Recent Question/Assignment
Task 2.1 Prepare for data analysis
A. Briefing Session
Meet with the CEO (trainer and assessor) in week 2 to establish and clarify the task requirements. This is a Role-Play in simulated work conditions.
The trainer and assessor will schedule a briefing session with the class in week 2 (30-45 minutes) to discuss task requirements.
This is a good opportunity to ask questions and take notes about the task.
During the meeting:
• Take notes.
• Ask questions to clarify task requirements.
• Listen actively.
• Confirm relevant policy and procedure requirements, including data storing.
• Clarify the content of the final report.
The trainer and assessor will validate your participation in the briefing session and provide feedback on the marking sheet.
If you are absent from class, you are responsible for making alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play.
Summarise the content of the briefing session in the table provided below.
Briefing Session - Summary
Purpose of the Data Analysis
Task requirements
Example: policy and procedures requirements, deadline, catch up meeting with CEO, data format, data presentation format, record keeping.
Final report and presentation
B. Access Data
Complete the following tasks:
1. Access sources of reliable data according to task requirements and organisational policy and procedures.
List the sources of data, including any link that you have accessed for each dataset.
Dataset Sources of data
(3-4 sources/dataset)
Data from the information provided about Zeemh.
List specific data sources from Appendix 1 (example: sales data for B2C, 2019-2020).
Data about the industry outlook
List specific data sources from Appendix 1 and any additional data from individual research.
Data about current trends in coffee consumption in Australia
List specific data sources from Appendix 1 and any additional data from individual research.
2. Evaluate the reliability of data.
Evaluate and explain why the data you accessed is reliable. Document your evaluation in the space provided below.
(50-100 words)
3. Store the data as instructed.
I. Create a folder called ‘Data Analysis Preparation’.
II. Create three subfolders, one for each Dataset:
• Data from the information provided about Zeemh.
• Data about the industry outlook
• Data about current trends in coffee consumption in Australia
III. Store the data you source and collected in the relevant folders.
IV. Provide screenshots of the saved data in the space provided below:
• One screenshot showing the main folder and its subfolders.
• One screenshot/subfolder to show their content.
Task 2. Analyse dataset
Complete the following tasks:
1. Select methods of data analysis (4-6 methods in total) relevant to each dataset as well as methods of analysis relevant to the task requirements and explain why you chose those methods.
Document your work in the space provided below.
(50-100 words)
2. Categorise the data for analysis.
Categorise data (group similar formats of data) from all data collected. List the categories in the space provided below.
(3-5 categories)
3. Analyse and synthesise the data collected according to task requirements, organisational policies, and industry best practices. Organise and document your work in the spaces provided below.
Document 4-5 observations based on the data you have analysed and synthesised. You can support your observations with charts and commentary.
Task 2.3 Finalise data analysis process
Complete the following tasks:
1. Conduct statistical analysis to confirm the accuracy of data analysis and identify and remove incorrect results.
Example: check the data to confirm its accuracy, ensure consistent conditions when collecting and analysing the data, check calculations/formulas, review similar datasets for consistency of results.
Summarise the work you performed and outcomes in the space provided below.
(50-100 words; 3-5 methods of statistical analysis used)
2. Complete the report for the CEO (Template 1).
From your work of data analysis and synthesis, select the outcomes that are most relevant to the purpose of the report and the task requirements.
Template 1 -Report
Describe the purpose of the report, list the data that you used in your analysis, outline the data collection and analysis process that you followed.
(50-100 words)
Data Analysis
Summarise the outcome of your data analysis in the space provided below. Include a visual representation of the data analysis, such as graphs/charts/tables.
Provide recommendations (4-5) to Zeemh with a rationale based on your data analysis.
Example: improvements to current operations (this may include finance, marketing, product development or diversification etc.), changes to strategic goals and tactics (market penetration strategies, strategic alliances, international expansion etc.).
(100-150 words)
3. Submit the report.
Write an email (Template 2) to submit the report to the CEO.
Summarise the content of the report in the email.
The email text should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
(50-100 words)
Template 2 -Email
Email to the CEO
Date email is sent:
4. Store analytic results and the report as instructed.
I. Create a folder called ‘Data Analytics and Reporting’.
II. Create the following subfolders:
• Data from the information provided about Zeemh.
• Data about the industry outlook
• Data about current trends in coffee consumption in Australia
• Final report
III. Store the data you analysed and the report in the relevant folders.
IV. Provide screenshots of the saved data:
• One screenshot showing the main folder and its subfolders.
• One screenshot/subfolder to show their content.