Recent Question/Assignment
Student Name Student Number
Unit Code/s & Name/s ICTWEB306 Develop web presence using social media
Cluster Name
If applicable N/A
Assessment Name Portfolio of Evidence Assessment Task No. 2 of 2
Assessment Due Date Week 8 Date submitted
Assessor Name J. Hodges
Student Declaration: I declare that this assessment is my own work. Any ideas and comments made by other people have been acknowledged as references. I understand that if this statement is found to be false, it will be regarded as misconduct and will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the TAFE Queensland Student Rules. I understand that by emailing or submitting this assessment electronically, I agree to this Declaration in lieu of a written signature.
Student Signature Date
Important notes;
1. Please read this assessment completely before beginning and contact your teacher if you need to clarify any aspect of the content.
2. TQOL Students - All sections must be attempted prior to submission on Connect. Failure to attempt every section and complete the audio will result in a resubmission request.
3. You will be required to take multiple screen grabs, (captures) throughout this assessment. If you are unsure how to do this, then a quick internet search will familiarise you with the process or alternatively contact your teacher.
4. Please do Not submit Zip or .rar files
Instructions to Student
This assessment requires the student to submit a portfolio of tasks. The portfolio assesses skills and knowledge required to ensure that information technology services meet current and future internal operational enterprise requirements.
There are three parts to this assessment.
Part 1: Establish Social Media Requirements with Client
Part 2: Initiate and configure preferred Social Media Tools and Applications
Part 3: Test and Evaluate Tools and Applications According to Organisational Procedures
TAFE Queensland Online, (TQOL) - Provide all your answers in this document and save it as ICTWEB306 _AT2_PE_ Your Name and upload it to Connect . Audio - A correctly formatted audio addressing question 1.3
Class Room - Provide all your answers in a word document and save it as
ICTWEB306 _AT2_PE_ Your Name and submit to your teacher.
Materials to be supplied, (classroom): A computer with internet access
Assessors to provide:
• Assessment 2
• Downtown IT Social Media Policy
• Assessment marking criteria
Work, Health and Safety:
When working with or on computers, ensure that following all WHS guidelines and standards when working with computers. If using physical machines, ensure that you wear closed-in shoes when moving them around and working with them.
Details of Location:
Classroom - TAFE will provide simulated work environment in the classroom all practical activities should be completed in the classroom with teacher/tutor assistance.
TQOL – All learning resources and assessments will be accessed using the Connect online system.
Time Restrictions:
Classroom - This is a portfolio assessment designed to take place over 10
weeks. The student is expected to attend in class for 6 hours per week (this includes theory sessions) and should be able to commit up to 3 hours per week in their own time.
TQOL – Each student is allocated a 12 week study period however this final assessment for this unit is due at the end of week 8 and all students should aim to complete all work in this time frame.
Level of Assistance Permitted:
Teachers and tutors should be available in class, and accessible by email for students working from home. Staff cannot directly show students answers but guide them to where to go to complete tasks individually. Students with disability will receiver reasonable adjustments.
If you are unable to attend assessment you must notify your teacher before the assessment and supply a doctor’s certificate and approval from the team manager for extension. Reasonable adjustments will be made for students as and when appropriate, after consultation with the Disability and Counselling team. Extra time may be given for Language literacy and numeracy (LLN) or extenuating circumstances – you must see your teacher prior to assessment regarding this.
Assessment Criteria:
To achieve a satisfactory result, your assessor will be looking for your ability to demonstrate the following key skills/tasks/knowledge to an acceptable industry.
• Evaluate and establish social media requirements for a business
• Understand cybersecurity requirements for social media and web
• Identify technology terminology for social media
• Monitor, evaluate and provide recommendation about social media traffic
Submission details
(if relevant) Insert your details on page 1 and sign the Student Declaration. Include this form with your submission.
Due Date:
Classroom - Session 16
TQOL - End week 8
Evidence required to be submitted:
TQOL - Provide all your answers in this document and save it as ICTWEB306 _AT2_PE_ Your Name and upload it to Connect.
Audio - A correctly formatted audio addressing question 1.3
Class Room - Provide all your answers in this document and save it as
ICTWEB306 _AT2_PE_ Your Name and submit to your teacher.
TAFE Queensland Learning Management System:
Connect url:
Username; 9 digit student number
• For Password: Reset password go to:
Instructions to Assessor Specifications of Assessment:
There are 3 major tasks that all must be completed correctly to achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment. Students will be able to resubmit their work a second time if they are not successful on the first attempt.
Equipment or Material Requirements:
A computer with internet access
Details of Location:
Classroom - TAFE will provide simulated work environment in the classroom all practical activities should be completed in the classroom with teacher/tutor assistance.
TQOL – Complete using the Connect online learning environment.
Time Restrictions:
Classroom - This is a portfolio assessment designed to take place over 10 weeks. The student is expected to attend in class for 6 hours per week (this includes theory sessions) and should be able to commit up to 3 hours per week in their own time.
