Recent Question/Assignment

Contribute to Organisational Development
Student Assessment 2
BSBMGT615 Contribute to Organisation Development

V4.2 April 2020 Mercury Colleges customisation for OS student cohort and delivery and submission through Moodle.
V4.0 March 2020 Master file from VET Fair
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VET Fair (ABN 44 983 956 589) is a provider of educational products and services for the vocational education and training (VTT] sector.
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• Student Assessment. Guide
• Student Assessment. Workbook
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BSBMGT615 Contribute to Organisation Development
Assessment Instructions for a Project
Instructions to student:
This is the project assessment for the unit.
The information contained here is instruction on how to complete the project and its tasks then submit for marking, feedback and results.
(1} Students are expected to learn and practice before completing the assessments. Students can attend Assessor information sessions in TEAMS to prepare for the assessment and get further instructions. The information sessions are notified direct to your Mercury Colleges email address. Make sure you log in and attend these sessions.
(2) You are required to individually complete the Project and its tasks by the due dates.
(3} The project has a series of tasks that are completed in different formats. Here is a summary of what you will be doing:
Reading the business case study, thinking then answering in written format. You may use the supplied documents to type in your answers.
. Reading the business case study and accessing the business templates, thinking then filling in template documents that are supplied. We expect typed responses.
¦ Reading the business case study scenarios then preparing for practical role plays and conduct of practical tasks that are part of the project. These practical tasks are observed by your Assessor. You must prepare, participate in and maybe report on the task.
O Putting each of these project tasks together following the submission checklist. Then submit.
(4} Submit into Elearn using your student login.
If you are using a computer, save the file or files and documents according to the submit procedure into ELearn. You will need to scan some task work as the document and save the file according to the same submit procedure into ELearn.
(5) This assessment is a project. The project is supported as a business simulation with resources here is the document and in ELearn.
These are references. However, students must not copy a full answer or plagiarise from the Learner Guide or other sources unless this is indicated as acceptable in the task. So, the answer must be in your own words.
(6} Please note that your written responses can (where appropriate) use dot point format or a full sentence. See below for an example of a dot point response and a full sentence response. There is a word count as guidance to what is a full and complete answer.
Dot point format — Presentation Plan includes the following: • outcomes • needs of the audience • context.
— Full sentence format When you are preparing for a Presentation, there are a number of tasks that must be carried out. These are; listing the outcomes that you want to achieve, followed by the identification of the needs of your audience. When you have completed these two tasks, you then check on the room you will be conducting the simulation in etc.
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(7) The Mercury Colleges Academic Misconduct Policy that has more information about cheating and not submitting your own genuine work (also known as plagiarism). You have made a plagiarism declaration before downloading this assessment in ELearff.
I ’
(8) Each section of the project will be marked in a recording form by the Assessor. You are expected to complete and get every section of the project correct.
(9) You wilt get feedback on your result and will be able to re-submit parts of the project that are not correct.
(10)The final mark is S - satisfactory or NYS - not yet satisfactory. Satisfactory mean all questions are answered correctly. See the Result form uploaded in ELearn (Gradebook) for your mark and feedback.
(ll)Follow the Mercury Colleges ELearn submission steps for file naming and the procedures set by for uploading. You can read these procedures in the ELearn platform.
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Your assessor wilt go through the assessment for this unit. It is important that you understand this assessment. To confirm that you have been given this overview and the opportunity to do an information session, we ask you to complete the following Student Declaration.
Read each checklist item provided below and tick for YES to confirm your understanding or x for NO if you disagree. You can ask for support here in the declaration and follow up with your assessor. We ask you to sign this Declaration.
Student Name:
Student ID No:
Submission Date:
Unit Code: BSBMGT615 Unit Title: Contribute to Organisation Development
TASK Assessment 2 - Project
Learn then do the assessment -1 had time to learn then practice before the assessments.
Information session - I had the opportunity to attend an information session in TEAMS where the Assessor has g on e th rough the Instructions
I understand that this is a forma! assessment.
Authentic - It is my work -1 understand I must demonstrate the knowledge and skills for this unit myself in my own words.
