Recent Question/Assignment
Assessment Cover Sheet:
Student Details
Student Name
Student ID:
Assessment Details
Unit of Competency
Assessment task ? Assessment Task 1 - _____________________
? Assessment Task 2 - _____________________
? Assessment Task 3 - _____________________
? Assessment Task 4 - _____________________
Date of Submission
Student Declaration: (Tick)
? Plagiarism: By submitting this assessment to RGIT, I declare that this assessment task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.
? Submission: This is to declare that I have submitted this assessment via LMS (Moodle).
Assessment outcome: ? Satisfactory ? Not Satisfactory ? Not Assessed
Assessor name:
Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment of this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks
Plagiarism check ? Yes ? No ? NA
Check for copying/collusion ? Yes ? No
Check for authenticity (own work) ? Yes ? No
Cheating or use of model answers ? Yes ? No
Result and comments provided on RTOM ? Yes ? No
Signature: ....................................................
Date: ............................................................ Student: I understand that may result and comments will be provided on RTOM for this assessment, and I am aware of my appeal rights.
Signature: ....................................................
Date: ............................................................
Assessment Task 3: Project 2 – Manage and monitor improvements to learning practice
Student Name: _________________________ Date: _______________
Assessment task description
• This is the third (3rd ) of four assessment tasks that student has to successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.
• There are five parts to this assessment as follows:
o Part A – Observe and report on learning styles
o Part B – Assess learners’ background, personal traits/interests and learning styles
o Part C – Role play: Explore requirements and discuss improvements to practice - Role Play
o Part D – Evaluate the role and impact of new technologies
o Part E – Develop a plan for implementing improved learning practice
• Student must attempt all criteria to the required level, e.g. Assessment criteria mentioned in the performance checklist to be deemed satisfactory in this task.
• Student must complete this task by following all given instructions, for the trainer/assessor to assess competency in this assessment task.
Applicable conditions
• This project is untimed and conducted as an open book assignment (this means student can refer to textbooks or other learner materials during the test).
• Electronic devices are allowed during this assessment task.
• Student must complete the task independently.
• Time limit for role play is 15 minutes unless otherwise specified.
• No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
• Trainer /Assessor must assess student’s practical skills, technique and knowledge as he/she complete this assessment task.
• The trainer/assessor may ask student relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that this is their own work.
• You will need to complete this project in your own time and submit it to as per the RTO’s requirements.
• You can refer to the textbook, learning materials or your research of external resources in completing this task.
• Your response may be submitted handwritten or typed form.
• You must express all answers/responses in your own words or acknowledge the sources of reference materials used.
• If you are found to have plagiarised or copied another student’s work, your assessment submission will not be accepted (please refer to the RTO Plagiarism Policy).
Resource requirements:
• You will need the following materials/ resources for this task:
• Textbook/ Online learning resources
• Computer with Internet access for research purposes and word processing
• Pen and paper as required
• Video links – Learning Styles
• Appendix A: Readings
• Appendix D: Improved Learning Practice Implementation Plan Template
Part A – Observe and report on learning styles
Access and watch at least two(2) videos on learning styles in educational settings and write a report based on your observations of the learners’ preferred learning styles as seen in the two videos.
Your report must address the 6 points below and should be not less than 500 words;
1. identify at least three learning styles from the two clips where applications of learning styles are demonstrated, including description of scenarios, names of characters in the video clips or animations
2. provide a brief description of the characteristics of learning styles
3. provide an analysis of the learners’ preferences
4. identify learning methods that may be best suited for these learners
5. provide reference links for the two video clips observed
6. use formal language, reporting style and format that is appropriate for the audience
Some video links have been provided to you below, however, you may research and select any two short videos where applications of learning styles are demonstrated, to observe and report on.
You must provide the links of the videos you are reporting on, for the assessor’s reference.
Suggested video clips:
• Sage. 2016. Learning Styles. YouTube.
Available at:
Accessed on: 7 April 2022
• free2care. 2010. Learning Styles. YouTube.
Available at:
Accessed on: 7 April 2022
• Dubois, Paul. 2020. Learning Styles. YouTube
Available at:
Accessed on: 7 April 2022
Your report should be no longer than 400 words.
Submission requirements:
At the end of this part, submit your report to your assessor as a separate word-processed document.
