Recent Question/Assignment

Length: 3,000 words
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In December 2013 Holden announced that they would cease manufacturing in Australia by the end of 2017. The closure of plants at Port Melbourne and Adelaide will result in the loss of 2,900 jobs ( this period they will continue to produce motor vehicles in Australia. To do this Holden will need to maintain an efficient workforce and will face a range of issues retaining highly skilled workers as employees prepare themselves and seek new employment opportunities.
As Director of Human Resources, you have been asked to prepare a report for Head Office in Detroit outlining the issues faced by HR endeavoring to keep an efficient workforce to maintain productivity levels, and developing strategies for the ultimate reduction and lay-off of employees, given the damage to the psychological contract that has occurred as a result of this decision. Use academic literature to support your arguments and recommendations.

This assignment is designed to:
familiarise students with the nature of the HRM phenomenon and the different perspectives from which it is viewed;
encourage students to explore various HRM theories;
develop the ability to identify the importance of the HR function in the effective management of people;
familiarise students with the gap which may exist between the academic theories and the real world practice of HRM;
encourage students to develop a critical understanding of the extent to which organisations adhere to espoused HRM policies;
encourage students to explore the various HR challenges such as environmental, organisational, individual and in the performance of their day-to-day responsibilities; complicated relationship among top management, line managers, HR managers and employees and its effect on HR policies and practices;
encourage students to develop sound analytical skills based on in-depth literature research, learnt theories, case studies and work practices.
Marking criteria


High Distinction
Scope of assignment (50%)
(includes: breadth/depth of knowledge, focus on topic, support of arguments).
· Discusses a range of issues associated with staffing issues and concerns at Holden, such as skills retention, retirement, training.
· Discusses the impact of decisions on the psychological contract.
· Demonstrates knowledge of the debate surrounding the issues identified and their implications for HR practice at Holden.
· Practical, useful and realistic analysis of current situation and recommendations is presented.
· Discussion is focussed on the requirements of the question (ie. does not noticeably digress from the topic and incorporate irrelevant issues).
· Provides suitable support for arguments raised using reference to academic literature and practical examples.
Topic not fully covered.
Discussion too brief. Overuse of quotations, with little explanation.
Insufficient support from literature. Offers little in way of practical, realistic suggestions. Lacks objectivity.
A reasonably balanced summary of the issues reflected in the study materials pertinent to the assignment topic.
Some explanation, illustration and support for arguments presented is provided from the literature. Report offers few practical, realistic suggestions and weak evidence.
A fuller, more systematic exploration of the assignment topic, which may include an attempt at critical comment or appraisal.
Regular support provided from the literature.
Few flaws. Report presents practical, realistic suggestions and weak evidence.
A comprehensive exploration of the topic, with sound critical comment and a personal synthesis of the issues examined.
Demonstrates understanding, interpretation and presentation of ideas and arguments.
Detailed support provided from literature. Report offers practical ideas that are well. Maintains an objective and evidence based position
Clear and exact understanding, interpretation and presentation of main ideas and arguments relevant to the assignment task.
Demonstrates appropriate selection and integration of ideas and theory.
Demonstrates breadth and depth of understanding and has insights and awareness of deeper more subtle aspects of the topic content.
Report offers practical ideas that are well grounded and supported. Maintains an objective and evidence based position.
Structure (30%)
(Includes: Organisation of ideas, logical argument, use of support/evidence)
· Use of correctly structured argument
· Report includes an abstract, structured paragraphs, realistic recommendations and reference list
· Discussion/argument is presented, developed and supported in a standard appropriate to a business report.
Abstract simply restates the topic.
No direction/outline of intended discussion provided for the reader.
Some major aspect of the topic missed.
Abstract clearly articulate problems and issues identified.
Definitions provided in the context of the discussion.
Main points discussed in logically sequential paragraphs.
Summary in final paragraph.

Abstract clearly articulate problems and issues identified.
Demonstrated knowledge of principles and concepts relevant to topic.
Relevant key theories and ideas explored in a manner appropriate to the assignment.
Demonstrated thorough understanding of material presented in study materials.
Abstract clearly articulate problems and issues identified.
Main points of the discussion are examined critically, ideas synthesised well to produce a logically constructed and supported argument.
Fluent writing style appropriate to the assessment tasks.
Main points discussed in logically sequential paragraphs.
Summary in final paragraph.
Abstract clearly articulate problems and issues identified.
Provides strong, clearly articulated arguments, with supporting evidence from literature and/or real world examples.
Fluent writing style appropriate to the assessment tasks.
Main points discussed in logically sequential paragraphs.
Summary in final paragraph.
Evidence of reading (15%)
(Includes: range of suitable references used, correct referencing/citation technique)
· Discussion demonstrates evidence of reading beyond the study materials provided
· A range of suitable references have been used to enhance and support issues raised in the discussion
· Source material has been cited and referenced correctly
Reading not well integrated into text of essay.
Little evidence of reading.
Limited acknowledgement of source material.
The text of the report shows some evidence that subject materials have been read and acknowledged.
Arguments show basic ability to apply fundamental concepts, but arguments based upon limited evidence.
An accurate bibliography is attached.
Well-reasoned arguments are supported and with reference to a broad range of literature, drawn for materials sources beyond the study materials provided.
Reading is integrated into the discussion well, and analytical and evaluative comment sis provided where appropriate.
Accurate referencing and citation (some flaws).
Evidence of having read beyond the core materials.
Able to consider topic/issues in eth broader disciplinary context.
Evidence of synthesis, analytical skills and independent thought.
Accurate referencing and citation (few flaws).
Evidence of having researched/read more widely beyond the core material.

Accurate referencing and citation (almost flawless).
Presentation (5%)
(Includes: clarity of expression and presentation of ideas)
· Follows report writing guidelines suggested in Subject Outline
· Correct use of APA referencing style
· Written in clear, comprehensible English
Expression is unclear with weak presentation (structure, citations) and English (grammar, spelling, punctuation) errors. Expression and presentation are comprehensible but lack clarity.
Expression is lucid and clear with precise use of language. Writing style appropriate to the assignment type.
Few laws in grammar and spelling.
Expression and presentation of ideas are mainly accurate.
Fluent writing style appropriate to assessment item.
Grammar and spelling accurate
Expression and presentation of ideas are developed and clear. Fluent writing style appropriate to assessment item.
Grammar and spelling accurate

Report Writing
Reports are frequently used in business to focus on practical issues or problems for which decisions need to be made, or action taken. Such a report would need to clearly outline the problem or issue, interpret the problem/issue using theoretical principles or evidence to support observations and recommendations. A well written report requires the author “to exhibit investigative skills, judgment and the ability to write persuasively“ (Sligo, 1994 in Emerson, 1995). A persuasive argument is objective, and well supported with proof or evidence to support your ideas; you need to explain why your recommendations are the best (in the short and long term).
There are many different report formats that could be used. Work with a generic report structure for the assignment, using those sections you consider to be relevant. An example of a report structure can be found at .
Remember your report should offer practical ideas that are grounded in the present situation and be supported by good principles, practice and evidence.
(Emerson, L. (ed). (1995) Writing guidelines for business students. Palmerston North, New Zealand: The Dunmore Press.

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