Recent Question/Assignment
University College Cork - National University of Ireland, Cork
MSc Finance (Banking and Risk Management)
EC6002 Financial Institutions and Money Markets
2021/22 15/03/22 Module Note: 9/2022
Choose a Bank.
(i) Using relevant data, analyse and explain the performance of the bank.
(ii) Identify the main strengths and weaknesses of the bank and the opportunities and threats facing the bank.
(iii) Using your analysis in (i) and (ii), would you recommend investing in this bank?
Structure of the Report:
1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
3. Background to the Bank (History, Business, Size, Markets)
4. Main Body of the Report: Analysis, Research, Evidence
a. Performance of the Bank
5. Findings (SWOT)
6. Recommendations on Investing
Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss the assignment. Please let me know if there are any difficulties.
Structure of Report:
The Report should be 3,000 words maximum in length. This 3,000 words should include the Executive Summary and the Background. The Appendices and References are excluded from the 3,000 words requirement.
A Word Count for the report, excluding the Appendices and References, must be included with the assignment. There will be a 1% penalty for each 100 words over this 3,000 word limit.
Distribution of Marks:
This Report will count for 50% of the marks in this module.
Penalties for Late Submission:
Where work is submitted up to and including 7 days late, 10% of the total marks available shall be deducted from the mark achieved. Where work is submitted up to and including 14 days late, 20% of the total marks available shall be deducted from the mark achieved. Work submitted 15 days late or more shall not be accepted.
General Notes:
(i) Plagiarising your report or sections of your report will be treated very severely. You will be required to use Turnitin.
(ii) One draft is not sufficient. It is expected that you will do a number of drafts.
(iii) Please organise your paragraphs such that there is a point to each paragraph.
(iv) Spelling and grammar checks should be conducted on the complete document. Marks will be lost for poor presentation, incorrect spelling, incomplete sentences etc.
(v) Graphs should be provided based on original data (Copying and pasting of easily accessible data from other reports is not permitted). These should be appropriately labelled and sourced. All data used, should be provided in EXCEL.
(vi) Please include page numbers.
(vii) Front page should include the Student’s Name, the Student number, Module Code and Title of Module, Word Count, Lecturer’s name, Name of Bank.
Presentation: Your work should be presented to a high professional standard.
Citation and Referencing: Proper citation, quotation and referencing conventions are required of all literature, data and information sources.
Deadline for Report: Thursday, April 21st through Turnitin.
Marking Criteria for Report:
1. Answer (Does the work answer the question or address the issue?)
2. Flow (Does each statement follow sensibly from its predecessor, providing a coherent structure?)
3. Argument (Is there a convincing line of argument running through the work?)
4. Evidence (Are claims supported by relevant evidence and or theory from the literature?)
Please find Departmental Marking Criteria on Blackboard.