Recent Question/Assignment
Marks are specified for each aspect of your assignment. You should study this marking guide carefully and test whether your assignment fits each criterion before you upload it.
1. Title and abstract (out of 80): Does the title indicate that it is a proposal for research? - Maximum mark30
2. Does the abstract clearly outline the work that you intend to perform? - Maximum mark50
3. Introduction and background: (out of 200) does the introduction 'put the reader in the picture' about what you intend to do? - Maximum mark100
4. Does the background show the need for your research project? - Maximum mark40
5. Does background show prior work with citations, from which your project moves forwards? - Maximum mark60
6. Methodology and timeline (out of 180): Is there a clear description of the experiments or data mining you intend to perform? - Maximum mark90
7. Is there a clear definition of the data to be gathered? - Maximum mark30
8. Is there a timeline styled as Gantt chart with clear labeling? - Maximum mark60
9. Analysis and conclusions (out of 120) methods you intend to use to analyse the data you will obtain - Maximum mark40
10. Your deductive process, showing how the results will affect the the conclusion you will reach - Maximum mark40
11. The expression of your conclusions, what your research will show you - Maximum mark40
12. Bibliography (out of 80): Are references in the correct Harvard format? Are there references to printed material? - Maximum mark40
13. Are the references relevant and cited correctly? - Maximum mark40
14. Safety issues (out of 40)Your own safety while conducting the research - and any other requirements such as ethics clearance, as they relate to you - Maximum mark40
15. Language and presentation (out of 50): Appearance - Maximum mark10
16. Appropriate and professional language - Maximum mark10
17. Care with spelling - Maximum mark10
18. Care with grammar - Maximum mark10
19. Reader appeal - Maximum mark10
20. Credibility as a research proposal (out of 50) Is it an agenda for research taking months or years or just a -bright idea-? Would it convince an assessment panel? - Maximum mark50