Recent Question/Assignment
Need 2 stuff to get this assignment done.
First plan a project And write the rational briefly what it is and etc.
Then planning document.
Please know about ECEfs before doing the assignment
‘Applied’-Learning Project – 30%
The ‘applied’-learning project will provide an opportunity for you to plan and design an ECEfS project appropriate for an early years’ program. You may opt to conduct the project with a partner from the class – please inform the instructor early if you are pursuing this option of working with a classmate (a group grade will apply). Hint: Plan with the intention that you would use this design in your current or future practice.
• Develop & rationalize a plan for an ECEfS project appropriate for an early years’ program
• Ensure the goals of your plan align with both the goals of applied learning (discussed in the course) and any provincial ECE framework and/or Kindergarten curriculum (e.g., Ontario policy documents could include HDLH, ELECT document, or the Kindergarten Curriculum, 2016; Alberta documents would include Flight Alberta’s Early Learning & Care Framework); depending on what age you are targeting and where you reside. Please design a learning project that is appropriate for any age group within the early years (birth to grade 3).
Components of the Plan will include:
i. Title page for the rationale
ii. Rationale for the Plan
• Introduce the foci of your ECEfS inquiry plan & rationalize your choice.
• The rationale needs to be detailed and specific & include a rationale of why you’ve chosen the specific foci – for example, if you’ve planned a sustainable garden project then use literature to rationalize why this is important & how it achieves sustainable goals (this will require you to search for literature on your chosen topic beyond the course literature– UNESCO is a good source of information but there are many other sources you could consult)
• Your plans rationale should also demonstrate/adhere & specifically state which pedagogical principles of ECEfS are evidenced (i.e. how sustainability should be taught-please be mindful of quality learning experiences in ECE so if you’re developing a sustainable garden actually have the children outside involved in planting).
• The rationale should be clearly written, informed by literature & presented in a format of 12-point double spacing - following APA conventions (2-4 pages).
• The rationale will be the only piece of the project that is more formal i.e., written format, academic tone, APA, etc.
iii. Planning Document (akin to curricular plans)
• Your plan should identify the key ECEfS concepts and skills to be learned (e.g., understanding techniques of mulching, soil drainage, etc.) as well as general learning outcomes (from applicable curricular documents & multidiscipline in focus -i.e., science, literacy, math, etc.)
• Your plans should be very detailed and specific with goals, concepts, skills, & processes detailed for each aspect of your plan; think publishable/shareable quality
• Because teaching for sustainability is about participatory and transformational learning, your plan should be fairly comprehensive. For example, if your plan includes building a rainwater harvesting wall then it would be reasonable to describe multiple activities related to introducing the idea, activities for gathering children’s thoughts, planning and building with the children (i.e., their designs), and debriefing with the children (i.e. follow through).
• Specifically cite which learning goals (overall and specific for kindergarten curricula; OR domain and specific skills from any provincial ECE framework) are targeted for each specific aspect of your plan (i.e., match specific goals to specific activities)
• Include a complete description of the planned activities associated-i.e. what specifically will the children do, educators do.
• Include references, list/exemplars/artifacts/photos of explicit materials or any other information so others may follow & implement your plan.
• Your planning document can be presented in any format or combination of formats (chart, video, PPT, infographic, etc.)
• Page limit or format is open
• Partial examples will be posted in Sakai
Applied-learning project Rubric 40%
Criteria Expectations Value
Rationale Introduce your applied learning project & provide a rationale that clearly articulates the importance of how your project will contribute to goals of ECEfS. Specifically state what sustainability issue does your project address (e.g., non-renewable energy, biodiversity, sustainable food, etc) Be clear with stating how your project adheres to the pedagogical principles of ECEfS (outdoors, experiential, see lesson 7). 10
Goals, Concepts & Skills Set goals for the plan – these should be specific to ECEfS themes as well as goals specifically linked to curriculum documents. ECEfS themes highlighted in the course included interconnectedness, systems thinking, global citizenship, cycles, the importance of place, fairness, social justice-see
Concepts/Skills to be learned (e.g., rainwater harvesting project could teach children about water conservation, rain/weather patterns, the importance of rain, etc. as well as learn skills like taking measurements, making estimates, etc.)
Point form is acceptable for this section. 5
Details/Description of Experiences/Activities involved in the project
Also include:
Resources; Materials; Artefacts Your plan should include details of the key actionsthat will be undertaken (by both children & teachers), various types of direct experiences the children will have (e.g., designing the sustainable garden, field trips to purchase seeds, hosting guest visitors on mulching, etc.).
List/photos of resources/artifacts/exemplars of resources/provocations-everything an educator would need to implement your plan 15
Total Marks 30