Recent Question/Assignment

301003 Sustainable Systems
Assignment No.3
Due date: 24 Oct 2021, 11:59 PM
Word limit: 2000 to 3000 words
Total mark: 30%
This assignment requires two separate reports presented one after another. Combine both reports together as one file and submit. First part is the life cycle assessment and the second is on the Design for the Environment (DFE), Cleaner Production (CP) and Industrial Ecology (IE).
Hints for writing each report: Executive summary should summarize the information in the report within 250 words. Introduction should summarize the purpose and context of the report. References can be chosen from sources such as ScienceDirect or Google Scholar databases. Comprehensive list of databases and books are available WSU library ( You should use Harvard WesternSydU referencing style. Refer the guide from the WSU library website ( for referencing. Work should be your original work.
Q1. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Assuming N is the last digit of your ID, consider a building with a dimension in the figures attached:
- Figure 1 for ID ending with 0-2,
- Figure 2 for ID ending with 3-4,
- Figure 3 for ID ending with 5-7, and
- Figure 4 - for ID ending with 8-9.
Provide a sketch similar to the one provided in the workshop hand out (hand drawn sketch is fine) and assume dimension as needed.
Perform life cycle assessment similar to the workshop assignment. In your LCA calculate the total material/energy/water requirement for construction and operation.
- In your calculation assume the building will be used for 8 hrs per day during week days.
- Water requirement is 10 l/person/d.
- The number of people using the building is (30+N*2).
- Materials used for the building is similar to that in the workshop. Other materials can be assumed as necessary.
From your learning experience in sustainable systems and your preliminary calculations find a material that need to be replaced to achieve the maximum reduction in CO2 emission from the building. The Question number must be included while writing an answer.
Present the information in a report as the first part as given below:
Your report should include
a) Executive summary (2%)
b) Introduction: (2%)
Problem definition as an introduction (i.e. service wanted, service life and two alternatives and why you chose these alternatives) and briefly describe (flow chart is fine) the procedure recommended by the ISO to conduct LCA
Include the functional unit
c) Life cycle inventory: Include the following and any other necessary information. (4%)
Provide the sketch of the building,
Assign materials to each major elements of the building including that of suggested modification above for the alternative
Estimate weight/volume of each component for both alternatives, include the life of each material etc. (present the material data in Tabular form). Calculate the amount of water and energy use during the use phase of the building.
d) Life cycle impact assessment: (5%)
Include the following and any other relevant information
A balanced material flow diagram for each alternative.
Perform the LCA and provide CO2 emission in Tabular form. Provide sample calculation for each alternative. Estimate if any other aspects of CO2 emission is controlled by your modification for alternative. Include the CO2 emission from the water and energy use during the use phase of the building. Use the document provided under workshop 5 for CO2 emission or other relevant document
e) Life cycle interpretation/analysis (4%)
Identify the hotspot, evaluate the best of the two evaluated alternatives
Remedial measures for the identified hot spot of each alternative and the feasibility of improvement options
f) Conclusion (2%)
g) References (Provide text citation in the report) (1%)
Q2. Design for the Environment (DFE), Cleaner Production (CP) and Industrial Ecology (IE)
a) What do you understand by cleaner production? How is this useful in achieving sustainability? Present your understanding and justification citing a case study other than that discussed in Workshop 6. (3%)
b) Describe ‘design for the environment’ in your own words. Select any product of your choice and suggest what modification would you implement in its design to make it the better design for the environment. Provide evidence and justification using documented literature. (please do not include any products discussed in Workshop 6). (4%)
c) What is industrial ecology and what are the challenges of implementing industrial ecology in your hometown? Justify your answer with an appropriate example. (3%)
Figure 1: ID ending with 0-2
Figure 2: ID ending with 3-4
Figure 3: ID ending with 5-7
Figure 4: ID ending with 8-9

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