Performance Checklist – Assessment 3, Part A
Did the student prepare a brief observation report that includes: Tick Yes/ No
brief details of the two video clips observed ? Yes? No
identification of at least three learning styles of learners as observed in the video clips and a brief description of their characteristics ? Yes? No
? analysis of the selected learners’ preferences ? Yes? No
? identification of learning methods that may be best suited for them ? Yes? No
reference links for the two video clips observed ? Yes? No
appropriate language, style and format, appropriate for the audience ? Yes? No
Feedback / Comments:
Result: ? Satisfactory ? Not Satisfactory ? Not Assessed
Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature: Date: _______/_______/_______
Part B – Assess learners’ background, interests and learning styles
This is a continuation of the scenario in Assessment Task 2, Project 1.
One of the ways to enhance the quality of teaching and learning is to use a VARK questionnaire to recognise preferred learning styles of students.
Understanding their own distinctions and learning styles leads each learner to individually choose appropriate study techniques.
At the same time, understanding learners’ learning styles will help trainers in improving their teaching methods by including learning activities using the learning styles preferred. It will also help the training provider to make decisions about selecting modes of delivery to better meet the students’ needs and preferences.
The CEO of AWS has asked you to use this approach to improve the teaching/learning process.
You are to assume that the following is the result of a study aimed to assess the diversity of learning styles, personal interests and experience amongst a representative group of learners currently studying at AWS.
These learners currently study in a face-to-face onsite training mode. However, since many of them are working full or part-time, they have requested for the following improvements to the teaching and learning practice at AWS:
• provide online learning/blended or distance mode as it will help them balance their work and study
• provide a good balance of direct teaching and self-paced learning activities which engage students
• provide technology support
• provide LLN support and study skills training, including referencing skills
In this task, you are to study the following information and discuss the findings with the CEO to:
• identify if learning strategies currently used by AWS support learners preferred learning styles and personal interests and experiences
• identify improvements to learning strategies required for learner preferences for modes of learning (Online/ Distance Learning)
1. Assess the information about the learners given in Table 1 and 2 and prepare a brief summary in not less than 200 words. Your summary should include:
• your conclusions about the learners’ background
• your assessment regarding the readiness of these learners to undertake distance/online delivery mode.
Table 1: Key statistics on the backgrounds of the cohort of learners surveyed
Learner background Number of students
(Total 141) Percentage of students
Recent secondary education 32 22.7%
Previous vocational education and training (VET) study 45 31.9%
Work and life experience of one year or more 80 56.7%
Previous experience with distance/online learning 93 66%
Access to computer/laptop/internet 86 61%
Students with language, numeracy and literacy support requirements (LLN levels below required ACSF level 4) 29 20.5%
Students from diverse cultural backgrounds 39 26.7%
Table 2: Extract of the results of the distance/ online-readiness questionnaire survey to assesses the readiness of the cohort of learners to undertake online learning.
Self-directedness Agree Not sure Disagree
I am good at setting goals and deadlines for myself. 89 40 12
I have a really good reason for taking an online/blended course. 109 20 2
I finish the projects I start. 121 10 10
I do not quit just because things get difficult. 110 20 11
I can keep myself on track and on time. 113 18 10
2. Assess the results of the learner styles survey in Table 3 and prepare a brief summary in not less than 200 words. Your summary should include:
• your conclusions about the learning styles of learners based on the results
• your assessment regarding the suitability of these styles to the proposed distance/online delivery mode.
Table 3: Extract of the results of the survey conducted to assess learners’ preferred learning styles.
Background: Preferred learning styles of learners are different, which depend on tastes, mentality preparedness, as well as physical condition, in terms of sensory modalities. Identifying and employing appropriate learning styles could play an important role in selecting teaching styles, which can improve education ultimately.
Aim: The present study aimed to assess the diversity of learning styles amongst a representative group of students enrolled in the business management courses at AWS.
Methods: During the study a VARK learning style’s questionnaire was administered to 141 students enrolled in the business management courses at AWS. Data was collected with use of VARK questionnaire.
Figure 1 Frequency of students who preferred single, bi-modal, tri-modal and quad-modal learning styles
A total of 141 students completed the questionnaires. Out of these:
1. 41.6% of the samples preferred to use a single learning style, as follows:
o 17.7% preferred the Aural style
o 17% preferred Reading and Writing
o 6.4% preferred Kinaesthetic style and
o 0.7% preferred Visual styles.