Student Declaration
Recordings -1 understand the Assessor will use a recording form to observe practical tasks and role play and may take photos or screen shots from TEAMS or other technology that is used to prove this was authentic and real. I give permission for the use of these images for this assessment purpose only.
Add a X cross and comment at bottom
Computer, Email, Internet etc -1 have the technology required to participate in the assessment or if I do not, I know that Mercury College will support and supply me with the technology assistance.
ELeam Submit -1 have username and log in and can follow procedures to submit the assessments
I understand I will get results and feedback at the end of the assessment
I have read about the re-submits. the reassessments and appeals
I know I can talk to the Assessor if I have any support needs to help me do this assessment. I will follow this up if needed.
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1 am ready for assessment and sign here.
Concerns raised hy student {Marked X) ? 1 will make contact or talk to the Assessor about my concerns and how 1 will be able to do the assessment and 1 will ask to discuss support or adjustments.
Student Signature
Assessment information
The assessments for BSBMGT515 Contribute to Organisation Development are outlined in the assessment plan below.
To be assessed as competent for this unit, the student must complete all assessment tasks satisfactorily.
Assessment plan
Tasks Overview
Assessment 1 - Knowledge questions Students must correctly answer all questions
Assessment 1- Project
Task 1 - Develop organisation development plan Students must use case study information across a series of tasks including written response and produce business documents and undertake a communication with the CEO. AH tasks must be satisfactory
Task 2- Implement organisation development activities Students must use case study information across a series of tasks including written responses, using development plans and undertake coaching and other interactions with stakeholders in a business. AIS tasks must be satisfactory
Task 3 - Maintain organisation development program Students must use case study information across a series of tasks including written responses to survey, interact with stakeholders and evaluate the organisation development plan. All tasks must be satisfactory
Assessment Task Instructions
Instructions include questions to answer or tasks which must be completed
Students answers must be typed using software as indicated in the assessment task instructions
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Written answer question guidance
The following written questions use a range of -instructional words- such as -identify- or -explain-, which tell you how you should answer the question. Use the definitions below to assist you to provide the type of response expected.
Note that the following guidance is the minimum level of response required.
Analyse: when a question asks you to analyse something, you should do so in detail; and identify important points and key features. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.
Compare: when a question asks you to compare something, you will need to show how two or more things are similar, ensuring that you also indicate the relevance of the consequences. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.
Contrast: when a question asks you to contrast something, you will need to show how two or more things are different, ensuring you indicate the relevance or the consequences. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.
Describe: when a question asks you to describe something, you should state the most noticeable qualities or features. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or three sentences long.
Discuss: when a question asks you to discuss something, you are required to point out important issues or features and express some form of critical judgement. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.
Evaluate: when a question asks you to evaluate something, you should put forward arguments for and against something. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.
Examine: when a question asks you to examine something, this is similar to -analyse-, where you should provide a detailed response with key points and features and provide critical analysis.
Ge n e ra 11 y, you a re ex pe cted to write a resp ? nse one or two pa ra graphs I o ng.
Explain: when a question asks you to explain something, you should make clear how or why something happened or the way it is. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or three sentences long.
Identify: when a question asks you to identify something, this means that you are asked to briefly describe the required information. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or three sentences long.
List: when a question asks you to list something, this means that you are asked to briefly state information in a list format.
Outline: when a question asks you to outline something, this means giving only the main points, Generally, you are expected to write a response a few sentences long.
Summarise: when a question asks you to summarise something, this means (like -outline-) only giving the main points. Generally, you are expected to write a response a few sentences long.
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Assessment 2: Project - Business Simulation Stay Connected
Fnthis assessment, you will undertake a number of tasks associated with the planring, developing and implementation
? f an Organisational Development Plan. !n this simulation, you will perform the following actions:
• devel o p a n o rga ni sat i o n deve I o p m e nt pta n as pe r the given strategic i nit i ative
• implement the plan in consultation with others
• maintain the organisations direction apropos of its development in sync with the internal dynamics.
Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with this set of requirements that underpin this simulation. This includes understanding the background of the simulation and the criteria you will be assessed on. These are located in the Appendix of this document.
