Recent Question/Assignment

2.4 Assessment Details
2.4.1 Portfolio and Reflection
Weight: 50%
Type of Collaboration: Individual
Due: Friday April 1 © 9:00am
Submission: MyShowcase (Portfolio - video/permission note/risk assessment) and Turnitin (800 word) Reflection
Format: MyShowcase - Online through vUWS Reflection - 12 font, double spaced submitted to Turnitin.
Length: 800 words & a 3-minute presentation
Curriculum Mode: Portfolio
PRESENTATION Individually choose a field site within NSW that could be used for a History excursion. Individually research the educational value of the site and align the site to the History Syllabus.
1. Create a 3-minute video presentation about the site outlining a range of topics including links to the syllabus, educational value, logistics of taking students to the site and what you are going to teach pre and post excursion. Your presentation must include you and a PowerPoint presentation. Zoom is an ideal platform for this. Green screening is another way this could be presented.
2. Upload to MyShowcase.
If your video is under or exceeds 3 minutes by 30 seconds you will not meet a Satisfactory level as per the marking criteria.
1. Create a permission note for your excursion
2. Create a Risk Assessment for your excursion in line with policies.
3. Upload to My Showcase.
1. Use My Showcase to present your presentation (video) and organisational documents (permission note and risk assessment) in an innovative way.
2. Detailed instructions are located on vUWS.
REFLECTION (Criteria 4,5&6)
Reflection on 3-4 of the following Graduate Standards - YOU MUST HAVE MET THESE WHILST UNDERTAKING THIS ASSESSMENT (you can not do a hypothetical situation)
2.2.1 - Organise content into an effective learning and teaching sequence.
2.4.1 - Demonstrate broad knowledge of, understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages.
3.2.1 - Plan lesson sequences using knowledge of student learning, content and effective teaching strategies.
3.3.1 - Include a range of teaching strategies
3.4.1 - Demonstrate knowledge of a range of resources, including ICT, that engage students in their learning.
7.1.1 - Understand and apply the key principles described in codes of ethics and conduct for the teaching profession.
7.2.1 - Understand the relevant legislative, administrative and organisational policies and processes required for teachers according to school stage.
7.4.1 - Understand the role of external professionals and community representatives in broadening teachers professional knowledge and practice. Use your experience doing this assessment and current literature to support your reflection.
Use your experience doing this assessment and current literature to support your reflection.
At least 3 pieces of current and relevant literature are needed to meet minimum benchmarks for Criteria 4.
Please view all videos online regarding MyShowcase to assist with your presentation.
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Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Unsatisfactory
1. Engaging Colleagues Individual content knowledge and Presentation (15) As for distinction AND strong presentation with innovation. 13-15 As for credit AND demonstrates a creative way to present information and also includes a strong understanding of what will be taught prior to and after the excursion. 11.5-12.5 Rich content delivered. Familiar with content including educational values, links to syllabus. Clear structured delivery. Timely presentation. 10-11 Adequate content delivered outlining educational values, logistics and links to syllabus. Basic communication and planning. Timely Presentation (between 2 minutes and 30 seconds and 3 minutes and 30 seconds). 7.5-9.5 Limited content delivered. Over/Under in time by more than 30 seconds. 7.5
2. Organisational procedures (5) Comprehensive and thorough permission note and risk assessment 4.5-5 Highly developed permission note and risk assessment 4 Well structured permission note and risk assessment 3.5 Basic permission note and risk assessment 2.5-3 Limited permission note and risk assessment 2.5
3. Individual Learning Portfolio (5) Well-designed, inclusive, professional, and visually appealing online learning portfolio 4.5-5 Inclusion of all parts for online learning portfolio with effective use of visual aspects and content. 4 Inclusion of all parts for online learning portfolio with some innovation. 3.5 Basic inclusion of all parts for online learning portfolio. 2.5-3 No or limited online learning portfolio. Some sections missing 2.5