2. 58.1 % of the samples preferred more than one style (multimodal),
o 17% chose two modes
o 13.4% chose three modes, and
o 27.6% chose four modes.
Submission requirements:
At the end of this part, submit the assessment summaries to your assessor as a separate word-processed document.
Refer to the following sources and readings to complete this part:
Filipatali, Thadei, 2013, Learning Theories. Their Influence on Teaching Methods, GRIN Verlag,
Available at:
Accessed on 7 April 2022
Pappas, Christopher, 2013, The Adult Learning Theory - Andragogy - of Malcolm Knowles, eLearning Industry, Accessed on 24 February 2021,
Pashler, Harold et al, 2008, “Learning Styles: Concepts and Evidence”, Psychological Science in the Public Interest, vol. 9, no. 3, Accessed on 24 February 2021,
RMIT University Learning and Teaching Hub, 2019, Learning theories in focus: Adult learning principles, RMIT University, Accessed on 24 February 2021,
Rosewell, Jon, 2005, Learning styles, The Open University, Accessed on 24 February 2021,
Performance Checklist – Assessment 3, Part B
Did the student prepare a summary that includes: Tick Yes/ No
conclusions about the learners’ background ? Yes ? No
an assessment about the readiness of learners to undertake distance/online delivery mode ? Yes ? No
conclusions about the learning styles of learners based on the results ? Yes ? No
an assessment of the suitability of these styles to the proposed distance/online delivery mode ? Yes ? No
appropriate language, style and format, appropriate for the audience ? Yes ? No
Feedback / Comments:
Result: ? Satisfactory ? Not Satisfactory ? Not Assessed
Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature: Date: _______/_______/_______
Part C – Role play: Explore requirements and discuss improvements to learning practice
In Part B you have assessed the information about the learners’ backgrounds, learning styles and readiness of learners to undertake online/distance learning at AWS. You have also assessed if the learner’s preferred styles are suitable for the proposed distance/online delivery mode.
Now you are to discuss your assessment with the CEO to identify if the learning strategies currently used by AWS support learners preferred learning styles and personal interests and experiences, and to identify improvements to learning strategies required for learner preferences for modes of learning (Online/ Distance Learning).
Participate in a discussion with the CEO of AWS to:
1. discuss your understanding of the findings of the survey of learning styles
2. discuss if learning strategies currently used by AWS support learners preferred learning styles and personal interests and experiences
3. collaboratively explore and identify improvements or solutions to learning strategies required for learner preferences for modes of learning (Online/ Distance Learning), such as:
o ensuring the online learning strategies cater to different learning styles
o ensuring course requirements are clear and unambiguous
o providing learning support to students
o ensuring effective communication between learners and trainer, and between learners
This is a role-play. Your assessor will play the role of the CEO.
You must make notes of your discussion, which will help you in the subsequent tasks.
Your assessor will use the Role Play Observation Checklist to assess your performance during the role-play.
You must familiarise yourself with the criteria in the Role Play Observation Checklist prior to the assessment.
Submission requirements:
1- Meeting minutes (should include key discussion points 1-3)
2- PPT slides /notes
You must submit Role Play Observation Checklist completed by your assessor and signed by you and your assessor.
Role Play Observation Checklist – Assessment 3, Part C
Student name
Unit and Task being assessed TAELED803 - Implement improved learning practice
Course name and title BSB80120 - Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
Assessor name
The student demonstrated the following actions and behaviours during the meeting: Check (X) Comments
No How did the student demonstrate this?
Formally greet the CEO and identify the purpose of the meeting.
Explain the findings of survey about the learning styles of students
Discuss if learning strategies currently used by AWS support learners preferred learning styles, personal interests and experiences
Collaboratively explore and identify requirements in terms of improvements to learning strategies required for learner preferences for modes of learning (Online/ Distance Learning)
Use appropriate language to provide information and encourage discussions
Lead verbal exchanges and invite inputs from the CEO about requirements and improvements
Use listening and questioning techniques to check and confirm understanding
Use specialised vocabulary appropriate to context and audience to discuss and confirm proposal
Use appropriate non-verbal communication
Made notes of any inputs of CEO
Conclude the meeting appropriately
Additional comments about the student’s overall performance:
ASSESSOR I have confirmed the responses given in this report.
Name and signature / /
STUDENT I have read and agree with this report.