TQOL – Each student is allocated a 12 week study period however the final assessment for this unit is due at the end of week 8 and all students should aim to complete all work in this time frame.
Level of assistance permitted:
Teachers and tutors should be available in class, and accessible by email or
phone for students working online. Staff cannot directly show students answers but guide them to where to go to complete tasks individually.
Students with disability will receiver reasonable adjustments.
If students are unable to attend assessment in class or complete online by the required due date you must notify your teacher and request an extension or an alternative assessment date. Reasonable adjustments will be made for students as and when appropriate, after consultation with the Disability and Counselling team. Extra time may be given for Language literacy and numeracy (LLN) or extenuating circumstances
WHS Requirements:
All workplace health and safety legislation and policy should apply to the practical activities
Teamwork skills are essential in the IT industry therefore you should work in teams to consult and collaborate on the practical activities. However, each student is to complete the tasks below individually and will be required to show their work (unless indicated).
Reasonable adjustments can be made for students who require variations to assessment conditions.
Work Health and Safety:
A work health and safety check of the assessment environment is to be conducted prior to the assessment and any hazards addressed appropriately.
Assessment Conditions:
Skills in this unit must be demonstrated in a workplace or simulated environment where the conditions are typical of those in a working environment in this industry.
This includes access to:
• required hardware and its components
• online resources
• social media tools and applications that may be used to develop web presence through social media.
Note to Student An overview of all Assessment Tasks relevant to this unit is located in the Unit Study Guide.
Assessment 2
Project Scenario
You are the owner operator of a consulting company called “Freelance Social Media Consultants”, (FSMC) and you have been approached to build a social media presence for a local business - Downtown IT, (your client).
Your client would like a web presence created across two (2) different social media platforms but is not sure what is the most suitable so will need your advice to help them decide. They would also like to know of any issues relating to certain social media platforms and in particular advantages and disadvantages of each.
They have an existing website which they would like potential customers to be able to link too through the social media platforms you will create. The client would also like to be able to upload images, text files, video files and portable document files (PDF) files.
Your client would like all accounts to be appropriately password protected and all appropriate security options for the chosen social media site enabled. Personal contact information is to remain private. Users can only join groups on the business’s social media site by requesting permission. Administrator account information is to be supplied to your client.
Your task
Your task is to provide all the relevant information required to create a web presence for your client. This will be accomplished by completing each of the parts in this assessment.
Part 1: Establish Social Media Requirements with Client
1.1 You have identified two potential platforms/applications suitable for your client. Describe the type/category for each and then list three (3) characteristics, three (3) advantages and three (3) disadvantages of each. Record your findings in the table below.
Social Media Platform Type/Category Characteristics Advantages Disadvantages
Face Book
1.2 Provide a brief explanation for the three (3) social media tools listed, (minimum 20 words for each tool ) List three (3) advantages and three (3) disadvantages of each. Record your findings in the table below.
Social Media Tool Brief Description
(Min. 20 words) Advantages Disadvantages
Google Trends
Google Analytics
1.3 Meeting role play and Audio
You will conduct an audio recording of a meeting that will have a minimum duration of 5 minutes. You may use any audio recording device of your choice for this exercise however your phone utilising an MP3 format is ideal.
The role play “must” consist of two participants, (you are not permitted to role play both roles):
1) You are to undertake the role of, owner operator of FSMC
2) A workplace colleague/ classmate/ family member or friend to undertake the role of your client
The Meeting
Scenario - You are to assume the role the chairperson for this meeting. The meeting is going to focus on the information you provided when answering question 1.1 (table) and question 1.2. (table). Ensure both you and your participant have a copy of both tables and the Downtown IT social media policy.
Purpose – The purpose of this role play and audio recording is to explore issues associated with the social media tools. Compare and discuss the purpose and effect of social media platforms, tools and applications with your client. Specifically, you are to have an open discussion about your recommendations raised in questions 1.2 and 1.3 while ensuring you are in compliance with the Downtown IT social media policy.
You will run the meeting as follows;
1. Introduce yourself, eg Jack smith from FSMC
2. Ask your participant to introduce themselves in the same manner
3. Explain the purpose of the meeting, (as stated above)
4. Referring to Q 1.1, discuss the information provided.
5. Ask your client for their feedback, for example, do they think these would suit their needs. Could anything be changed or added? Are their viable alternatives? Are they satisfied with your recommendations?
6. Referring to Q 1.2, discuss the information provided.
7. Ask your client for their feedback, for example, do they think these would suit their needs. Could anything be changed or added? Are their viable alternatives? Are they satisfied with your recommendations?
8. Review the Downtown IT Social media Policy and discuss with client if your suggestions are in line with the policy requirements.
9. Open the floor to a general discussion about both tables and the Downtown IT social media policy
10. Close the meeting and thank attendee.
Note – This audio must be at least 5 minutes in length and failure to meet this criterion will result in a resubmission request. This is not about your acting ability, rather, it is about your ability to communicate with other team members clearly, concisely and professionally will addressing the points required.
