Recent Question/Assignment
OTHM L7 - Strategic Human Resource Management
Final Assignment - Task 01
Due No Due Date Points 0 Submitting a file upload Available after Apr 11, 2020 at 8am
You are working at the HR department of WeSellAnything Ltd. A new CEO arrived at the company with the task of saving it from bankruptcy. Although the CEO only arrived recently, it was immediately apparent that morale was low and that there was a turnover 5 times higher than the competitors.
The CEO comes from the manufacturing industry in a small town where the employment turnover is low and people have jobs for life. The CEO has summoned your team for a meeting, demanding explanations and possible changes.
You have worked at WeSellAnything Ltd long enough to know the main issues:
Competitors pay on average 15% – 20% more and have better benefits
Many of the targets are unachievable which means that bonus have not been handed in motivation is law
Lack of advancements, most supervisor and management positions are filled from the outside
The company does not have a Learning and Development department
Most job descriptions do not match the actual job, and despite your efforts the line managers have not been cooperating. The person specifications are also very vague.
Lack of planning, line managers do not come to you for months and then suddenly they want someone within 3 days, which make it difficult for recruitment. After you contact the individuals, they then have 1 interview with the line manager who decides to recruit them or not.
Management is like a “boys club” and no woman between 20-45 is hired as they do not want to employ a pregnant woman (although this is not written anywhere)
You personally had to attend 3 tribunals in the last few months regarding harassment, bullying and unfair dismissal (the former being due to a manager stating, “you’re fired” for no apparent reason other than an employee asking to go home early because his wife was pregnant)
Task 1 of 2 Meeting documents (ACs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.2 & 2.3)
In preparation for your meeting, you have decided to
Draw a mind map using colour to show the traditional functions of “Human Resource Management” and the stages of Human Resource Planning. Use symbols to highlight the involvements of lines managers
Differentiate between personnel management and human resource management
Evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment and selection techniques.
Create a flowchart to showcase the roles and responsibilities of human resource managers.
Delivery and submission
Bring the mind map and the 2 flowcharts at your meeting with the CEO (your lecturer). These documents are to be submitted together with task 2
Final Assignment - Task 02
Due No Due Date Points 0 Submitting a file upload Available after Apr 11, 2020 at 8am
You are working at the HR department of WeSellAnything Ltd. A new CEO arrived at the company with the task of saving it from bankruptcy. Although the CEO only arrived recently, it was immediately apparent that morale was low and that there was a turnover 5 times higher than the competitors.
The CEO comes from the manufacturing industry in a small town where the employment turnover is low and people have jobs for life. The CEO has summoned your team for a meeting, demanding explanations and possible changes.
You have worked at WeSellAnything Ltd long enough to know the main issues:
Competitors pay on average 15% – 20% more and have better benefits
Many of the targets are unachievable which means that bonus have not been handed in motivation is law
Lack of advancements, most supervisor and management positions are filled from the outside
The company does not have a Learning and Development department
Most job descriptions do not match the actual job, and despite your efforts the line managers have not been cooperating. The person specifications are also very vague.
Lack of planning, line managers do not come to you for months and then suddenly they want someone within 3 days, which make it difficult for recruitment. After you contact the individuals, they then have 1 interview with the line manager who decides to recruit them or not.
Management is like a “boys club” and no woman between 20-45 is hired as they do not want to employ a pregnant woman (although this is not written anywhere)
You personally had to attend 3 tribunals in the last few months regarding harassment, bullying and unfair dismissal (the former being due to a manager stating, “you’re fired” for no apparent reason other than an employee asking to go home early because his wife was pregnant)
Task 2 of 2 Meeting (ACs 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1 & 4.2)
Bring your mind map and your mind map and flow chart at the meeting and:
Explain your mind map and flow chart
Using the mind map, identify the importance of human resource planning including common issues faced by HR managers and their causes such as maternity law, discrimination, etc.
Critically appraise methods organisations use to monitor employee performance.
Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay.
Using the flowchart, explain two performance management and reward systems and their impact on motivation.
Delivery and submission
Mind map, evaluation and feedback
Summative submission
1x Lecturer evaluation form
1x Meeting minutes
The 3 documents from task 1 (the mind map and the 2 flow charts)
Indicative word count 3000 words