Name and signature / /
Part D– Evaluate the role and impact of new technologies
Assume that during your discussions with the CEO, the requirement for AWS to adopt new technology for teaching/learning emerged as one of the top priorities. The CEO would like to examine different types of new technologies that could be used, the role and impact of new technologies on learners and training techniques.
You must prepare a report in not less than 400 words for the CEO evaluating the role and impact of new technologies on learners and the training techniques used in delivery. Your report must address the 4 points below
1-Research and identify the most commonly used technologies employed in distance learning
2-Identify four ways in which new technologies positively impact on learners and four ways in which it negatively impacts on learners
• 3-Identify how new technologies will impact on the way the following training techniques are used:
o group, pair and team activities
o instruction and explanation
• 4-Summarise your evaluation of the impact of new technologies on learners and training techniques.
You must use a simple report format and ensure that the language of your report is simple and clear, and readable by a wide audience.
Submission requirements:
At the end of this part, submit your report to your assessor.
Refer to the following sources and readings to complete this part:
Cozzi, Bruno, 2020, RTO Tools for better Student Engagement, bluegem,
Available at:
Accessed on 24 February 2021
Guthrie, Hugh, Jones, Anne, How can VET teacher education and development be improved?, LH Martin Institute, Available at:
Accessed on 24 February 2021
Hager, Paul, Towards a New Paradigm of Vocational Learning, UTS Sydney,
Available at:
Accessed on 24 February 2021
Jones, Anne, 2018, Vocational education for the twenty-first century, The University of Melbourne,
Available at:
Accessed on 24 February 2021
Morrison, Debbie, 2015, “How Course Design Puts the Focus on Learning Not Teaching”, Online Learning Insights,
Available at:
Accessed on 24 February 2021
Stevens D, Deschepper A, 2018, Good Practice in Teaching and Learning – a guide to practitioner perspectives, VET Development Centre,
Available at:
Accessed on 24 February 2021
Victoria University Blended Learning Strategy, Victoria University,
Available at:
Accessed on 11 April 2022
Performance Checklist – Assessment 3, Part D
Did the student prepare a report that:
Tick Yes/ No
evaluates the role and impact of new technologies on learners and the training techniques ? Yes ? No
identifies the most commonly used technologies employed in distance learning ? Yes ? No
identifies four ways in which new technologies positively impact on learners and four ways in which it negatively impacts on learners ? Yes ? No
identifies how new technologies will impact on the way the following training techniques are used:
• group, pair and team activities
• instruction and explanation ? Yes ? No
uses appropriate language, style and format, appropriate for the audience ? Yes ? No
Feedback / Comments:
Result: ? Satisfactory ? Not Satisfactory ? Not Assessed
Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature: Date: _______/_______/_______
Part E – Develop a plan for implementing improved learning practice
The CEO has asked you to develop a plan for implementing improved learning practice for AWS based on your understanding of the findings, cohort/learner profile and your discussions in Task C.
While developing the plan you must include information about:
• one improvement each for the following:
o course-based strategies to support learner participation and completion
o trainer/assessor development strategies
o learner-level support strategies
• resources required for the implementation – e.g. equipment, financial resources,
• responsibility for implementation of strategy
• timeframe for implementation
• key outcomes–a description of what success looks like
• progress review details – frequency, persons responsible
You may use the Improved Learning Practice Implementation Plan Template provided in Appendix D for this part.
Submission requirements
At the end of this part, submit your plan to your assessor.