In addition, you will access the following documents listed in the table below to complete this assessment and these are all located in the appendix C of this document.
Stay Connected documents
Strategic Plan for Stay Connected Information on the background to the organisation (Task 1.1).
Latest Business Data Information and data on current problems being experienced by the organisation (Task 1.2).
Results of Readiness Survey Data on the feedback by employees on the organisation (Task 1.4).
Problem Solving Activity Information on an issue that needs problem solving (Task 2.2}.
Coaching Plan Template i Template to develop a training session for the problem-solving activity : (Task 2.2).
Carers Leave Case Study Background information to an issue that will require resolving (Task 2.4).
Results of July Survey Data on the latest perceptrons of employees on the organisation (Task | 3.2).
Communication Plan Template i Template to keep key stakeholders informed (Task 1.6).
Template for organisational i Template to be used to develop organisational development plan
development plan (Task 1.5).
Template for communication processes Template to be used in communicating issues with staff (Task 2.1).
Template for cost benefit analysis Template to be used to complete a cost benefit analysis (Task 3.5).
You will also be observed on three occasions by your Assessor (remotely) as follows
Interacting with CEO i Task 1.7
Training a staff member on problem
Task _. ?
solving method
How to manage a conflict that the
Team Leader has
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Task 1: Develop organisation development plan
In this task, you will review the strategic plan for Stay Connected and then consult to identify the readiness for further development. With this information, you will develop an Organisational Development Plan that will take advantage of this new business model.
1.1 Analyse strategic plan to determine the organisations development needs and objectives
In the appendix C is Stay Connecteds strategic plan. You will review this plan as it will provide you after you have read the Simulation Background as both will give you an understanding of the current situation of the business-. Note these documents dont list the organisations needs directly, but you must interpret them from the information provided. When you have identified these needs you will then write an objective for each, and these objectives are statements of what the organisation will want to achieve specifically in a timeframe with each of these needs.
Listed below are the requirements that you must complete:
R. 1. review the Strategic Plan provided and identify three organisation development needs:
• list the three organisation development needs
• provide an explanation of each need
R. 2. develop draft objective for each need
R 3. word count is approximately 100 words for each development need and objective.
1.2 Collect and analyse data on areas of the business experiencing problems
In Task 1.1 you reviewed some of the issues facing the organisation, in this Task you will review the latest business datawhich is located in the appendix C that explains another issue that the organisation faces. This time its about the service level agreement. When you read this, you will find that there is a shortfall with facilities etc. In this task you have to use the figures provided from the UK operation to estimate the size, structure, floor space and facilities.
Listed below are the requirements that you must complete:
R.l review the results from the document provided, titled Latest Business Data then:
• identify and explain two issues
• calculate type and number of employees
• calculate appropriate floor space
• i d e ntify a p prop ri ate faci I Sties
R 1. word count is not critical.
1.3 Consult to profile organisational culture
An important aspect of planning the development of the organisation is to understand what the current culture is. tn this task you are to develop a set of questions that could be used in a survey to profile both the culture and the readiness for staff to take on organisational development, tn this task you are only required to develop the questions that could be used in the survey, you do not need to complete the whole survey. You will then develop a draft email (you do not send this email) to staff requesting that you would like them to complete the survey.
Listed below are the requirements that you must complete:
R 1. develop a survey to on Stay Connected:
• the organisational culture
• the readiness for development
R 2. survey must contain a minimum of 10 questions
R 3. draft the contents of an email for distributing the survey questions
R 4. word count for email is approximately 150 words.
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1.4 Analyse information obtained from survey
in task 1.3 you developed the survey questions. A few days have past and you completed the survey and sent it to Stay Connected people. You have now received the results of the survey and these orejocatedin the Appendix C. The results show significant issues and it is your Job to summarise what these issues are.
Listed below are the requirements that you must complete:
R 1. review the Results of readiness survey^ and identify three issues
R 2. word count is approximately 150 words.
