Recent Question/Assignment

Hello ,
Kindly go through the attached assignment and let me know if you will be able to help me in regards to the assignment.
Please do let me know the cost as well
Thanks & Regards.
Ajaz Siddique
BUS-1883 Business Analytics
Assignment 1 Part B (Group Work) – Business Processes
(Worth 10% of final grade)
Due Date for Submission: October 25
th 2021 - 7AM (Toronto – Eastern Standard Time)
Method of Submission: Through Moodle (You can upload only 1 file per group).
File Format: MS Word
Group Assignments Instructions
• You will need to form group of 5 – 6 people to work on group assignments 1,2,3&4.
• You will come up with your own business idea and select a market for that business idea
(Do it for Canadian Market).
• Minimum 4 pages no maximum - MSWord document
• Use any sans serif font (11/12) with a line spacing of 1.5 (Left aligned document)
• Please check the business plan template on Moodle to do your assignment.
• In this assignment you will complete the first section of the business plan.
• Make sure you include a cover pages with the group member details and also include a
reference page (APA style) at the end.
• You will cover below information in your first assignment:
Description of the Business Major demographic, economic, social and cultural Factors
Major Players
Trends in the Industry (Comes under PESTEL analysis)
Government Regulations (Comes under PESTEL analysis)
Market Segment
Products & Services
Pricing and Distribution
Market trends
Implications or risk factors
Competitors and type of competition
Competitors Strengths and Weaknesses (conduct SWOT analysis)
Competitive advantage
Group Assignment#1 Rubrics:
4 (Expert) 3 (Proficient) 2 (Learner) 1 (Novice)
The assignment
demonstrates that the
group has applied
concepts learned in the
Concepts are integrated
into group insights and
provide concluding
remarks that show
analysis and synthesis of
The assignment
demonstrates that the
group for most part applied
concepts learned in the
Some of the conclusions,
however, are not
supported in the
The assignment
demonstrates that
the group to a
certain extent
understands and has
applied concepts
learned in course.
The assignment does
not demonstrate that
the group has fully
understood and
applied concepts
learned in the course.
Objectives The objectives are
focused narrowly enough
for the scope of this
The Objectives provides
direction for the research
The objectives are focused
but lack direction.
The objectives are
too broad for the
scope of this
The objectives are not
clearly defined.
Depth of
In-depth discussion &
elaboration in all sections
of the assignment.
In-depth discussion &
elaboration in most of the
sections of the assignment.
The group has
omitted pertinent
content or content
runs-on excessively.
Quotations from
others outweigh the
group’s own ideas
Cursory discussion in
all the sections of the
assignment or
discussion in only a
few sections.
Cohesiveness Ties together information
from all sources. Answers
demonstrate an
understanding of the
relationship among the
material obtained from all
For the most part, ties
together information from
all sources. Answers
demonstrate an
understanding of the
relationship among the
material obtained from all
Sometimes ties
information from all
sources. Answers do
not demonstrate an
understanding of
the relationship
among the material
obtained from all
Does not tie together
information. Answers
do not demonstrate
understanding of any
relationship among
the material obtained
from all sources.
and Spellings
The assignment contains
no errors in grammar,
punctuation, and/or
spelling and/or all
sentences are complete,
1 to 2 errors in grammar,
punctuation, and/or
spelling and/or all
sentences are complete,
well-constructed, and most
3 to 4 errors in
punctuation, and/or
spelling and/or most
sentences are
complete, wellMore than 4 errors in
punctuation, and/or
spelling and/or
contains sentence
well-constructed, and
stated in business terms.
are stated in business
constructed, and but
not stated in
business terms.
fragments or run-on
Max points: 10

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