Refer to the following sources and readings to complete this part:
Auto Skills Australia, 2015, AUR Release 2.0 Learning Strategy Guide, ASA Companion Volumes
Available at:,
Accessed on 24 February 2021
Filipatali, Thadei, 2013, Learning Theories. Their Influence on Teaching Methods, GRIN Verlag,
Available at:
Accessed on 7 April 2022
Jones, Anne, 2018, Vocational education for the twenty-first century, The University of Melbourne
Available at:
Accessed on 24 February 2021
Morrison, Debbie, 2015, “How Course Design Puts the Focus on Learning Not Teaching”, Online Learning Insights,
Available at:
Accessed on 24 February 2021
Pappas, Christopher, 2013, The Adult Learning Theory - Andragogy - of Malcolm Knowles, eLearning Industry
Available at:
Accessed on 24 February 2021
Pashler, Harold et al, 2008, “Learning Styles: Concepts and Evidence”, Psychological Science in the Public Interest, vol. 9, no. 3
Available on:
Accessed on 24 February 2021
PWC, 2020, Business Services Training Package Companion Volume Implementation Guide (Version 8)
Available at:
Accessed on 7 April 2022
Rinaldi, Damian, Learning theories comp-chart, Instructional Design & Technology: Learning Theories,
Available at:
Accessed on 24 February 2021
RMIT University Learning and Teaching Hub, 2019, Learning theories in focus: Adult learning principles, RMIT University,
Available at:
Accessed on 24 February 2021
Rosewell, Jon, 2005, Learning styles, The Open University,
Available at:
Accessed on 24 February 2021
Stevens D, Deschepper A, 2018, Good Practice in Teaching and Learning – a guide to practitioner perspectives, VET Development Centre,
Available at:
Accessed on 24 February 2021
Victoria University Blended Learning Strategy, Victoria University,
Available at:
Accessed on 11 April 2022
Performance Checklist – Assessment 3, Part E
Did the student prepare a plan for implementing improved learning practice that:
Tick Yes/ No
includes one improvement for each for the following:
• course-based strategies to support learner participation and completion
• trainer/assessor development strategies
• learner-level support strategies ? Yes ? No
resources required for the implementation of the improvements – e.g. equipment, financial resources, etc. ? Yes ? No
responsibility for the improvement action/s ? Yes ? No
timeframe for implementation ? Yes ? No
key outcomes–a description of what success looks like ? Yes ? No
uses appropriate language, style and format, appropriate for the audience ? Yes ? No
Feedback / Comments:
Result: ? Satisfactory ? Not Satisfactory ? Not Assessed
Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature: Date: _______/_______/_______
Assessment Cover Sheet:
Student Details
Student Name
Student ID:
Assessment Details
Unit of Competency
Assessment task ? Assessment Task 1 - _____________________
? Assessment Task 2 - _____________________
? Assessment Task 3 - _____________________
? Assessment Task 4 - _____________________
Date of Submission
Student Declaration: (Tick)
? Plagiarism: By submitting this assessment to RGIT, I declare that this assessment task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.
? Submission: This is to declare that I have submitted this assessment via LMS (Moodle).
Assessment outcome: ? Satisfactory ? Not Satisfactory ? Not Assessed
Assessor name:
Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment of this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks
Plagiarism check ? Yes ? No ? NA
Check for copying/collusion ? Yes ? No
Check for authenticity (own work) ? Yes ? No
Cheating or use of model answers ? Yes ? No
Result and comments provided on RTOM ? Yes ? No
Signature: ....................................................
Date: ............................................................ Student: I understand that may result and comments will be provided on RTOM for this assessment, and I am aware of my appeal rights.
Signature: ....................................................
Date: ............................................................
Assessment Task 4: Project 3 - Advocate the adoption of improved learning practice
Student Name: _________________________ Date: _______________
Assessment task description
• This is the fourth (4th) of four assessment tasks that student has to successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.
• There are five parts to this assessment as follows:
o Part A – Advocate for improved vocational, training and educational learning practice
o Part B – Initiate research to evaluate effectiveness of improved vocational, training and educational learning practice
o Part C – Design pilot program to test the improved learning practice
o Part D – Review and evaluate the improved learning practice
o Part E – Prepare a mentoring program plan for colleagues to promote learning practice
• Student must attempt all criteria to the required level, e.g. Assessment criteria mentioned in the performance checklist to be deemed satisfactory in this task.
• Student must complete these tasks by following all given instructions, for the trainer/assessor to assess competency in this assessment task.
Applicable conditions
• This project is untimed and conducted as an open book assignment (this means student can refer to textbooks or other learner materials during the test).
• Electronic devices are allowed during this assessment task.
• Student must complete the task independently.
• No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
• Trainer /Assessor must assess student’s practical skills, technique and knowledge as he/she complete this assessment task.
• The trainer/assessor may ask student relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that this is their own work.
• You will need to complete this project in your own time and submit it to as per the RTO’s requirements.
• You can refer to the textbook, learning materials or your research of external resources in completing this task.
• Your response may be submitted handwritten or typed form.
• You must express all answers/responses in your own words or acknowledge the sources of reference materials used.
