining mix and BATNAS for both teams are clearly stated. The issues, interests, positions, bargaining mix and BATNAS are justified through reference to contemporary peer-reviewed literature, recommended literature provided in QUT Readings and lectures, theories and concepts covered in the unit.
The negotiation plan identifies issues and the commercial and cultural interests and BATNAS of both teams. Justification is based on compulsory and recommended readings available in QUT Readings and lecture notes.
The internal negotiation is briefly mentioned but there is only basic details provided. The negotiation plan identifies commercial and cultural interests and BATNAS of both teams to be represented in the negotiation. Justification is drawn only from the prescribed textbook.
There is no details about the internal negotiation. The negotiation plan does not identify key commercial and cultural interests and/or demonstrates a lack of understanding. BATNAs are not stated or not justified from academic sources. 10/40
HO (2.1) Critically investigate real world business issues and problems drawing on analysis, evaluation and synthesis of discipline knowledge, including theory and practice.
Analysing the negotiator roles, negotiation strategies and tactics. Negotiator roles, negotiation strategy and tactics (both internal and planned negotiations) are clearly stated and justified through critical analysis of industry-based examples and contemporary peer-reviewed literature, including and outside of the recommended readings for the unit. Negotiators’ roles, negotiation strategies and tactics are identified (both internal and planned negotiations) and are highly appropriate, as justified throughout with industry examples and supported by peer-reviewed literature including and outside of the recommended readings for the unit.
Negotiators’ roles, negotiation strategies and tactics are identified (planned negotiation only) and appropriate, as evidenced by peer-reviewed literature including and outside of the recommended readings for the unit. Negotiators’ roles, negotiation strategies and tactics are identified (planned negotiation only) and are suitable. Some justification is included with reference to the literature provided in QUT readings and during lectures. Negotiators’ roles, negotiation strategies and tactics are not identified and/or inappropriate and there is no justification provided. 10/40
HO (2.2) Exercise creativity and intellectual independence and make informed decisions and judgements in planning, designing, and executing strategic and research-based responses to address real world issues and problems.
Executing the negotiation process The planned negotiation process is clearly informed by the analysis of the roles, strategies and tactics. The planned negotiation process includes a description and justification of the application of tactics, and a contingency plan for one issue, justified by relevant peer-reviewed research literature. Consideration of other factors that may impact the negotiation process.
The planned negotiation process is informed by the analysis of the roles, strategies and tactics. The planned negotiation process includes a description of the application of tactics, and a contingency plan for one issue, justified by relevant peer-reviewed research literature including and outside of the recommended readings for the unit. The planned negotiation process is informed by the analysis of at least two of the roles, strategies and tactics. The planned negotiation process includes a contingency plan for one issue, justified by relevant peer-reviewed research literature including and outside of the recommended readings for the unit. The planned negotiation process is informed by the analysis one strategy and/or tactic. The planned negotiation process presents the ways that the strategies and tactics will be used for one issue . There is no evidence that the planned negotiation process is informed by the analysis of the negotiation roles, strategies or tactics. The planned negotiation process presents the ways that the strategies and tactics will be used in one negotiating scenario, or there is no description of how the strategy and tactics will be used. 10/40
TS (4.2) Apply teamwork knowledge and skills for effective collaboration across a range of complex activities and contexts.
Working effectively in teams to plan and execute a negotiation Students will assess their team peers on how effectively they performed in the team and on their contribution to the team product using an online peer review survey (conducted separately from the planning document submission), making reference to team documentation submitted. Each student will assess every member of their own team. Students’ scores on this criterion will reflect the average rating reported by their team peers. 5/40
PC (3.1) Use information literacy skills and communicate effectively and professionally in written forms and using media appropriate for diverse purposes, contexts and audiences.
Presenting professional written communication The negotiation plan is succinct and comprehensive. The level of presentation meets professional standards and there is a high level of attention to detail including, grammar, syntax and spelling. Meaning is consistently clear. All sources are appropriately acknowledged, and referencing is consistently accurate The negotiation plan is succinct. The level of presentation meets professional standards and there is attention to detail, including grammar, syntax and spelling, with some minor errors. Meaning is clear. All sources are appropriately acknowledged and there is only minor inaccuracies in referencing. The negotiation plan meets the expected word limit. The level of presentation meets professional standards with some lapses in detail, including grammar, syntax and spelling. Overall meaning is clear, although there are minor instances of awkward or ambiguous expression. Sources are acknowledged with only minor inaccuracies in referencing. The negotiation plan adheres to the expected word limit. An attempt to meet the professional standards was evident, although errors in grammar, syntax, spelling and expression distract from the overall meaning of the work. Most sources are acknowledged and adherence to referencing conventions has been mostly followed. The negotiation plan does not meet the expected word limits. There is little or no evidence of awareness of professional standards of presentation and there are many errors of grammar, syntax and spelling. Use of language fails to make meaning clear. There is evidence of lack of acknowledgement of sources and referencing is inaccurate. 5/40