Recent Question/Assignment
My identified system is Laptop .
Computer Science Principles and Practice
The following learning outcomes will be assessed:
1. Demonstrate an appreciation of the role of computing and technology in today’s society
2. Discuss how social, ethical and legal issues are relevant to the subject of computer science
3. Evaluate the types of problem which are determinable through the application of computing
4. Solve traditional computing problems using discrete structures (logic, sets, functions, graphs
and trees, etc.)
event of your work going astray.
Submission Date and Time As advised on Canvas
Submission Location Via Canvas
Your Task
Your task is to write a 3000 word report drawing on the work you have done on the
activities in the module, the poster you created in your first assignment and the reading and research you have carried out. Your report will be going into detail about the system and/ or problem that has been solved using computer science. The report will reflect the discussions, research and evaluations that you have undertaken into your choice of the computing problem. The report will provide detail to the problem and demonstrate how the computing subject in that problem domain has evolved in order for that problem to be solved. You should discuss the problem-solving approaches, algorithmic thinking and the methodologies you might employ. You should discuss the societal, ethical and legal impacts as a result of the issue / resolution of the issue.
Student Information
The computing environment is a wide and complex one. For the second assignment you are required to develop further the subject / topic from your poster in assignment and discuss in more detail (than assignment 1) the issues and how computer science has been used to resolve the issue.
Throughout the module you have been undertaking a series of small formative exercises to
demonstrate their ability to apply discrete mathematics to computing problems. This second
assessment will use these activities to provide a critical evaluation of how these techniques are
applicable to solving traditional real-world computing problems.
The students will then write a commentary on the issues that they have encountered and discuss their exercises in the wider context of computer science.
Student information
The second assessment is a report which should provide a commentary and evaluation of your
chosen system. You should draw on the exercises and activities that you have undertaken during the module (including the first assessment) discussing the rationale for the subjects that you have chosen, why they are important (please refer to the literature to support your argument), what the key computer science/ computing challenges and opportunities are and how computer science can be used to address these – particularly discussing how (and if) the problem can be solved and any underpinning mathematics or logic that you have considered. You should include any professional, legal or ethical concerns and issues in your report.
The report should include the following headings:
1. Introduction
Your introduction should include a summary of the main points that you will discuss in your report. Your report should outline the topic you have chosen, the rationale and the main themes you have
identified. Your introduction should be about 250 words in length.
2. How Computer Science can be Used to Solve the Problem
The purpose of this section is to set your report in the context of the problem being addressed
and the literature and examples associated with your chosen system. In this section you should
set out the focus of the problem to be solved; the current state of thinking in relation to your topic and identify themes that are suitable for further investigation. You should consider the historical perspective of your topic to show the trajectory of your chosen topic from the foundations to modern day examples culminating in where we are today and potentially considering future developments. You should consider the opportunities and challenges in the problems to be solved (if the problem can be solved) and the associated algorithmic thinking associated with the problem. This section should be approximately 1500 words.
3. Measuring Success and Impact on Society
In this section you should discuss the metrics that can be used to measure the success of the system. You should also provide commentary on the impact of the system (if any) on society. This section should be approximately 500 words.
4. Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues
In this section you should discuss any legislative, ethical and/or professional issues that would could be taken into account for the system. This section should be no more than 500 words in length.
5. Conclusion and Future
In this section you should summarise your findings and consider what opportunities there are for future research (could be personal to you) and which technologies might be used to develop the problem in the future. This section should be approximately 250 words.
6. References
These should be to Harvard standards (not included in work count but should be between 6 and
10 references)