• If you are found to have plagiarised or copied another student’s work, your assessment submission will not be accepted (please refer to the RTO Plagiarism Policy).
Resource requirements:
You will need the following materials/ resources for this task:
• Textbook/ Online learning resources
• Computer with Internet access for research purposes and word processing
• Pen and paper as required
• Appendix A: Readings
• Appendix E: Team Mentoring Action Plan Template
Part A – Advocate for improved vocational, training and educational learning practice
This is a continuation of the scenario in Assessment Task 2 and 3.
You have developed the implementation plan for the improved learning practice, now you will need to advocate for the plan and foster a shared understanding of the initiative as well as provide appropriate support and incentives to the team to ensure the planned outcomes are achieved.
For this purpose, the CEO has asked you to consider and implement advocacy measures to gain institution wide support for the new improvement measures.
Your task is to draft an email advising all managers about the implementation plan you have developed. The email should cover the pints below;
• communicate the purpose and importance of the improvement to learning practice
• outline what is expected from staff in its use
• clearly articulate the alignment between the intervention, student learning needs, and the organisation’s broader purpose and values
• offer a suitable incentive or reward that can be used to acknowledge individual and team contribution to successful implementation, such a formal recognition or symbolic rewards.
Your email must be not less than 200 words.
You must ensure that the language and layout of your email is simple and clear, and readable by a wide audience.
Submission requirements
At the end of this task, you must submit your email draft to your assessor as a typed document.
Performance Checklist – Assessment 4, Part A
Did the student prepare an email to staff that:
Tick Yes/ No
communicates the purpose and importance of the improvement to learning practice ? Yes? No
outlines what is expected from staff in its use ? Yes? No
clearly articulate the alignment between the intervention, student learning needs, and the organisation’s broader purpose and values ? Yes ?No
offers a suitable incentive or reward that can be used to acknowledge individual and team contribution to successful implementation ? Yes? No
uses appropriate language, style and format, appropriate for the audience ? Yes? No
Feedback / Comments:
Result: ? Satisfactory ? Not Satisfactory ? Not Assessed
Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature: Date: _______/_______/_______
Part B – Initiate research to evaluate effectiveness of improved vocational, training and educational learning practice
As part of the continuous improvement measures at AWS, each course program undergoes a planned and systematic evaluation periodically. The process always includes feedback loops that ensure findings are made known to all stakeholders, to ensure the recommendations are considered and actioned. This results in continuous improvements to the learning program and to outcomes for learners.
The CEO has asked you to prepare an evaluation plan for the program to implement the improved learning practice program.
You are to prepare an evaluation plan using ICT based tools such as MS Word or MS Excel, to compile research into the improved learning practice, and specifically identify the below 6 points:
1. Evaluation questions to identify if KPIs have been achieved (at least four(4) evaluation questions)
2. Indicators of success
3. Source and methods of data collection
4. Timelines for data collection
5. Persons responsible for data collection
6. Data analysis – how the qualitative and quantitative data will be transformed and summarised into usable information
You must use appropriate language, style and format, appropriate for the audience.
Submission requirements:
At the end of this part, submit your evaluation plan to your assessor.
Performance Checklist – Assessment 4, Part B
Did the student prepare a program evaluation plan that:
Tick Yes/ No
includes evaluation questions to identify if KPIs have been achieved ? Yes? No
identifies indicators of success ? Yes? No
includes sources and methods of data collection ? Yes? No
identifies timelines for data collection ? Yes? No
assigns persons responsible for data collection ? Yes? No
provides details of how qualitative and quantitative data will be transformed and summarised into usable information ? Yes? No
has been prepared ICT based tools such as MS Word or MS Excel ? Yes? No
uses appropriate language, style and format, appropriate for the audience ? Yes? No
Feedback / Comments:
Result: ? Satisfactory ? Not Satisfactory ? Not Assessed
Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature: Date: _______/_______/_______
Part C – Design a pilot program to test the improved learning practice
The CEO believes that before implementing the new solution or technology for AWS, it is practical to trial it first to ensure that it will be beneficial before diving in head-first. Running a pilot program will allow AWS to test things out on a small scale rather than making a large investment before knowing if the technology or solution will actually be a viable option for the team or company.
The CEO has asked you to design a pilot program to test the improved learning practice in a real-world situation, before implementing it on a large scale.
You are to develop an outline of a pilot program to test the improved learning practice with a small group of target audience.
