Recent Question/Assignment

What opportunities and drawbacks are presented by blended learning and flipped classroom models for language teaching?
1 student submitting: 2,500 words (+/-10%); minimum 8 academic references
Structure %
In your essay, you must:
Include an abstract (100 words); introduction (200 words); conclusion and future directions (200 words). These indicative word counts also apply to group assignments.
The remainder of the word count should constitute the main body of the essay and should be divided into sections addressing e.g. your main arguments; central issues and debates; key concepts; real world examples, etc.
Use numbered headings to indicate sections and sub-sections (do not go more than three sections deep), e.g.:
1.0 Introduction: Communicative Competence
1.1. Communicative competence in Second Language Acquisition research
1.1.1 Communicative competence vs sociolinguistic competence
Integrate at least two key concepts from the subject into your essay. Name and define your key concepts in your introduction section.
Refer to reputable academic sources (journals, book chapters, monographs or edited volumes) using the APA (6th/7th Ed.) referencing system — check the minimum number of references above if you are in a group. Include a list of references at the end of your essay — this is not included in the word limit.
At least 50% of your references should not be the listed recommended or supplementary readings for the subject

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