1.5 Develop a draft Organisational Development Plan
By now you are developing a good understanding of the current situation facing Stay Connected and you should be able to develop a draft organisational development plan using the templated provided in appendix C. You will write an objective(s) for your plan then you must list strategies to achieve these objectives. With each strategy you must include a change management technique, and these will be listed as an action. We have provided an example of a change management action for a strategy (refer to the template).
Listed below are the requirements that you must complete:
R 1. use the data and information from Task 1.2 and Task 1.4, develop a draft plan with a minimum of:
• one objective
• two strategies
• each strategy to have a change management technique with four actions, roles and timeframes R 2. word count is not critical.
1.6 Develop Communication Plan
Communication is a vital part of implementing any plan. In this task you are to populate the Communication Plan Template located in the appendix C which details who you are going to keep in contact with during the life of the Organisational Development Plan. You will also need to decide what you wont to tell them, how often and when etc.
Listed below are the requirements that you must complete:
R 1. populate the template provided titled, Communication Plain Template
R 2. word count is not critical.
1.7 Determine and agree on objectives, Organisation Development & Communication Plan
You are now at a stage where you need to discuss all what you have been developing throughout the previous tasks with your CEO.. The medium (telephone, Skype, Zoom, Facetime etc) you will use will be negotiated with your Assessor who will role play the CEO. Your Assessor will listen to your presentation and complete the Observation Check Sheet 1 located in Appendix B of this document.
Listed below are the requirements that you must complete:
R 1. conduct a conference call a with the CEO
• overview data and information on the organisation
• p res ent O rg a nisat i o nal Deveio pm ent Plan
* present Communication Plan
• seek confirmation of each plan
R 2. the session must meet all the requirements listed in Observation Check Sheet 1
R 3. the session has a duration of 20 minutes.
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Submit Task 1
You submit the required documents and evidence as set down in the project task checklist here.
The project must be submitted into ELearn following College submission procedures including location and naming conventions.
The Assessor will read and confirm that your Task 1 information is sufficient to go ahead and move to Task 2.
This is feedback and the final marking of Task 1.
Checklist for submission
Written responses for 1.1,1.2
The survey questions you developed and draft email for survey circulation at 1.3
Written response to 1.4
The draft organisational development plan for 1.5 using template
The draft communication plan for 1.6
Completed conference call with Assessor who is the CEO for 1.7
The Assessor will include the observation checklist completed for 1.7
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Task 2: Implement organisation development activities
In this task, you will commence the implementation of your Organisational Development and Communication Plans by consulting with staff of Stay Connected on the processes to be used in communication. This involves developing tools to be used for consultation and informing them of the process.
You will then plan a training session on effective problem-solving techniques. This is an important process and the team needs to have these underpinning skills to assist in resolving challenges with the implantation of the Organisational Development Plan.
You will then hold a training session on the problem-solving approach with key stakeholder(s) where you will explain and demonstrate creative problem solving to identify and resolve issues that act as barriers to the successful implementation of the Organisational Development Plan.
Finally, in Task 2 you will manage conflict occurring between two team members over a situation that has arisen during the implementation of the plan. During this intervention, you assist the resolution through brainstorming of the issue.
There are a two role plays in Task 2.
2.1 Identify and implement consultative processes
Your Organisational Development Plan is now finalised. You are ready to implement this plan. What you need tn do first is to use some additional consultative processes besides the Communication Plan you developed in Task 1.6. These processes are in templates that a^rejocated in Appendix C.
Listed below are the requirements that you must complete:
R1. populate your Issues Register Template with an example of a relevant issue facing Stay Connected
R 2, populate your Meeting template with one relevant item for a forthcoming meeting
R 3. develop the content of a draft email explaining:
• issues Register
• Meeting Agenda and Minutes
• purpose of these processes
• how they are to be used
R4. word count for the draft email is approximately 250 words.
2.2 Plan team development and training activity on problem-solving
As part of the implementation of your Organisational Development Plan, you are required to do some training, in preparation for this training you will need to plan out what your want to train. In this instance you are going to prepare a training session on how to problem solve. You have identified a useful issue that the staff could use as a case study. The details of this are explained in the Appendix C titled Problem Solving Activity. To prepare for your training session, you need to practice yourself and this means you have to attempt to populate the matrix to solve the problem. If you cant do it how would you expect to train someone on it! When you have done that its now time to complete the training plan using the template located in Appendix C titled Training Plan Template.