Write a short report covering the 12 points below of pilot program;
1. at least two goals of the pilot program
2. at least two key performance indicators of the pilot program
3. duration of the pilot program
4. student group/s to be part of the pilot
5. pre-commencement briefing
6. trainers to be part of the pilot
7. support for trainers during pilot
8. student support during pilot
9. the data to be gathered to measure success
10. data collection methods
11. data analysis methods
12. means to communicate the pilot programs goals to stakeholders
• Your outline should be brief and cover only key points.
• You must use appropriate language, style and format, appropriate for the audience.
Submission requirements:
At the end of this part, submit your pilot program outline to your assessor.
Performance Checklist – Assessment 4, Part C
Did the student outline a pilot program that includes:
Tick Yes/ No
at least two goals of the pilot program ? Yes ? No
at least two key performance indicators of the pilot program ? Yes ? No
duration of the pilot program ? Yes ? No
student group/s to be part of the pilot ? Yes ? No
details of pre- commencement briefing ? Yes ? No
trainers that will be part of the pilot ? Yes ? No
support for trainers during pilot ? Yes ? No
student support measures during pilot program ? Yes ? No
data to be gathered to measure success ? Yes ? No
data collection and analysis methods ? Yes ? No
means to communicate the pilot program’s goals to stakeholders and have opportunities to offer feedback ? Yes ? No
uses appropriate language, style and format, appropriate for the audience ? Yes ? No
Feedback / Comments:
Result: ? Satisfactory ? Not Satisfactory ? Not Assessed
Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature: Date: _______/_______/_______
Part D – Review and evaluate the improved learning practice
The pilot program to trial the improved learning practice was implemented at AWS and the following is a report on the implementation of the pilot program.
The CEO has asked you to read the extracts of the research report on the implementation of the pilot program with a view to evaluating the effectiveness of practice so that informed decisions can be made about implementing the program across the organisation.
Findings on the implementation of pilot program
At the end of 2021, work commenced on building a dedicated online delivery platform and online educational material for one unit of competence included in the Diploma of Leadership and Management. The duration of the unit was 30 hours. The unit was offered in Term 1 and this experience was used to capture the students' opinions of the online learning materials, the quality of online teaching, the level of student support and the online learning delivery method.
Two groups of students who had enrolled in courses with the expectation of studying all
units face-to-face, were a part of the trial. Group 1 comprised 24 part-time students who all had full-time jobs. In Group 2 there were 45 full-time students most of whom had no job. Some had part-time work of a casual nature.
Most learners were very receptive to the idea of trying online learning as it meant they could study at their own pace as well as from their preferred locations. A few students were apprehensive and needed further encouragement during the induction sessions.
Both groups commenced with an induction program consisting of:
• Introduction to online learning
• essential internet skills; effective electronic communication skills; and independent learning skills. This was to ensure all learners had sufficient skills to cope with online learning.
All the learning materials for the Unit 1 were loaded onto the AWS Information Technology web server and there were no scheduled classes. Students could access the learning materials via the Internet from home, from the workplace or from the labs provided at AWS.
Student feedback was captured with a combined quantitative and qualitative questionnaire.
Almost students completed the questionnaire and the response rate of 100% for the Group 1 and 98% for Group 2.
Table 1: Student response data
Group 1 2
No. of enrolled students 24 45
No. of respondents 24 44
Response rate 100% 98%
Many students were from non-English speaking backgrounds (NESB). Table 2 shows the proportion from non-English speaking backgrounds in both trials.
Table 2: Language spoken at home
Group 1 2
No. of enrolled students 24 45
Main Language spoken at home
English 17 (71%) 16 (36%)
Language other than English 7 (29%) 29(64%)
Access to electronic communications is vital for Internet-based delivery. If access is too slow, unreliable or inconvenient it will impair the learning process. Students were asked to rate their level of satisfaction with the quality and method of Internet access.
Table 3: Internet access satisfaction level
Group 1 (24) 2 (45)
No. of enrolled students 24 45
No. of respondents 24 44
Satisfaction level
Excellent 8 16
Satisfactory 14 20
Unsatisfactory 2 9
Access to and quality of learning materials is also important for internet -based delivery, where learners need to be more independent and self-reliant. The following table shows students’ satisfaction with the quality of and access to online learning.
