Recent Question/Assignment

Assessment 3


This module is assessed through a portfolio submission which comprises 70% of individual coursework and 30% of a group presentation. The group members are expected to work together on the task and give the presentation via Microsoft teams. Besides, there will be a group agreement to which members will have to keep in terms of the allocation of responsibilities.
The weighting of the Individual coursework is 70% while that of the group presentation is 30%
Due date / time:
Group presentation submission date ---------------------15/11/21

Individual coursework submission date -----------------16/11/21

Learning outcomes assessed:

develop a critical understanding of the marketing theory and practices, what it means to consumers and society
explore the global challenges and latest trends in marketing

Thinking skills
critically evaluate marketing theory and practice and examine their impact on society

Subject-based practical skills
develop strategic understanding of marketing practices and ability to analyse and forecast patterns in the market

Skills for life and work (general skills)
diagnose and evaluate managerial responses to given situations and discuss possible strategic solutions; develop problem solving skills and communication skills

Assessment criteria:

These are detailed in the assessment brief ( Please see pages 3-4 of the assessment brief)

Work submitted will be returned to you online through Moodle.

You will receive feedback throughout your course through the following:

one-to-one or individualised (i.e. tutorials, conversations with supervisors, or individualised comments on assignments)
generic feedback (i.e. use of rubrics, ‘Quickmarks’ in Turnitin or standardised forms)
peer feedback (i.e. feedback from other students)
informal feedback (i.e. through in-class discussions or online forums)
self-evaluation (i.e. online checklists or reflective submissions)

Task 1

Group presentation
Task 2:

Individual coursework (70%)
Deadline date and time:
Time 1559
Deadline date and time:
Time 1559

Task 1: Group presentation 1: ----------------------------------------------30 marks
Submission on: Thursday 11th November 2021: Presentation on: TBA

Task 2: Individual coursework 2: -----------------------------------------------70 marks
Submission on: Thursday 18th November, 2021:
Learning Outcomes Evidenced by this assignment: 1,2,3,4,5

At the end of this Module, students will be able to:

develop a critical understanding of the marketing theory and practices, what it means to consumers and society
explore the global challenges and latest trends in marketing

Thinking skills
critically evaluate marketing theory and practice and examine their impact on society

Subject-based practical skills
develop strategic understanding of marketing practices and ability to analyse and forecast patterns in the market

Skills for life and work (general skills)
diagnose and evaluate managerial responses to given situations and discuss possible strategic solutions; develop problem solving skills and communication skills
Details of the assessment task 1
Group presentation (Weighting - 30%)

In a group of three, select any FOUR peer-reviewed journal articles related to any of the topics listed on the module such as Neuromarketing, Marketing ethics, Sustainable Marketing, Social Marketing, SME Marketing, place marketing and nation branding, and Consumerism and consumer society except Susstainable Marketing and Digital Marketing.

· Review the articles and give a 15 minutes group presentation on their key contributions to the marketing field.

· What are the areas of their agreement and differences concerning the topic?

· Apart from addressing this question, you should examine the theoretical and practical implications of the studies reported in these articles for contemporary marketing practice in the society.

For clarity purpose, please note that the four articles to be selected should be related to the same topic. For example, if you have chosen to present on ‘Social Marketing’, the four articles should revolve around this topic alone.

Note: Given that the key topic to be addressed in Task 2 below revolves around Relationship marketing and/or Digital Marketing, these topics are not allowed for this task 1

Submission on: 1559 on Thursday 18th November 2021:
Presentation on: To be arranged in the class by the Tutor
Duration: 15 minutes

a) Assessment criteria for each task

Assessment criteria (Group presentation)
Grade %
Evidence of comprehension and analysis


General presentation skills:

Response to questions

Clearly presented theoretical and practical implications



All group members are expected to contribute their share to the task. While the task is group-based, the grades of the individual students could vary depending on the contribution. There will be a group agreement to which members will have to keep in terms of the allocation of responsibilities and a breach of this may result in a grade of zero for the members that do not participate in the group task.

Assessment task 2
Task 2: Individual Coursework (Weighting: 70% of the total grade)
The business world is facing many challenges. Prominent among these are shortage of raw materials, unethical practices, challenges on logistics and distribution of goods and services, as well as access to timely and reliable marketing communication messages among others. As a way of enlightening the audience on these issues and the solution, you have been invited as one of the two speakers at an event to deliver a paper to a mixed audience of students and academics of a prestigious UK university as well as some business practitioners from various countries who have been specifically invited for this programme. You have been advised to choose a topic between these two options, while the second speaker will speak on the other:

a) A critical evaluation of the role of technology in the contemporary marketing
b) Sustainable marketing: The good, the bad, and the ugly.

The committee that invited you specifically indicates that you should write a 2000 words report on this the chosen topic that will convincingly emphasise your points on this important and contemporary issue. Given the nature of the audience, it has been specifically indicated that you should support your claims with academic literature, tables, graphs, examples, and illustrations as deemed appropriate. Prepare a well-written report that will show your expertise and good understanding of this topic and be of value to this mixed audience.

Submission deadline: 1559 hours on Wednesday 17th NOVEMBER, 2021

Assessment criteria (Individual coursework)

Grade %
Good introduction
Background information about the chosen topic and presentation of the objective of the task

Comprehensive research, use of journal articles/academic materials, and Critical analysis of the ideas:
Comprehensively researched,
Identify the relevant concepts,
Demonstrate good understanding of main academic theories and evidence of critical thought.
The use of supporting data/evidence of the claims made
Practical/managerial implications of the chosen topic.

Discussion of the relevance of the topic to the society and business organisations

Quality of discussion
Clarity of writing
Structuring, citation and referencing technique
Consistency with the prescribed presentation format
Correct in-text citation
Harvard referencing



c) Details of submission procedures:
Your individual coursework should be word processed in accordance with the following key guidelines:
Font style, Lucida Sans, font size 12
1.5 line spacing.
The page orientation should be ‘portrait’
Margins on both sides of the page should be no less than 2.5 cm
Pages should be numbered
Your name should not appear on the paper.
Your student number should be included on every page.
Please use the front sheet provided
Indicate the word count on the front sheet

Notice is hereby given that all submissions for the four components must be submitted to Turnitin.” If you fail to submit any of them to Turnitin, in accordance with the guidance provided on the Virtual Learning Environment (Moodle), a mark of 0 will be awarded for the component.

Submitting Assessments Using Turnitin:
Turnitin is required for coursework assessments, such as report/research papers or projects in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and in PDF format. There are two main reasons we want you to use Turnitin:
· Turnitin can help you avoid academic breaches and plagiarism. When you use Turnitin before a submission deadline, you can use the Originality Report feature to compare your work to thousands of other sources (like websites, Wikipedia, and even other student papers). Anything in your work that identically matches another source is highlighted for you to see. When you use this feature before the deadline, you will have time to revise your work to avoid an instance of academic breach/plagiarism.
· Turnitin saves paper. When using Turnitin to electronically submit your work, you will almost never have to submit a paper copy.

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