Listed below are the requirements that you must complete:
R1. review the problem-solving matrix table in Appendix C, titled problem solving activity* and populate the matrix a s a d raft a p proa ch to solving th e pro b I em
R 2. develop the content of a training session to go for a maximum of 20 minutes on how to use this problem-solving method using the template provided, titled Training Plan Template*:
• include an introduction as to why this training session is needed and its format
• topics to be covered
• a conclusion on what was intended to be achieved
R 3. word count is not critical.
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2.3 Deliver a training session on problem-solving method
You will now deliver your training session to one of the stakeholders of Stay Connected. If you are using audio visual platform you wilt be able to share the templates with your Assessor who will role play a member of the Stay Connected. If however you are communicating only by telephone, then you will have to ask the stakeholder to read out the contents that they have developed in the Matrix.
Listed below are the requirements that you must complete:
R1, deliver your planned training session on problem solving methods developed in Task 2.2
• ove rview cu rrent m eth od s u sed a n d the i r me rits a nd I iimitations
• introduced the problem-solving method
• demo n st rates how it works
• facilitates its use using the information from the Problem Solving Activity
R 2. the session must be recorded and meet all the requirements listed in Observation Check Sheet 2 R 3. the session has a duration of 15 - 20 minutes.
R 4. The session will be observed by the Assessor who completes the Observation Check Sheet 2
2.4 Manage conflict between individuals
A few weeks have gone by and there is now some conflict emerging between the Team Leader and a Community Officer. You can read the case study titled Carers leave in Appendix C. You have decided to hold initially a meeting with the Team Leader to resolve the conflict. Your Assessor will be observe you in this interaction. They will play the role of the Team Leader. They will also record your actions using the Observation Check Sheet 3.
Listed below are the requirements that you must complete:
R 1, using the case study titled; ‘Carers Leave, facilitate conflict management with the Team Leader:
* research current legislation on leave conditions contained within the Fair Work Act 2009 and make summary dot point notes on the legislation for your meeting with the Team Leader
• facilitate communication with yourself and the Team Leader to articulate problem
* facilitate communication with yourself and the Team Leader to identify how he could solve the issues
* use brainstorming techniques with yourself and the Team Leader to develop solutions
• receive follow up feedback from the Team Leader and the Community Officer to identify solutions and any conflict arising
• use brainstorming techniques yourself to facilitate a resolution of the matter to both parties.
R 2. the oral communication session must be partly recorded to meet all the requirements listed in Observation Check Sheet 3
R 3. the brainstorming and conflict resolution communication sessions must be partly recorded or captured in other forms of communication correspondence to meet all the requirements listed in Observation Check Sheet 3
R 4. the sessions have a duration of 20 minutes as guidance.
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Submit Task 2
You submit the required documents and evidence as set down in the project task checklist here.
The project must be submitted into ELearn following College submission procedures including location and naming conventions,
The Assessor will read and confirm that your Task 2 information is sufficient to go ahead and move to Task 3.
This is feedback and the final marking of Task 2.
Checklist for submission
? The draft email explaining the consultative processes for 2.1
? The entry you made into the Issues Register for 2.1
? The entry you made for an agenda and minutes for meetings for 2.1
? The populated problem-solving matrix for 2.2
? The content of a training session on problem solving to go for a maximum of 20 minutes using the template for 2.2
? Conduct of the training session on problem solving using technology to record your skiils for 2.3
? The Assessor will include the observation checklist 2 completed for 2.3 - the training session
? Evidence to verify the conduct of the problem - solving using technology to record your communications ( oral and wrrtten/other) for 2.4
? The Assessor will include the observation checklist 3 completed for 2.4 - the problem-solving scenario
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Task 3: Maintain organisation development program
You have implemented the Organisational Development and Communication Plans, and six months have now passed where the organisation has grown in terms of taking on additional staff to meet the needs of their clients. The CEO took the advice of existing staff that showed a preference to structuring the organisation into semi-autonomous teams. After results were reviewed from a July survey, the Consultant modified the structure and makes adjustments to the Organisational Development Plan along with a consultative process to ensure all are aware and committed to the change.