Table 4: Quality of online learning materials
Group 1 (24) 2 (45)
No. of enrolled students 24 45
No. of respondents 24 44
Satisfaction level
Excellent 10 25
Satisfactory 12 12
Unsatisfactory 2 9
Table 5: Positives of online learning (Student)
• It is very convenient not to go to class and just learn online or with video conferencing.
• Yes! I found it was good because I could study during the hours that best suited me.
• It is convenient, as I am working full-time.
• Because you can have access to all the relevant materials needed for the subject at any time, this gives you the ability to better manage your time.
• Was not distracted by other students or get slowed down by other students.
Table 6: Negatives of online learning (Student)
• The first few lessons were very difficult, but over a few lessons it becomes easier.
• We would have liked an orientation program to prepare for online learning.
• I am not able to cope with learning on my own.
• I miss being in the classroom with my classmates.
Table 7: Trainer feedback
• “It is currently assumed that if you are interested in the Internet then you will make a good online teacher.”
• “It is like being a beginner teacher all over again, as you don't know what works or doesn't work well. You have to transition into a new teaching format very quickly, which is stressful.”
• “We are using two or three different technologies to facilitate online teaching and learning. We need to consolidate the use of technology to make it convenient for us to learn and use it.”
• “Unrealistic expectations of teachers - using multiple platforms concurrently with very little
training. The time to prepare per class is limited yet we are supposed to master technologically advanced methods of delivery.”
• “My students were generally satisfied with my online teaching, but we are also new to this environment, and need to know what is required to support distance learners, so that we can support our students more effectively.”
1. Read the findings of the implementation of the pilot program with a view to evaluating the effectiveness of practice.
2. Prepare a recommendation report using a formal report structure, and making at least one(1) recommendation for improvement to the following areas before implementing it across the organisation:
? quality of program – e.g. content, learning materials,
? support for trainers – e.g. teaching methodology, technical support
? student participation and support – e.g. study skills
? delivery of e-learning program – e.g. equipment
Your recommendations should be brief and cover only key points.
You must use appropriate language and style appropriate for the audience.
You must follow a formal recommendation report structure.
Submission requirements:
At the end of this part, submit your recommendation report to your assessor.
Performance Checklist – Assessment 4, Part D
Did the student prepare a recommendation report that:
Tick Yes/ No
includes a brief overview of the research conducted ? Yes ? No
includes a summary of the results ? Yes ? No
includes at least one recommendation for improvement to be made to the following areas before implementing it across the organisation:
• quality of program ? Yes ? No
• support for trainers ? Yes ? No
• student participation and support ? Yes ? No
• delivery of e-learning program ? Yes ? No
provides argument for the recommended options ? Yes ? No
uses appropriate formal recommendation report format ? Yes ? No
uses appropriate language appropriate for the audience ? Yes ? No
Feedback / Comments:
Result: ? Satisfactory ? Not Satisfactory ? Not Assessed
Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature: Date: _______/_______/_______
Part E – Prepare a mentoring action plan for colleagues to promote learning practice
With the results of the pilot program, it has become evident that there needs to be some more guidance and support for trainers, such as professional development, induction, technology training for trainers.
The CEO of AWS believes mentoring trainers will be the best way to promote the improved learning practice and has asked you to collaborate and share your knowledge and experience with the trainers to develop improved practice.
You are to prepare a mentoring action plan for trainers who will be involved in the online / blended/ distance delivery.
In your plan, you must identify
• at least two(2) objectives of the mentoring program
• activities to achieve objectives
• corresponding outcomes of the activities
• resources required for the mentoring activities
• time frames (short/medium/long term) for achieving the objectives
Use the template provided in Appendix E for your plan.
You must use appropriate language, style and format, appropriate for the audience.
Submission requirements:
At the end of this part, submit your mentoring action plan to your assessor.
Performance Checklist – Assessment 4, Part E
Did the student prepare a mentoring action plan that:
Tick Yes/ No
includes at least two objectives of the mentoring program ? Yes? No
identifies activities to achieve objectives ? Yes? No
includes corresponding outcomes of the activities ? Yes? No
identifies resources required for the mentoring activities ? Yes? No
uses appropriate language, style and format, appropriate for the audience ? Yes? No
Feedback / Comments:
Result: ? Satisfactory ? Not Satisfactory ? Not Assessed
Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature: Date: _______/_______/_______