TQOL Students - If you have any issues finding help to create your file you might consider making a post on the discussion board asking for other students who are in a similar situation if they want to work with you to achieve the requirement. This could be achieved my using free versions of Zoom or MS Teams. See the links below.
1.4 Confirmation of meeting.
Complete this checklist before moving on to part 2.
Client Discussion Checklist
Discussed the purpose of each Social Media Tool and Application ? Yes ? No
Discussed the different characteristics and features of each Social Media Tool and Application ? Yes ? No
Discussed the effects and suitability of each of the Media Platforms presented ? Yes ? No
Discussed the Downtown IT social media policy and its relevance. ? Yes ? No
Recorded a minimum 5 minute audio file and saved appropriately. ? Yes ? No
Discussed with client social media requirements and have agreed on Social Media Platforms and Tools: ? Yes ? No
Date of meeting:
Part 2: Initiate and configure preferred Social Media Tools and Applications
2.1 Using a computer with internet access, create and setup one account for Facebook and one account for Twitter using the fictious company “Downtown IT” as the user. Full company details and logo can be found in the Downtown IT social media policy document. Once completed take screenshots as evidence of account creation. Insert screen shots below.
2.2 Set up the social media interface for both accounts. (Make sure the home page for each account is representative of Downtown IT ) Use text, images, (Downtown IT logo) and other content and then take screen captures of your social media interface and insert below.
2.3 Use a web site of your choice and link each of your social media accounts to this web site. Provide a screen capture of both social media accounts and where the web site is linked.
Website linked to Facebook
Website linked to Twitter
2.4 Choose one of your accounts and add two (2) users, (fictitious names of your choosing). Provide a screen capture for each user demonstrating that permissions are required for each user to join and use the accounts.
User 1 access
User 1 access
Initiate social networking interaction
2.5 Using either of your accounts, follow two existing social media accounts created for similar business purposes. (Note the Downtown IT mission statement in its social media policy). Provide two screen captures to demonstrate this.
Business 1
Business 2
2.6 Confirm security of collaboration by providing one screen capture of security settings (or security actions) that you have configured in each social media application and describe how each setting or security action taken relates to current cyber security procedures and protocols.
Face Book
Security collaboration screen capture 1
Security collaboration screen capture 1
Part 3: Test and Evaluate Tools and Applications According to Organisational Procedures
Confirm website security
3.1 You are required to test and evaluate “Twitter”.
Referring to your Twitter account, (Downtown IT), you are required to complete the table below detailing your observations and experience.
Action Required
Comments. (Minimum 10 words per point) Pass or Fail - Does each action meet your expectations
(Yes No only required here)
Are you able to use the software with ease?
How easy is it for new users to learn to use the software?
How prone to errors is the software?
Interaction: Are user elements (such as buttons, links and input text boxes) interactive and within convenient reach?
Is it obvious what the results of a user action will be?
Errors: If a user makes a mistake while performing a task, can it be rectified easily.
How easy is it to repeat functions or tasks
Comprehension: Is the language used in the software easy to understand
Navigation: Is the site easily navigated
Web Speed: Does the site flow easily without any obvious speed issues?
Enjoyment: Does this software provide an enjoyable user experience,
3.2 Confirm with screen captures that following measures have been applied to one of your social media accounts to achieve web site security as per organisational requirements and current cyber security procedures.
• User accounts are password protected with strong passwords
• Personal contact information will remain private
• User needs permission to join social media site
Social media site - Insert Name here
User accounts are password protected with strong passwords Screen capture
Personal contact information will remain private Screen capture
User need permissions to join social media site Screen capture
Determine Effectiveness of Social Media Tools
3.3 You have tested your websites and extracted some figures from Google analytics.
1. September 2019 to the 1st December 2020 you did not have a social media presence
2. 1st December 2020 to 31st January 2021 you did have a social medial presence.
Consider the figures presented below and write your observations, (minimum 100 words).
December 2020
January 2021
© TAFE Queensland
Write Observation here:
3.4 Looking at the analytics in task 3.4 and using the template below, complete an email to the CEO, (Jim Bloggs) Downtown It. Provide a summary of your observations and provide any suggestions in relations to your thoughts on an expansion of a social media presence. You must also request approval to implement improvement actions, (the introduction of Facebook and Twitter).
Cc… J. Hodges
Hi X
Thank you for choosing “Freelance Social Media Consultants”, (FSMC)
Insert comments here
Hoping to continue to be of assistance to you with your future requirements.
Insert your name here
Freelance Social Media Consultants
Evidence required to be submitted: Please do Not submit .Zip or.rar files
1. Provide all your answers in this document and save it as ICTWEB306_AT2_PE_ Your Name and upload it to Connect.
2. Audio - A correctly formatted audio (MP3) addressing Part 1 - 1.3
Class Room –
1. Provide all your answers in this document and save it as ICTWEB306_AT2_PE_ Your Name and submit to your teacher
End of Assessment