4. Reflection Links to Standards (15) Explicit links to Graduate Standards. Outstanding reflection addresses APST domains. Implications for practice clearly linked to process and AITSL descriptions. Arguments are clearly supported with current, appropriate and relevant evidence which is used to draw out extra levels of analysis and meaning; examples and references are fully incorporated into the discussion; utilises syllabus documents, and a wide range of current literature; led by student’s voice, evidence predominantly paraphrased rather than quoted. 13-15 Explicit links to Graduate Standards. Thorough and balanced address of APST domains, Implications for practice well linked to process and AITSL descriptions. Arguments are clearly supported with syllabus documents and a wide current and relevant evidence; examples and references are fully incorporated into the discussion; led by student’s voice, evidence predominantly paraphrased rather than quoted. 11.5-12.5 Explicit links to Graduate Standards. Adequate address of APST. Some relevant generalisation to classroom practice. Arguments generally supported with syllabus documents and current literature for each resource are used to analyse their appropriateness. A predominance of paraphrases rather than quotes. 10-11 Explicit links to Graduate Standards. Basic address of APST. Sometimes unclear of links between Standard and practice. Arguments generally supported with syllabus documents and current literature for each resource are used to analyse their appropriateness. A predominance of quotes rather than paraphrases. 7.5-9.5 Limited links to Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST). Descriptive rather than analytical. Standard not adequately addressed. Weak/no links to syllabus documents other current literature. In general, claims are not supported by evidence; references do not contribute to points being made; a predominance of quotes rather than paraphrases. 7.5
Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Unsatisfactory
5. Presents work professionally, with clear academic writing and within the word limit (5) Well-structured paper or innovative presentation within the word/time limit; explicitly identifies the key issues; cohesive, grammatically correct structure; very few typographic or spelling errors. With competent integration of evidence, submitted to Turnitin; original work with insignificant matches. 4.5-5 Clear and concise structure; strengthened by relevant research; grammar and syntax mostly correct; cohesive text within word/time limit; discriminating use of appropriate vocabulary; few typographic or spelling errors. 4 Well-structured and coherent text; effective grammatical expression; adheres to word/time limit; uses appropriate terminology; minor typographic and /or spelling errors. Analysis well developed with students voice and supported by literature and research. 3.5 Generally clear; paper/presentation has an introduction, body and conclusion; developed with student’s voice; sentences coherent and grammatically correct; within word/time limit; some typographic and /or spelling errors. Some appropriate use of evidence but needs to be better integrated; submitted to Turnitin; originality report detects some insignificant matches. 2.5-3 Work lacks structure; little evidence paper has been edited; terminology inappropriate; frequent spelling/ typographic errors. Poor paraphrasing or over-reliance on quotes. Submitted to Turnitin; originality report detects some insignificant matches. Significantly below or above the word/time limit. 2.5
6. Uses the APA referencing style correctly for both intext citations and reference list (5) The reference list and in-text citations are correctly formatted and punctuated throughout. See the Library APA Guide and APA style guide to electronic references. 4.5-5 As for credit, and more than half of the reference list is correct formatted and/or punctuated, including complex citations or unusual source materials 4 As for pass, and at least half of the reference list and in-text citations are correctly formatted (Italics, capitalisation, regular text and spacing) and/or punctuated (alphabetically ordered, double spaced hanging indents, full stops and commas correctly positioned). In-text citations for direct quotes include page numbers. 3.5 The 4 elements of the APA referencing style are present in most reference list, (creator, copyright date, title of work and source). Some attempt at appropriate in-text citation, formatting and punctuation has been demonstrated. All cited sources are included in the reference list. 2.5-3 Reference list is missing or mostly incorrect. In-text citations omitted or used incorrectly. 2.5

Editable Microsoft Word Document
Word Count: 251 words

Editable Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
Slide Count: 5 slides with Speaker Notes

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