Recent Question/Assignment
Essay Development Section 1
Essay Plan
Thesis Statement: In my opinion I agree that the Fairtrade practices of the fresh food industry is ethical as it follows the standards of the Global business codex (Paine et al 2005). The arguments which are going to be discussed throughout this essay are Human Rights, Bribery and Monopolisation of industry
Argument 1: Human Rights – Dignity (Supporting)
Topic sentence: The fresh food industry complies with the dignity principle b using human rights to ensure Business should support and respect the protection of internationally pro-claim human rights with their sphere of influence.
Descriptive ethics:
Analytical ethics:
Normative ethics:
Argument 2: Bribery - Fairness ( Supporting )
Topic sentence:
Descriptive ethics
Analytical ethics
Counter Argument: Monopolisation of industry – Citizenship ( Supporting)
Topic sentence:
Opposing descriptive ethics:
Opposing Analytical ethics:
Refuting Analytical ethics:
Refuting Normative ethics:
Assignment Cover Sheet
200336 Business Academic Skills
School of Business
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200336 Business Academic Skills
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1000 words plus references
Date due:
Week 14 - Friday 31 October 400pm Online (Turnitin)
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Assessment question Using three ethical principles of the Global Business Standards Codex (GBSC), evaluate the Fairtrade practices of the fresh food industry.
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