Recent Question/Assignment

QUALIFICATION: BSB50207 Diploma of Business BSB51107 Diploma of Management
UNIT CODE: BSBADM502B UNIT NAME: Manage meetings
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? no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where I have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another person. I understand and accept this assessment.
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Assessment 1
Assessment 2
Oral assessment (Chair a meeting)
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Date portfolio review completed:
Overall Results Competent Not Yet Competent
Assessor signature
Oral testing (if applicable)
Assessors may ask the candidate oral questions to gather further supporting evidence, where written evidence is deemed to be incomplete or insufficient.

• You need to achieve a ‘Competent’ grade in ALL the assessments items to be granted a ‘Competent’ grade in the unit.
• In case you are not able to achieve a ‘Competent’ grade in any assessment task, you will be given three (3) attempts to resubmit your assessment. Your trainer will be available to assist you in any areas of difficulty. Please discuss the assessment with your trainer to seek advice on how you can achieve competency in the unit.
• Where relevant, oral questions may be asked to gather more information on your knowledge, skills and competence in the unit.
• A holistic approach is used to assess your skills relevant to this qualification. The skills are assessed across the different units offered within this qualification. Where a skill relevant to this unit is not assessed within this assessment pack, please note that the skill will be assessed in another unit.

Assessment 1- Theory questions
This assessment has THREE parts
Read Section 1 in your Study Guide and answer the following questions in your own words (approx. 30-100 words)
1. Why do we need to have meetings?
2. Think of a meeting that you have attended at your workplace and answer the questions below:
a. What was the purpose of the meeting? _
b. Was the meeting successful? Why or why not? _
3. What are the characteristics of a well-run meeting?
4. Give examples of any FIVE different types of meetings
5. What information does a ‘meeting notice’ contain?
6. What information should a meeting ‘agenda’ contain?
7. What steps would you take to plan a meeting?
Read Section 2 in your Study Guide and answer the following questions in your own words (approx. 30-100 words)
8. What conventions are included in a public meeting?
9. Explain the meaning of the following terms in your own words:
a. Quorum
b. Motion
c. Moving and seconding of proposals
d. Carried or Not carried
10. Write the steps/procedures that should be followed during a meeting
11. What is the role of a chairperson?
12. What is the role of a minute taker?
13. What is ‘confidentiality’?
14. Give examples of any TWO laws that apply to workplaces and meetings in Australia
15. It is unethical to not disclose any ‘conflict of interest’. Explain why.
16. Explain step-by-step what you would do to chair a meeting.
17. What are the different types of ‘power’ that can impact on group dynamics within a meeting?
1. Imagine that you are the Chairperson for the meeting at ABC Company.
i. You start the meeting on time, however you notice that discussions on the first topic have taken more time than you had expected.
What can you do to manage time effectively during the rest of the meeting?
ii. As you conduct the meeting, you notice that two of the participants are very quiet.
1. One of the participants is from a different cultural background and does not speak English very well. What can you do before and during the meeting that would encourage him to participate?
2. Another participant is very quiet because she is very shy and afraid to express her opinions in public. What can you do to encourage her to participate in the discussions?
18. Imagine that you are the Chairperson at another meeting. The goal of the meeting is to develop a policy for the workplace in relation to workers bringing their young children to work. Two of the participants start arguing loudly during the meeting. They are very angry because they don’t agree with each other.
Explain what you would do to resolve the conflict.

Assessment 2: Practical Application
Read the scenario below and complete the assessments below:
You work for Australasia Motor Company Pty Ltd (AMC). Recently, the structure of your organisation was changed. Earlier, there was one CEO and 4 department heads reporting to the CEO. Each manager had 3-4 staff reporting to him or her. Under the new structure, there is the CEO and 6 department heads, called the Senior Managers. Each manager has only 2 staff reporting to him or her.
You have been asked to assist in developing a procedure for formal meetings for the organisation. You have also been asked to plan and manage the first meeting of the organisation under the new structure.
At the first meeting, you need to invite the senior managers of the entire organisation. The new team needs to discuss the following items during the meeting:
i. Overview of the new structure
ii. Any issues with the new structure
iii. Reports from each department manager
This assessment has TWO parts
PART A: Complete the following tasks for the first meeting of the Australasia Motor Company Pty Ltd (50 words each)
1. Develop a list of all the steps you need to undertake in preparation for this meeting.
2. Develop a list of all the documents you need to prepare for the meeting
3. What type of meeting this one is going to be and why?
4. What procedures should you put in place to confirm the meeting arrangements?
5. Develop and write down the process of chairing meetings, including any recommendations the chair should follow
6. Design an agenda for the meeting
7. Draft a ‘meeting notice’ that you will send to the participants to inform them about the meeting.
8. Develop norms/ guidelines for participation in the meeting, including controlling, encouraging participation, discussion, problem solving and resolution of issues
9. What should be included in the minutes for this meeting?
10. What tips/suggestions can you give to the minute taker for writing good minutes?
11. How should the minutes be distributed and stored?

You are required to conduct a meeting for the ‘Australasia Motor Company Pty Ltd’ with 3-4 team members. You must take the role of the ‘Chairperson’ in this meeting.
Instructions for students attending classes at ACTB:
1. Form a group of 5 members
2. You need to take the role of the Chairperson. The other team members need to act as the managers who are attending the meeting
3. As the Chairperson, you need to open and run the meeting for 5 minutes using the Agenda developed in Assessment 3, Part A, Q6
4. Your trainer will observe your performance as a ‘Chairperson’ and grade you using the ‘Checklist’ below
1. Your trainer will observe your performance as a ‘Chairperson’ and grade you using the ‘Checklist’ below
CHAIRPERSON PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST (To be completed by your trainer)
Did the chairperson… YES/ NO Trainer’s comments
Start the meeting on time?
Welcome the participants?
State the purpose of the meeting?
Introduce all the participants?
Note anyone who was absent (as an apology)?
Introduce the minute-taker (Secretary)
Announce the procedures for the meeting
Check that everyone had an agenda?
Ask the participants if they wanted to add any discussion items to the agenda?
Start the discussion on the first topic as per the agenda
Control the discussion
Encourage everyone to contribute to the discussion
Resolve any conflict (if relevant)

(Please complete the following survey about this subject. Your feedback is very important for us and we appreciate your comments)
1. How often did you attend classes for this subject?
Did not attend any lectures 2
Attended 1 day 3
Attended 2 days 4
Attended 3-4 days 5
Attended all the lectures
(100% attendance)
1 During this block, I …
2. How did your trainer rate on the following attributes?
1 = Poor, 2 = Below Average, 3 = Average, 4 = Good, 5 = Very Good
Poor 2
Below Average 3
Average 4
Good 5
Very Good
1 Professionalism of the trainer
2 Friendliness of the trainer
3 Knowledge about the subject
4 Ability to make lessons enjoyable
5 Ability to explain things clearly
6 Willingness to help students
7 Understanding student needs
8 Approachability (Did you find it easy to ask your trainer for help?)
9 Level of academic support offered by the trainer
3. Please respond to the following about your training for this subject.
1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Agree, 4 = Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree 2
Disagree 3
Agree 4
Strongly Agree
1 I developed skills in this subject area
2 I gained knowledge about this subject
3 The training has a good mix of theory and practical activities
4 The training helped me to learn new skills for work
5 Overall, I am satisfied with the training
6 The training was at the right level of difficulty
7 The trainer encouraged discussion and participation in class
8 The classes were interesting
9 The assessment methods were good
What did you like about this training program? _
What else can we do to help you? _

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