Recent Question/Assignment
1Assessment summary
Assessment Method: 1 Re-assessment Method: 1
Exam Length/Word
Count 3500 Exam Length/Word
Count 3500
Assessment Date and Time: 16.05.2022 at 23.59 on Turnitin dropbox Re-assessment Date and Time: June 2022
Feedback Method: Moodle Feedback Method: Moodle
Feedback Date: 5 days After moderation Feedback Date: 5 days After moderation
Re-Assessment: The assignment is the same, but you MUST chose a different company to your first sit
4.2Assignment Brief and submission
Assessment Guidance Preparing for the Assessment w/c 7 March 2022 Planning Your Ethical Analysis
The sixth week of the module is an opportunity for students to reflect on the theories, concepts, case studies and scenarios explored during the first half of the semester.
During the w/c 7 March 2022 you should:
• Decide on the topic and focus of your ethical analysis
• Undertake initial research of your chosen business or organization
• Draft a plan of the analysis (500 words). The plan should contain
1. A brief overview of the key issues of the case, and;
2. Suggest the ethical theories that prominently connect with the chosen case.
The student is required to undertake an analysis of the ethical performance of a business or organization, either in general or in relation to a specific issue. The organization selected for analysis is the choice of the student. In concluding their analysis, the student should offer recommendations on the future development of ethical practice within the organization.
The student is required to undertake an analysis of the ethical performance of a business or organization, either in general or in relation to a specific issue. The organization selected for analysis is the choice of the student.
PLEASE NOTE: The ethical analysis must focus on a different business or organization than the one selected for the first assessment submission.
In concluding their analysis, the student should offer recommendations on the future development of ethical practice within the organization.
The assessment links with the learning outcomes by offering students the opportunity to demonstrate a broad understanding of issues regarding organisational ethics, governance and social responsibility within the modern business environment.
The student will develop an understanding of the learning outcomes by holistically appreciating ethical and social issues. This will be tested through a single written assessment, comprising of three individual components, which will require a student to develop an enhanced understanding of business ethics and the social responsibility of organisations operating within the contemporary business environment The marker will be looking for:
• Good academic practice (including but not limited to proper referencing)
• Effective capacity to provide a reasoned analysis and argument
• Understanding of the specific ethical issues
• Knowledge of the subject area
• Evidence of good research
• Ability to critically analyse – not just describe
• Inclusion of relevant theory/concepts
• Correct application of relevant theory/concepts
• Critical and analytical discussion
• Clear and analytical arguments and conclusions
• Realistic and persuasive arguments
• Clarity of arguments through good grammar
• Strength of arguments
In order to support academic rigour 10% of the overall marks will be awarded for format, bibliography, references and presentation.
Your report is a written assignment which is due to start within two weeks of the introduction to the module. It must be written using font type, Times New Roman and font size 12 with a line spacing of 1.15 and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. You are also requested to include a cover page, introduction, abstract, acknowledgement and table of contents, with a reference list and a conclusion within your assignment.
Module Title Business Ethics, Governance & Social Responsibilities
Assessment Title An Ethical Analysis of a Business or Organization (3500 words)
Individual/Group Individual
Weighting 100%
Latest Hand in Date 16.05.2022
Learning Outcomes Assessed ? Critically assess and apply theories relating to business ethics, responsibility,
? governance and ethical leadership;
? Critically assess and develop method and practice in relation to business ethics,
? responsibility, governance and ethical leadership;
? Examine and identify theory and practice in these areas of business decision-making,
? in response to an awareness of the context of the organization.
Student Instructions for Submission of Coursework
This module requires you to submit your work on-line through our Moodle platform
You MUST submit your work through the VLE. Receipt of your work will be recorded.
Your -Turnitin assignments- in the VLE has been set up to enable you to check your assignment yourself as you submit it. An -Originality/Similarity Report- will be made available to the student. This report will highlight any issues with your work such as uncited quotations and in the light of which you may make necessary corrections for resubmission of same before the due date.
Please note: Tutors will follow up any suspected plagiarism and unfair practice found after the submission date as per RBS policy. Late penalties will apply as per RBS regulations