Recent Question/Assignment
Assessment 3 Outline
Heritage building upgrade (3D CAD model and 2D drawings)
Weighting: 50% Due: by 23:59, Friday 22rd October
Following on from Assessment 2, students are to design an extension, addition and/or part retrofit for their earlier selected heritage listed/recognised site. Students are to put into practice the principles of working on heritage buildings/site they have learnt in the lectures and tutorials. The new work should aim to increase/modify the current floor space by approximately 25-35% (although this may be negotiated with the lecturer)
Section 1: Heritage Impact Statement – 1000 words
The Heritage impact statement will include the following:
1. Report format including cover sheet, content page, plans, photos, graphics and bibliography.
2. A brief description of your heritage building including: the name, date of construction, period and style, the architect/s involved. Identification of e.g. materials, alterations, additions, views, spaces manufactured/pre- fab elements, timber species, brick types, etc.; any significant alterations and additions that have been made to date; a brief summary of the site/buildings significance and whether the site or building heritage is listed under the state or the local council policies or both.
3. A detailed description of the proposed works as illustrated in your drawings including construction systems, materials, colours finishes and purpose.
4. How the proposed works will limit any negative impact on the heritage fabric, cultural, social and historical heritage significance of the site/building.
5. How the proposed works will contribute to the ongoing heritage importance and viability of the building/site’s existence in today’s social and built environmental context.
NOTE: Students may use relevant parts of their own work from Assessment 2 without concern for plagiarism. Please ensure that you have expressed the above information in your own words. No copying and pasting from original sources.
Section 2: Design and Drawings
• Annotation is required on all drawings including room labels, overall dimensions, descriptions, brief explanations adjacent to and around the drawings.
• All drawings and images are to be presented in a professional manner on A3 sheets with title blocks.
• All drawings should be in context, showing the existing heritage building/site in full (white or grey with the new works in full colour).
• New work is to show sufficient detail. All drawings are to be completed using a CAD program e.g. ArchiCAD.
Students are to prepare and submit the following drawings as a minimum:
• Site Plan at a suitable (scale 1:100 or 1:200)
• Floor plans (scale 1:100 or 1:200)
• All Elevations (scale 1:100 or 1:200) • 2 x Sections (scale 1:100 or 1:200)
• 1 x 1:10 detail of the junction between the new and old, or if a detached building, a detail of the new work.
• 3 x perspective views (minimum 2 x external, 1 x internal)
• (Sheet size may be increased for large site in consultation with the lecturer)
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Assessment 3 Outline
New design in heritage contexts can accommodate a rich variety of interpretation and expression. It is important not to directly mimic the existing heritage building. Modern additions can be successful when working with heritage.
Understanding the heritage significance of the place and the quality of the design response are key. New work must recognise and enhance the heritage significance of the place and context, while enabling the place to have ongoing, viable life that responds to the contemporary needs of clients, users and the community.
Important tips:
• You will be required to submit this Assessment through Turnitin.
• Ensure that you do not cut/paste from your sources as this will be identified in Turnitin as plagiarism. You are required to paraphrase and provide in-text references to support your discussions.
• Students must use Harvard WSU referencing style and provide a full reference list at the end of the assessment.
• Students should aim to submit early and view the originality report. This will allow you to identify any parts of your assessment you have accidentally plagiarised. Students are encouraged to edit and resubmit before the due date!
Submission requirements
Submission links will be available in the assessments folder in vUWS one week before the due date. Note that the report and drawings are to be submitted separately through links in the assessment 3 folder. Do not attach A3 drawings to your report.
Student who submit late assessments without approval for an extension will be penalised 10% per calendar day up to 10 days. Extensions will only be considered under Special Considerations such as severe and/or grave illness, misadventure, accident, or extenuating circumstances beyond your control. Assessments that do not adhere to the word limit (+/-10%) may be returned for resubmission.
Assessment criteria & standards
Your mark for this Assessment will be awarded based on the detailed rubric given below.
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Assessment 3 Outline
Criteria Unsatisfactory 50% Pass 50-65% Credit 65-75% Distinction 75-85% High distinction 85%
Design Proposal Unsatisfactory selection for heritage site.
Architectural drawings: plans, elevations & sections
Perspective drawings
produced using CAD
15 marks Unsatisfactory presentation of architectural drawings. Missing drawings. Not to scale, limited or no detail of existing heritage building/site and proposed work. Wrong sheet size, unsatisfactory information on drawings. No title block. Adequate presentation of architectural drawings. No missing drawings. Drawings to correct scale, some detail, correct proportions and size of existing heritage building/site. Sufficient detail of proposed work. Colour used to indicate new materials and finishes.
Adequate distinction between new and old.