3.1 Use surveys to identify level of support
All plans need to be monitored and one way this can be done is to seek feedback from staff on the achievements and issues that have occurred, and the attitudes formed. With this information you can then address any emerging problems to ensure that the organisation is able to respond. Note you will not send out the survey, just draft an email to the staff.
Listed below are the requirements that you must complete:
R1. use the survey questions developed in Task 1.3 and draft the contents of an email that describes why you want the staff to complete another survey
R 2. word count for the email is approximately 150 words.
3.2 Adjust Organisational Development Plan
A few days have gone by since you sent out the survey and results are already in from staff. You now have to analyse the results from the survey and then develop further strategies and actions to address these results. You will enter these new strategies and actions into your current Organisational Development Plan that you developed in Task 1.5. Make sure you put these new entries in red font so that your Assessor can see the additions.
Listed below are the requirements that you must complete:
R1. review the results contained in the spreadsheet provided, titled -Results of July Survey located in Appendix C and list a minimum of five trends
R 2. explain a minimum of two strategies to address these trends and provide a rationale for these
R 3. enter revised strategies into your Organisational Development Plan
R 4. for each revised strategy, develop three actions with roles and timelines ( new entries in red font) R 5. word count is not critical.
3.3 Maintain regular team meetings
You now decide to keep the staff informed of these new developments and the proposed strategies that you would like to implement. You will do this through an email. However, you wont need to send the email fust develop the contents.
Listed below are the requirements that you must complete:
R1. draft the contents of an email to all staff of Stay Connected that contains:
* a summary of the results of the survey from Task 3.2
• a summary of the revised strategies and actions to be put in place to address these issues
* a request for feed back on these strategies in preparation for a team meeting R2. word count for the email is approximately 250 words.
3.4 Ensure senior management reinforces Organisation Development Program
You also want to keep the CEO Informed of these new developments and the proposed strategies that you would like to implement. You will do this again through an email. However, you wont need to send the email just develop the contents.
Listed below are the requirements that you must complete:
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R1. develop content of a draft email to the CEO of Stay Connected:
• include summary of Results of July survey
• explain the revised strategies and actions to address Issues
• seek the CEOs response to reinforce the importance of further developing the organisation through appropriate resource allocation
R 2. word count is approximately 350 words.
3.5 Evaluate the Organisational Development Plan using a cost benefit analysis
Your CEO responded to your email in Task 3.4 and is a little concerned about the additional costs involved with these proposed actions you developed. Therefore, you decided to develop a cost benefit analysis for these additional strategies you developed. To help you use the appropriate format, we have provided you with the cost benefit analysis that was undertaken with the original Organisational Development Plan and these are located in the Appendix C titled Cast Benefit Analysis. What you to vs to s populate tee blank template that follows, titled, Cost and Benefit Analysis for one of the proposed additions to the Organisational Development Plan from July to December, with your additions. Note you can use the same or similar monetary rates when calculating your cost of the additions.
R 1. undertake a cost-benefit analysis for one of your additional revised strategies:
• include a minimum of two cost areas
• include a minimum of two benefits
• assign a realistic monetary value to each cost and benefit listed using the monetary rates provided by the Assessor
R 2. include explanations to ensure clarity in calculations
R 3, Word count is not critical
Submit Task 3
You submit the required documents and evidence as set down in the project task checklist here.
The project must be submitted into ELearn following College submission procedures in cl tiding location and naming conventions.
The Assessor will read and confirm that your Task 3 information is sufficient.
This is feedback and the final marking of Task 3.
Checklist for submission
? The draft email to staff explaining the request to complete another survey as follow up on implementation for 3.1
? Written responses for 3.2 based on the survey responses
? The adjusted Organisational Development (OD) Plan for 3.2
? The email to al! staff seeking feedback on the changes to OD Plan for the next team meeting for 3.3
? The Email to the CEO for 3.4
? The evaluation of the OD plan and a revised strategy using cost benefit analysis technique (using the template) for 3.5
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