Recent Question/Assignment

Module 9: Wicked Problems & Policies
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module you should be able to:
1. .Discuss and critique the Policy Cycle as a rational process for policy development;
2. Describe the chara ristics of a Wicked Pröblemiin context of public policy; and
3,-Discuss strategies for addressing wick- problems and their connections to publichealth principles,
The following are essential readings for this module. Internal students should ensure you have read them before attending this weeks class. You can access the readings via the Reading List.
Leverack C.AZOI 3). Activism and the Health Practitioner, lh Health Activism; Foun ations and Strategies (pp. 36-50). London: SAGE Publications.
Australian Public Service Commission (2007) Tack/ins Wicked PL$b/ic Policy Perspect/ye, Commonwealth of Australia.
Brown; A. g. Éröwn, N. (2007) The Northern Territory intervention: Voles from centre of the fringe. Medica/Journa{of
Australia, 62M -#3,
Glesspn, We (2007) The Northern Territory Emergency Response. a•chaHce tb heal Australia ts Worst sore. of
Australia, 2)} 614-66%s,
The following are essential readings for this module. Internal students should ensure you have read them before attending this weeks class. You can access the readings via the Reading List.
• Laverack, G, (2013). Activism and the Health Practitioner. In Health Activism: Foundations and Strategies (pp. 36-50). London: SAGE Publications.
• Australian Public Service Commission (2007) Tackling Wicked Problems: A Public Policy Perspective, Commonwealth of Australia.
• Brown, A. & Brown, N. (2007) The Northern Territory intervention: voices from the centre of the fringe. Medical]ournalof
Austrålia, 187(11/12): 621-623.
• Glasson, W. (2007) The Northern Territory Emergency Response: a chance to heal Australias worst sore. Medica/Journalof
Australia, 187(11/12); 614-616.
Please watch the following essential viewing:
The Journey of heafth and wellbeing portrays the journey ofAborig/na/ people and communities from colonisation to today. This ID-minute animation charts the progress of the héa!th and wellbeing ofAéorigina/ people and helps us understand how events of the past play outin the present butöffer a framewerk of hope and equity.
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Activity 9: The Northern Territory Intervention
Reflect on .the content of the film and the essential readings:
I. Considering the characteristics of wicked problems, describe why Aboriginal disadvantage could be considered a wicked? problem.
2. What are some of the determinants of Aborigi ai isfdvantage that were mentioned in the film and what werethe strategies or interventions that were implemented? Are he intervention strategies appropriate for the determinants they aim tc address?
3. The Tackling Wicked Problems reading details three approaches to dealing with wicked-problemsrAuthoritative, Competitive and Collaborative. Which approach was used fortheNT Intervention and is there a-more appropriate approach?
For Your -Library
4. What impacts has the NT Interventiomhaclron pcalAbor4ginal communities? (You may like to consider past policy approaches in Australia concerning Aboriginalpeople)l
5. Lavaraek discusses the health practitioner rol 9ncl the interactionwith poweroempowerment, and participation. How might these concepts be applied to the wicked proble fhAboriginal- disadvantage?
Post your responses to the Module.activities as ingle thread in Module 9 on the Discussion Board by Sunday 3pm WST. Make sure you are integratingthe module concepts alncl rpaclings into your-responses and responding to other student posts.
These ,are useful go to yoy;• personal library and referback to throughout your degree and future public

Please watch the following essential viewing:
+ Download the Rational Policy and Wicked Problems pdf from the link above.
Lets look at the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention as an example of one approach to dealing with the wicked problemr ofr Aboriginal disadvantage.
Some of you may recall that the NT Intervention was a legi?lative response to the Report of the Northern Territocy Board of Inqul.æ into the Protection of Aboriginal Children from Sexual bus , or Little Children are Sacred report.

The legislation was instigated by the Howard (Liberal) government with the support of the then opposition I-abor party in the Commonwealth parliament. It actually consisted of three pieces of legislation:
1. the Northern Territory National Emergency Act 20Ö7Xtthe National Emergency Response Act-);
2. the Families, Community Services and Indigenouis AffairsÄmendment(Northern Territory National Emergency Response) Bill 2007 cthé FACSIA Act-); and
3. the Social Security and Other Legisletion Amendment(WéIfare Reform) Act 2007 (-the WR Act-).
The suite of legislation was made up of over 500 page ,• was pushed through parliament in a week. scrutinised by a Senate
Committee that convened for one day; and while it was only open for public consultation for 48 hours it received 154 submissions. Needless to say it was contentious:
Watch the following documentary produced by award-winning film maker Tom, Zubrycki, (with ABCs David Jowsey as Commissioning Editor) and written and directed by Julie Nimrno. It was shot over an 8-month period and features the lives of ordinary community residents togethertp es they experience the Intervention first hand, as well as the varipus, ypvernment and business workers who all come implement it.
Katherine, NT.
130C Clear 4)) 12:13

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