Correct sheet size, Satisfactory information -notes and overall dimensions for new work. Title block present. Good and clear presentation of architectural drawings. Correct scales used, sufficient detail, correct proportions and size of existing heritage building/site. Good detail of proposed work. Colour and fills used to indicate new materials and finishes.
Good distinction between new and old.
Correct sheet size, Good level of information - notes and overall dimensions presented for new works. Title block present. Excellent presentation of architectural drawings.
Excellent level of presentation of proposed work. Colour and fills used to indicate new materials and finishes. Shadows used as appropriate.
Excellent distinction between new and old.
Excellent level of information and notes presented for new works.
Correct scales used, sufficient detail and correct proportions/size of existing heritage building/site. Correct sheet size. Overall dimensions for new works. Title block complete with all required information. Outstanding presentation of architectural drawings.
Outstanding level of presentation of proposed work. Colour and fills used to indicate new materials and finishes. Shadows used as appropriate.
Outstanding distinction between new and old.
Outstanding level of information and notes presented for new works.
Correct scales used, sufficient detail and correct proportions/size of existing heritage building/site. Correct sheet size. Overall dimensions for new works. Title block complete with all required information.
15 marks Poor design resolution.
Unsatisfactory proposal for new work to the existing heritage building/site. Poor siting, proportion, size of new work in relation to existing heritage work. Too much replication, trying to mimic existing building.
New work dominates the heritage building. Impact on critical aspects of the heritage place.
Inappropriate use of heritage place.
Adequate design resolution.
New work recognises the heritage significance of the place and context sufficiently
Adequate consideration of siting, proportion, size of new work in relation to existing heritage work.
Appropriate proposed use for heritage site. Some details materials and finishes and suitability to the heritage site.
Good design resolution
New work recognises and enhances the heritage significance of the place and context.
Enables the place to have ongoing, viable life that responds to the contemporary needs of clients, users and the community.
New work may be quite different in appearance from the existing fabric, but still sympathetic to its heritage values. Excellent design resolution.
Displays a carefully considered in proposal in terms of siting, proportion, size, layout details of materials and finishes, physical and architectural relationship and connection with the existing heritage building.
Enables the place to have ongoing, viable life that responds to the contemporary needs of clients, users and the community.
New work may be quite different in appearance from the existing Outstanding design resolution
Displays a sophisticated consideration in terms of siting, proportion, size, layout details of materials and finishes, physical and architectural relationship and connection with the existing heritage building.
Enables the place to have ongoing, viable life that responds to the contemporary needs of clients, users and the community.
New work may be quite different in appearance from the existing fabric, but still sympathetic to its
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Assessment 3 Outline
fabric, but still sympathetic to its heritage values.
heritage values, providing an exciting new life and vitality to the existing building.
Heritage Impact
15 marks Insufficient information provided in the report. Much or all of assessment requirements are missing. Adequate information provided in the report. Most of the Report requirements as shown in the assessment sheet are discussed.
Good information provided in the report. All of the Report requirements as shown in the assessment sheet are discussed. Comprehensive information provided in the report. All of the Report requirements as shown in the assessment sheet are comprehensively discussed.
Student shows an excellent level of understanding of the complexities of undertaking new work to heritage sites.
Comprehensive information provided in the report. Student clearly and concisely addresses the requirements of the Heritage Impact statement.
Information is particularly well researched and written. Student shows an outstanding level of understanding of the complexities of undertaking new work to heritage sites.
Academic writing
5 marks Academic writing style and/or presentation is unacceptable.
Unacceptable level of plagiarism
Paragraphs poorly constructed / confusing. Paragraphs have no clear point
Non-conventional spelling, punctuation and grammar interfere with meaning.
Insufficient content.
Academic writing style and presentation generally acceptable
Paragraphs adequately constructed. Topic sentence to indicate purpose of paragraph sometimes missing and content of paragraph sometimes irrelevant.
Some errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar
Some attempt at in-text referencing to support discussion Good academic writing style and presentation
Paragraphs mostly well- constructed, usually including topic sentence. Information in the paragraph sometimes varies from topic
Some minor errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar
Attempt at Harvard WSU in-text referencing to support discussion Excellent academic writing and presentation
Paragraphs well-constructed, usually including topic sentence. Information in the paragraph all relate to one topic
Conventional spelling, grammar and punctuation mostly correct
Harvard WSU in-text referencing adequately used to support discussion Outstanding academic writing and professional presentation
Paragraphs are consistently well constructed with a topic sentence clearly signposting the content of the paragraph. Information in the paragraph all relates to one topic allowing a very clear discussion
Faultless spelling, grammar and punctuation
Harvard WSU style in-text referencing used flawlessly to support discussion
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